Buying hair extension clips can be quite expensive, so why not make your own? You'll find that it can be a fun way to keep busy on a rainy day, and that making hair extensions out of the material you have at home or easily available and inexpensive products can be really simple. Let's begin!

Step 1. Get everything you need and keep it handy

Step 2. Depending on the thickness you want to give your extensions, cut 1 to 5 pieces of colored string

Step 3. Tie the ends of each string so that all the pieces are connected

Step 4. Using your fingers, undo the twist of the rope to obtain thin, single strands similar to real hair
(To make this step easier, attach the knot at the end of the string to a solid surface using masking tape, so it won't move excessively as you work.)

Step 5. When the strands appear as hair-like as possible, use a few drops of glue to attach the knot to a hairpin
Be careful not to put the glue back where you need to open the hairpin!

Step 6. Here we go
You have just created your hair extension, wear it, show it off or give it to a friend. If on the first try you don't get the desired result, don't despair, be patient, and start over if necessary.

Step 7. Finished
- To give the illusion of authentic or natural highlights, choose a color shade similar to that of your hair!
- Try making extensions with bright or multiple colored strands.
- Gift your extensions, or teach friends how to make one!