Telangiectasia involving the nose is usually painless but can be considered unsightly. The disorder, which is the dilation of small blood vessels, is caused by skin aging, sun exposure, rosacea, alcoholism, prolonged use of steroids, hormone replacement therapy, pregnancy and autoimmune diseases. If you want to fight it, you can try DIY treatments like making changes to your diet and physical activity. You can also give it a try with creams and supplements available in pharmacies or on the internet. If home methods don't work, see a dermatologist for medical treatments that are right for you.
Method 1 of 4: Treat Telangiectasia Naturally

Step 1. Maintain adequate levels of hydration
It is not known how it affects the body, but many people claim that water has a positive impact on the skin. Since drinking a lot is good for your health, it won't hurt to increase your fluid intake for more beautiful skin. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day to maintain optimal hydration levels.

Step 2. Drink less alcohol
In some cases, telangiectasia is caused by alcohol abuse. If you consume it regularly, try to limit or eliminate it and watch for any improvements. Stopping drinking can help you fight telangiectasia.

Step 3. Eat more ginger
There is little evidence regarding the effectiveness of the diet, but there are anecdotal evidence showing the positive impact of ginger. Foods that are rich in it, especially those in which it is used as a condiment, have alleviated symptoms in some cases. Try adding it to tea and using it raw to spice up the dishes you prepare.

Step 4. Drink some cold green tea
Some patients with skin disorders similar to telangiectasia, such as rosacea, have found benefits. Although there is little evidence, according to some evidence, green tea regenerates the skin. Try drinking 1 or 2 cups a day and see if it gives you good results.
- This method is ineffective if you have a green tea allergy.
- Hot drinks can inflame blood vessels, so avoid them.

Step 5. Apply an oatmeal mask
It is a treatment that has proved effective for some patients suffering from redness due to diseases such as eczema and rosacea. It can also be useful in cases of telangiectasia, but this method has not been subjected to scientific tests. Mix rolled oats and water until it forms a paste, then apply it to your nose. Once dry, wipe it off with a sponge. Repeat the treatment 4 times a week and see if it gives you good results.
Method 2 of 4: Try Creams and Supplements

Step 1. Try a cream
There are specific products for telangiectasia available in pharmacies, herbalists, beauty salons or on the internet. These creams don't work for everyone, but they are a good place to start for those who want to avoid undergoing medical treatment. Choose a cream and apply it on the nose following the instructions on the package. It can be effective in relieving symptoms.
Remember that creams can cause allergic reactions. Read the instructions of any product you buy and apply it following them to the letter. Discontinue use in case of adverse reaction

Step 2. Use vitamin-based creams
Vitamins A, E, C and K can benefit the skin and fight the dilation of blood vessels. You should be able to find vitamin-containing creams at any pharmacy or on the internet. Follow the instructions on the product packaging and see if it gives you good results.

Step 3. Try cypress oil
Some individuals find essential oils to be effective in fighting telangiectasia, but more research needs to be done. Cypress oil is particularly useful as it stimulates circulation. Mix 10-12 drops with a carrier oil such as olive oil. Massage it into your nose twice a day for a few weeks and see if it gives you good results.
- Some people have adverse reactions to essential oils. Stop using immediately if you experience a rash, irritation or other negative symptoms.
- Never use pure essential oils: always dilute them before proceeding with use.
Method 3 of 4: See a Dermatologist

Step 1. Go to a dermatologist to determine the cause of telangiectasia
The dilation of blood vessels can be due to various diseases, from simple genetics to skin diseases such as rosacea. The treatment to be done varies depending on the cause, so it is essential to contact a dermatologist to determine it and be prescribed a targeted therapy.
- For example, if you are diagnosed with a condition such as rosacea, your dermatologist may recommend creams and cleansers to treat it.
- Topical prescription treatments, such as those based on brimonidine or oxymetazoline hydrochloride, may be effective.

Step 2. Consider laser, one of the most used treatments to combat dilation of blood vessels on the nose
It works by treating dilated vessels in a localized manner and is performed in a doctor's office. It is effective for some patients and ineffective for others. For some people, it can also cause additional problems, such as the appearance of scars. Talk to a dermatologist to see if it's right for you.

Step 3. Try sclerotherapy, which involves injecting chemicals into blood vessels to generate a clot
Once the mass has been reabsorbed by the body, the vein will disappear. It is a procedure generally reserved for patients who have many dilated blood vessels.

Step 4. Learn about Veinwave, a telangiectasia treatment that acts locally on dilated blood vessels using microwaves rather than lasers
Compared to the latter, the risk of side effects is slightly reduced, but it is still a new therapy, so no long-term results are known. If you're interested, see a dermatologist to see if it's for you.
Since it is a new and relatively untested treatment, it is best to consider it a last resort to resort to in case the other methods do not give the desired results
Method 4 of 4: Preventing Telangiectasia

Step 1. Use gentle cleansers on your face
Aggressive products and exfoliants damage the skin rather than help heal it. Choose a mild cleanser and use it every day. Avoid scrubs containing large grains, such as chopped apricot shells. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer daily. Don't tease or squeeze pimples or blackheads - this can cause blood vessels to dilate.

Step 2. Protect your skin from the elements
Apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day to protect it from sun damage. Avoid exposing yourself during the hours when it hits the hardest. If necessary, wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats. When the weather is hot or the wind is freezing, put on a hat and a scarf / scarf.

Step 3. Take care of the liver
Malfunction can cause blood vessels to dilate. Cut down on alcohol consumption and try taking special supplements, such as milk thistle, sacred basil, dandelion, and bupleur. But first consult a doctor.

Step 4. Avoid foods that tend to cause inflammation, especially if you have an autoimmune disorder
Here are some of the products to avoid: industrial foods (such as cold cuts and hot dogs), fast food, sugar, wheat and gluten.

Step 5. Contact your doctor to discuss various treatment options
If you are on steroids or are on hormone replacement therapy, dilation of blood vessels can be an unpleasant side effect. Talk to your doctor to find out if there are alternative medicines that can replace the ones you are currently taking. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications, such as steroids, before discussing them with a specialist.