Organizing a spa version sleepover is an original and fun idea for all girls aged 9 and up. Spa-style sleepovers feature lots of fun activities - such as manicures, pedicures, foot baths, and face masks. Remember: to have an unforgettable party you will need a lot of creative ideas!

Step 1. If you live with your parents, ask their permission first
Talk to your parents to make sure you can have a sleepover. Make sure your parents don't have any other plans and that there will be no interruptions during the party. If you don't want to have brothers or sisters around, politely ask them to stay in their room, or invite them to join the party!

Step 2. Invite
Send out invitations in the shape of a slipper, face mask, or other spa-related theme. Include the place and the start time of the party and how you want to receive confirmation of participation. Clearly explain the type of party you will be having. If you prefer to use e-mail to send invitations, make sure you have the correct addresses.

Step 3. Make small changes in your home to create a "relaxed spa atmosphere"
To do this, replace the bright bulbs with soft ones, prepare lots of candles and use aromatherapy fragrances such as lavender, which is very relaxing.

Step 4. Make a list of the things your friends need to bring
For example: lip gloss, brush, dressing gown, lotions, candles, towels, DVDs, etc.

Step 5. Make sure you order the house to make your guests feel comfortable
This step is very important: clutter is not relaxing at all. Also prepare original towels or dressing gowns for guests to use.

Step 6. Go to the shops
You can also go to the supermarket. Buy nail polishes, face masks, foot lotions, tea bags, etc. Be creative - imagine a perfect spa. The things you can do are endless. Remember to have provisions for all guests.

Step 7. Prepare
Arrange the beds; prepares drinks and food for the guests.

Step 8. Light a scented candle or use an air freshener
It is advisable to choose relaxing fragrances, such as lavender and sandalwood. To make the atmosphere even more relaxing, also play background music, such as the sound of rain or waves on the beach.

Step 9. Offer services
Start with a massage, manicure or pedicure and use a toothpick to draw designs on your nails.

Step 10. Face Wash
Have the guests prepare for the facial by washing them with a mild facial cleanser and rinsing with warm water.

Step 11. Use store-bought face masks or make a yogurt mask
- Make sure your guests are comfortable and that the room where you will sleep is spacious enough.
- Make sure no one feels sad, uncomfortable, or cut off from activities.
- It is advisable to organize the sleepover on a Saturday after a stressful week.
- If you invite friends who don't know each other, set up a game to introduce them. For example, have each girl take a handful of peanuts and for every peanut she has in her hand, have her say a fact about her.
- Looking silly is part of the fun, so don't be upset if they laugh at you. It means that your friends are having fun.
- Opt for light and not heavy foods. After all, spas are healthy places.
- If you only invite one person and you have a bunk bed or two beds, make her sleep on the bed, it will be more comfortable.
- Give your spa a name, for example: Relax and Wellness.
- Make sure you choose suitable films and not heart-wrenching stories. Comedy films are ideal.
- Don't do things your friends can't do, like watching a movie their parents wouldn't let them see.
- If you watch a horror or sad movie, watch a funny movie afterwards to cheer you up.
- Do not drink alcohol if you are a minor.
- Your parents may place limits on the number of people you can invite.