Blackheads are not accumulations of dirt that has settled on the face. In reality, these are clogged pores containing greasy matter and other debris that have blackened. They form when sebum, an oily substance naturally produced by the body, builds up in the pores and clogs them. Dermatologists define blackheads with the expression "open comedones", because they are actually exposed to the air; this causes the dirt inside to oxidize, causing the characteristic dark color. They can be caused by various ailments and circumstances, especially oily skin. Fortunately, it is possible to treat them in a simple way.
Part 1 of 3: Skin Care

Step 1. Wash your face daily, twice a day
It is the easiest and one of the most important ways to treat blackheads. Regular cleansing helps remove impurities, keeping skin and pores clean.
- Wash your face with water and a mild cleanser twice a day. You should also wash it whenever you sweat a lot, for example after playing sports.
- Use your fingers and gently massage the cleanser into the skin using small circular motions. Never rub or scratch it. Do not use cleansers or exfoliating products. They can actually make the situation worse.
- Do not forget to moisturize the skin with a suitable cream.

Step 2. Buy a cleanser or cream containing benzoyl peroxide
This active ingredient is the most common for treating acne, including blackheads. You can find it in a wide range of skin care products, including cleansers, creams, gels and lotions.
- The function of benzoyl peroxide is to eliminate the bacterium that causes skin inflammation and pimples, namely P. acnes. It can also reduce natural sebum production, so this can prevent pores from becoming clogged.
- Children under the age of 12 and women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to become pregnant should speak to a doctor before using products containing benzoyl peroxide.

Step 3. Buy a cleanser or cream containing salicylic acid
This active ingredient helps to dissolve the sebum that clogs pores and can prevent dead skin cells from clogging them. As a result, it allows for smoother and cleaner skin. When used consistently, it can also prevent blackheads from forming in the future.
- Use a facial cleanser with salicylic acid to wash it and / or apply a cream based on this active ingredient.
- When using salicylic acid, you shouldn't use any other skin care products (except mild cleansers) without first consulting your dermatologist. Do not mix it with other treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide, unless specifically prescribed.
- Warning: keep this medicine away from eyes and mucous membranes. If it comes into contact with these areas, immediately wash them with water for 15 minutes.
- If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to become pregnant, have diabetes, kidney or liver disease, consult your dermatologist before using salicylic acid.

Step 4. Learn about products containing retinoids
Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A and are usually prescribed by dermatologists to treat acne. Creams that contain this active ingredient help eliminate existing blackheads, promote skin regeneration and remove dead cells. Regular use of retinoid-based creams allows the superficial layer of the dermis to uniform and thicken, while the dead layer rich in keratin material is eliminated more efficiently. True peeling is sometimes noted, but after regular use 3-7 times a week for 30-45 days, the side effects subside and the skin appears cleaner.
- Warning: retinoids cause photosensitivity and should only be applied in the evening. Never go out or expose yourself to sunlight after application. When you have to go out during the day, use sunscreen.
- In the first 2-4 weeks, you may actually notice an increase in blackheads and other blemishes. This is normal with retinoid treatment, but the skin will improve significantly after this initial period.

Step 5. Cleanse your face with a clay mask a couple of times a week
Bentonite is a mineral-rich therapeutic clay that removes sebum and other impurities trapped in pores. When you do this type of mask, the skin absorbs all the minerals, while the clay allows the blackheads to escape. Add some jojoba oil to moisturize the skin.
- Use a spoonful of bentonite.
- Add some water to form a thick mixture.
- Massage the mixture all over your face with clean fingers, create a thin layer.
- Leave it on for 10-25 minutes.
- Eliminate it with warm water.

Step 6. Use the cleansing patches 1 or 2 times a week
They help to improve the situation immediately because their function is to clear the pores. However, they can dry out the skin, so they should only be used a couple of times a week.
- Wash your face with soap and warm water.
- Wet your nose thoroughly and apply the patch.
- Let it dry for about 10-15 minutes - it should feel stiff to the touch.
- Tear off the patch carefully to get rid of blackheads.
- Avoid using these patches on pimples, swollen, burned, excessively dry or varicose veins prone areas.

Step 7. Make an appointment with the dermatologist
This specialist can prescribe treatments such as chemical peels and blackhead extraction in a sterile and safe environment. These professional methods should only be performed if recommended by your doctor. Chemical peels are effective enough to treat blackheads.
- The dermatologist might also perform a comedone extraction using a small surgical instrument to remove the blackheads. This procedure should only be performed by a professional. Trying to extract blackheads at home using gentle devices could cause infection and permanent scarring. If blackheads keep reappearing despite treatments, the extraction method may be for you.
- Many of these solutions are often offered by qualified beauticians as well, but you should always consult your dermatologist before getting a chemical peel, extraction or other skin treatment.
Part 2 of 3: Home Remedies

Step 1. You need to know that home remedies don't always work
These are very popular natural methods, but unfortunately there is little evidence of their effectiveness. Indeed, some observe substantial results, others do not.

Step 2. Apply tea tree oil
It is one of the few natural remedies that has proven clinically effective in most cases. Use a product containing a concentration of tea tree oil of at least 5%, or apply the pure one directly on the imperfections.
- Compared to benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil can take longer to work. However, it doesn't usually cause the same side effects as more harsh chemicals.
- Do not ingest tea tree oil. When consumed, it is toxic.

Step 3. Make blackhead patches using honey
Purifying strips made from honey, lemon juice and egg white help heal the skin and reduce blackheads. Honey has natural antimicrobial properties that fight acne-causing bacteria. The egg white thickens the mixture, while the lemon juice allows you to lighten the skin. Combine one tablespoon of raw honey, one egg white, and one teaspoon of lemon juice in a small bowl.
- Add 1-2 drops of an essential oil. Try calendula, which helps speed up skin healing and is antibacterial. Lavender essential oil is also antibacterial; besides, it can relax and calm you down.
- Heat the mixture in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds. Do not overheat it, otherwise when you apply it to the skin you risk severe burns.
- Spread a thin layer of compound over the blackheads.
- Press a small piece of cotton onto the mixture and let it dry for 20 minutes.
- Tear off the strip carefully and wash your face thoroughly with fresh water.

Step 4. Take a sauna or steam treatment
It will help you unclog pores and also treat blackheads thanks to the action of steam and an antibacterial essential oil.
Bring 1 liter of water to a boil. Add 1-2 drops of natural essential oils. Try some of the following:
- Peppermint or Roman. Both contain menthol, an antiseptic that can strengthen the immune system.
- Thyme. Thyme essential oil is antibacterial and helps open blood vessels.
- Calendula. It is antibacterial and can accelerate skin healing.
- Lavender. This plant also has antibacterial properties, plus it helps you calm down and relax.
- Let the boiling water cool slightly. Cover your head with a light towel and tilt it over the pot for 10 minutes. Keep your face about 30cm away from the water so you don't burn or scald your skin.
- Wash your face with a mild cleanser and moisturize it.

Step 5. Try a vinegar and essential oil solution
Vinegar contains acetic acid, which has been shown to help fight acne. Making a solution of vinegar, orange essential oil, and basil (both of which have antibacterial properties) can help you get rid of blackheads.
- Dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 2 tablespoons of water. Add 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil and 5-10 drops of basil essential oil to the solution. It is important that the concentration of oils does not exceed 3-5%. Start with a lower concentration and, if necessary, increase it, but do not exceed the recommended doses.
- Use a cotton ball or pad to apply the solution to the blackheads.
- After doing this treatment, do not expose yourself to the sun, since orange essential oil sensitizes the skin to UV rays and you risk getting burned.
Part 3 of 3: Prevention

Step 1. Shampoo regularly
Hair contains sebum which can transfer to the face. Always keeping them clean helps you avoid greasing your skin, as this can cause blackheads to appear.
Also try to keep your hair away from your face

Step 2. Avoid wearing heavy makeup
Many makeup products contain oils that can clog pores. Prefer mineral, non-comedogenic and non-oily makeup. This helps prevent blackheads from appearing in the future and will not make the current situation worse.

Step 3. Use an oil-free, sunscreen moisturizer
Oily creams can make the situation worse. Choose one with SPF to prevent your skin from being damaged by the sun.
Do not expose yourself to the sun and do not use tanning beds. These habits affect the risk of getting skin cancer. Also, some acne medications can increase skin photosensitivity, so you risk getting burned

Step 4. Don't overdo the cleansing
Washing your face too often can dry out and irritate the skin, making it worse. Wash twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. You should also do this after sweating.