Smell is the most powerful sense linked to our memory, and pheromones (our personal smell) are what attract us to each other. Having a seductive odor on a date means finding the balance that allows you to cover unpleasant body odors by making sure your natural pheromones can pass, so that you create that instant desire.
Then, use the smell to make the person you want want you again. Follow these steps and you will no longer worry about how much your armpits might smell when you are in the arms of those who accompany you after three and a half hours on the dance floor.

Step 1. Wash before your appointment
Take a luxurious shower or bath. Use soap or body wash to give yourself a fresh, clean fragrance.
- Some suggest using a soap or body wash that has the same aroma as your perfume or aftershave. This is not always possible, so choose bathroom products with simple fragrances.
- The smell of clean is what you need to get after washing!
Step 2. After your bath, use a neutral deodorant product
You don't want its smell to compete with that of your skin, unless you want to add some perfume to it (see below). It is recommended to use a deodorant with antiperspirant for greater effectiveness in fighting bad odor bacteria.
If you are someone who sweats a lot, ask your doctor about specific products that can help you reduce odor or even sweating. Getting nervous about it will only make things worse
Step 3. Choose delicious fragrances
There are tons of fragrances to choose from when it comes to perfumes, colognes and aftershaves. Not all of them react well with your body chemistry, and some don't even deserve to be called fragrances. Be careful when choosing the perfume that will characterize you:
- Ask an expert. Visit a shop that sells perfumes and ask for advice on which one to choose for you. Explain what you are looking for, for example fresh, soft, strong without being excessive, spicy, summery, etc.
- Don't wear perfume when you go to buy another one. You need a clean slate, so to speak. Also, go buy it in the morning, when your sense of smell is less subjected to all the smells of the day!
- Limit yourself to trying three scents at a time. Take some time each day during the week to go back to the shop, try and refine your choice.
- Ask if it is possible to have a tester before buying. This way you can try it for a few days and check if the perfume really represents you.
- Use spicy and warm fragrances in winter, citrus and slightly floral in summer and spring. Remember, use oil-based fragrances in winter and water-based fragrances in summer.
- Dare, and let your partner choose –– put what she or he indicates as exciting!
Step 4. Add the perfume after washing
There are right and wrong ways to wear perfume:
- Choose a light application instead of bathing. The best way is to spray the perfume in front of you and walk right in the middle of it.
- Consider applying the perfume directly to wet skin. This helps the pores to capture the scent and release it as the body's temperature rises.
- Don't put perfume on the sides of your neck. During the day, sunlight can burn those areas and change the pigmentation of the skin where the scent has been added; in addition, since the neck is an erogenous zone, it is not very pleasant to taste the perfume when you kiss it. In the evening, a small drop on the nape of the neck (an erogenous zone) is all you need.
- Add drops of perfume on specific areas: behind the ears, behind the knees and on the wrists. Each of these three zones is warmer than the rest of the body, thus helping a greater release of the scent. For women, add a drop to the breast.
- Be very careful about spraying or vaporizing on clothes; they can be damaged and you can also quickly create a stagnant or unpleasant odor if the fabric reacts badly with the scent or if it stays there for too long. Perfuming your underwear is not recommended; the chemical components contained in perfumes should not be located near the genitals.
- Do not rub your wrists after scenting them, as this will break up the delicate scent and may ruin it when it reacts with your skin's natural aroma.
- Never overdo it with perfume, cologne or aftershave. It soon becomes unbearable and can cause discomfort to others. Spilling too much on clothes can also cause an unsightly effect, so keep your clothes cool.
Step 5. Have a natural smell
Another option you may want to consider is not wearing any perfume. For many people, perfumes and colognes are unpleasant, especially when used excessively. For others, artificial fragrances can even cause an allergic reaction. The most sensual perfume is that of a clean body; your body naturally produces attractive hormones that you should never cover with perfume. If you washed not long before you went dancing and used an odorless deodorant, you will smell great all night. Natural is sexy too.
If you are unsure about a perfume or do not know if the other person will like it or not, you can put some perfume in a "scented medallion" around your neck, so that it releases the scent as your body warms it: not only so it will last longer, but you can also take it off if the other person doesn't like it! Solid perfumes work best with this method
Step 6. Wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe
Clothes that are very tight or made from non-breathable fabrics will quickly turn you into an odor magnet. Wear natural fibers and clothes that ensure you stay dry by allowing moisture to transpire and dry quickly.

Step 7. Make sure your breath is as fresh as you are
Brush your teeth, floss, and rinse with mouthwash. Chew some mints or drink some peppermint tea before going out. If you have a fresh mouth, it will smell great, and will add an extra touch of cleanliness and attractiveness.
- Until you get to know each other better, you better pay attention to how much you eat in the hours leading up to the appointment and during the same. If your appointment is in 24 hours, avoid foods that cause bad breath and / or body odors such as garlic, onions, milk and chocolate. To keep your breath fresh for the goodnight kiss, avoid ordering foods that contain those foods during the evening. The exception is granted if it is the partner who orders them first.
- Drink plenty of water during the evening to keep your mouth clean.
- Not smoking. Stop before your partner thinks about going out with an ashtray. If you smoke, avoid doing it during your appointment. And then stop.
- If you plan on your evening to evolve into something more intimate and intense, be sure to put on some deodorant and freshen up first if you can.
- Don't overdo the perfume.
- Bring some chewing gum and lip balm. It will show how you care about your oral hygiene and the softness of your lips.
- You may get compliments on your good smell… Get ready to blush and have an answer that goes beyond a simple "Thank you" if you want things to evolve. And be flattered if they ask you how you smell so good.
- If you prefer a lighter fragrance, try using body lotion instead of perfume. Distribute it all over the body and its scent will drive your partner crazy!
- Gift sets are very affordable, and they help you have the products you need to spread the fragrance on your body.
- Don't focus attention on yourself saying how great this perfume is.
- Don't pour perfume on yourself; just give a half sprinkle to the specific spots mentioned earlier, you don't need anything else. If you splash too much, use alcohol to remove excess perfume.
- Avoid cheap imitations. What you pay is what you get in the world of fragrances, be it perfume, cologne or aftershave.
- You will feel like you smell good when you can be really smelly. Many people are attracted to different smells, and sometimes your body chemistry can cause a perfume that is great on a person to be bad on you. Don't insist on perfume just because it was recommended to you or because your best friend uses it; switch to the one that suits you best.
- There is nothing worse than body odor that someone tries to hide with perfume. You have to put the perfume on your clean body –– wash first!
- If you wear too much perfume, you will be dizzy. Be careful not to accumulate too many fragrances. If you use light and pleasant fragrances, your partner will have to get closer to smell you better!
- Sometimes, even if you smell great, it may not work on your partner because it may remind them of something or someone unpleasant from the past. If you are honest with each other, it is something you can talk about, so that you can change the fragrance.