If you are looking for a good alternative to lipstick, there are many methods to make your lips red without using the cosmetic. Various fruits and foods that contain dyes are able to "stain" them for a few hours; you can therefore get the look you want without shopping in perfumery. Try using fruit, red popsicles, or Kool-Aid for gorgeous red lips.
Method 1 of 3: with the Kool-Aid

Step 1. Purchase a pack of red Kool-Aid
Look for the bright shade you want; cherry or strawberry flavored powders leave a beautiful color.
Step 2. Pour the powder into the bowl
You can use any cup or tureen.
Step 3. Add enough water to make a dough
Add only a few drops at a time and mix until you get a thick, spreadable mixture.
Step 4. Apply the paste to your lips using a cotton swab
Dip it into the mixture and distribute the color precisely on the lips without going beyond the edges.

Step 5. Wait for the mixture to dry for about three minutes
After this time, rinse your lips and check your new lip stain!
Step 6. Apply more layers to get a more intense color
Repeat this process as many times as you feel necessary until you get the right bright shade.
Step 7. Seal the color with a clear lip gloss
In this way, the color remains perfect for several hours, making the lips shiny and bright.

Step 8. Finished
Method 2 of 3: with Fruit

Step 1. Choose a red colored fruit
Using fruit as a natural lip dye allows you to get a deep red or pink tint. The more saturated the color of the food, the darker the "lipstick" will be. Here are some tips for creating the perfect lip stain:
- Cherries;
- Redberry;
- Raspberries;
- Pomegranate grains;
- Strawberries;
- Beets (they are not fruits, but they are fine anyway).
Step 2. Rub the food on your lips
Pass a small piece on your lips just as if it were a lipstick. Try to respect the edges, avoiding that the juice of the fruit comes into contact with the surrounding skin and continue to rub until the lips are completely covered with them.
- Squeeze the fruit as you rub it to release the red juice.
- If you are using a large piece, it is worth cutting it into small slices for precise application.
- Alternatively, squeeze the juice into a bowl and spread it over your lips with a cotton swab.
Step 3. Add more layers of color
When the former is dry, you can decide if you prefer a more intense and lively shade of red; Repeat the operation several times and the lips are redder. Wait for each layer to dry for one minute before applying the next one.
Step 4. Seal the color with a clear lip gloss
This way, you prevent the pigments from being rubbed off too quickly. A transparent product also makes the lips more luminous and voluminous.

Step 5. Apply the juice again during the day
Natural fruit dyes fade within a few hours. If you want your lips to stay red all day, take the fruit with you and repeat the process as needed.
Method 3 of 3: with Popsicles

Step 1. Purchase some red popsicles
They are made with food dyes that stain the lips red, just like a lipstick. Choose the brightest color you can find, such as cherry, strawberry or red raspberry flavor.
- You can use any food that contains the red dye; if you can't find the popsicles, look for some drinks of the same shade.
- You can also use food coloring, which is used for baked goods; it is a very concentrated substance that dyes the lips for many hours, so be careful.

Step 2. Melt the popsicle in a bowl
You have to apply the liquid on your lips just like you would with fruit juice. If you prefer, you can eat the frozen treat and let the dye transfer to your lips, but the result could be rather inaccurate.
Step 3. Use a cotton swab to smear it on your lips
Rub to completely cover them respecting the edges and wait for the color to dry.
Step 4. Add more layers to get a more intense shade
Each time you repeat the operation, the color becomes more vibrant, so you can spread as many layers as you want. Remember to wait a while for one application to dry before moving on to the next.
Step 5. Seal the color with a clear lip gloss
This prevents the color from being rubbed off and gives the lips a nice shiny look.