3 Ways to Take a Mint Footbath

3 Ways to Take a Mint Footbath
3 Ways to Take a Mint Footbath

Table of contents:


Soaking your feet in a mint footbath can give you pleasant and refreshing sensations. If you don't want to go to an expensive spa, you can easily make it at home. A few simple ingredients are enough, such as milk powder, sugar or Epsom salts.


Footbath with Epsom salts

  • 90 g of Epsom salts
  • 30 g of baking soda
  • 2 peppermint tea bags
  • 6-8 drops of mint essential oil

Footbath with Powdered Milk

  • 60 g of powdered milk
  • 60 g of Epsom salts
  • 2 tablespoons of peppermint tea
  • 10 drops of mint essential oil

Footbath with Sugar

  • 225 g of sugar
  • Olive or coconut oil
  • Mint essential oil


Method 1 of 3: Mint Footbath with Epsom Salts

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 1
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 1

Step 1. Cut the tea bags to extract the contents

First, open the bags with a pair of scissors, then pour the tea into a large or medium-sized bowl, suitable for holding all the other ingredients as well.

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 2
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 2

Step 2. Combine Epsom salts, baking soda, and peppermint essential oil

Mix the three elements with a spoon until they are perfectly blended. It may take up to a couple of minutes to get a uniform result.

You can use a large wooden spoon or, alternatively, silver

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 3
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 3

Step 3. Store the mixture in a jar until use

It must be a glass container with an airtight lid. Once filled, you can store it in the bathroom to add ingredients to the foot bath whenever you want.

Check that the lid ensures an airtight seal so as not to risk the humidity ruining the ingredients

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 4
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 4

Step 4. Prepare the foot bath

When you feel like pampering your feet, pour half or 1/3 of the jar's contents into a tub filled with hot water. Enjoy the relaxing treatment for 15-20 minutes. When finished, the skin will be soft and exfoliated. In addition, any pain in the feet will also be alleviated.

Method 2 of 3: Mint Footbath with Powdered Milk

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 5
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 5

Step 1. Combine the ingredients in a bowl

Choose one that is large or medium in size, which is large enough to hold all the other ingredients listed. Stir using a large wooden or silver spoon. Continue until you are sure they are perfectly blended.

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 6
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 6

Step 2. Prepare the foot bath

Pour half of the mixture into a tub full of hot water. Make sure it is large enough to accommodate both feet. Relax for a few minutes with your feet immersed in the scented water.

  • You decide the duration of the foot bath, there are no contraindications.
  • At the end, the skin will be hydrated and regenerated.
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 7
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 7

Step 3. Store the remaining mixture in an airtight jar

It is essential to protect it from humidity to keep it effective. You can use any clean glass or plastic container.

Check that you have closed it properly. If it is left exposed to the air, the mixture will lose its virtues

Method 3 of 3: Mint Footbath with Sugar

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 8
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 8

Step 1. Pour the sugar into a bowl

Again, make sure it is large enough to contain the rest of the ingredients listed. Weigh the sugar and transfer it to the bowl.

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 9
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 9

Step 2. Add olive or coconut oil and start mixing

Continue until you get an even, grainy blend. The dose of oil is not indicated because it can vary according to the type. The intent is to obtain a consistency similar to that of natural sea salt.

  • Start by adding a few drops of oil, then mix to see the result. If necessary, pour more, always a little at a time.
  • Stop as soon as the mixture takes on a grainy consistency. It should be slightly rough to the touch. If you notice it starting to run out, you have added too much oil.
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 10
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 10

Step 3. Prepare the foot bath

In this case the mixture is more like a scrub than a powder to be dissolved in water. You can massage it into your feet, focusing especially on the areas where the skin is harder, such as the heels. It is an excellent treatment for removing dead skin cells. At the end, the feet will be smooth, regenerated and pleasantly scented.

Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 11
Make a Peppermint Foot Soak Step 11

Step 4. Store the leftover scrub in a jar

You can use an empty soap bottle or other cosmetic bottle. Make sure to close it tightly to protect the contents from air and moisture until the next use.
