3 Ways to Create a Charcoal Soap for the Face

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3 Ways to Create a Charcoal Soap for the Face
3 Ways to Create a Charcoal Soap for the Face

Vegetable charcoal (or activated charcoal) is an ingredient that is used by cosmetic companies to remove sebum, dirt and toxins from the surface of the skin. Due to its high absorbency, traditionally it was given in case of alcohol poisoning or overdose, but nowadays it has become a popular ingredient in many skin care products. Instead of buying an expensive ready-made cosmetic, you can have fun creating it yourself. Depending on your needs, you can prepare a cleansing soap (solid or liquid) or a scrub.


Liquid Facial Soap with Vegetable Charcoal

  • 240ml organic coconut oil
  • 1-2 tablespoons of charcoal (equivalent to about 5 capsules)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda

Solid Charcoal Facial Soap

  • 225 g of extra virgin olive oil
  • 125 g of coconut oil
  • 100 g of rapeseed oil
  • 25 g of castor oil
  • 25 g of shea butter
  • 100 g of distilled water
  • 90 g distilled witch hazel water (alcohol-free)
  • 68 g of caustic soda
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable charcoal powder
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered green tea extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid
  • 5 drops of vitamin E
  • Optional: You can add 20 drops of rosemary essential oil, this way the soap will smell fabulous.

Charcoal Facial Scrub

  • 150 g of organic cane sugar (alternatively you can use the common white sugar)
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of powdered vegetable charcoal (approximately equivalent to 2 capsules)
  • 3 drops of your favorite essential oil (make sure it's suitable for use on the skin)


Method 1 of 3: Liquid Soap Recipe

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 1
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 1

Step 1. Get the charcoal

You can buy it online, in herbal medicine or in the most well-stocked supermarkets. It is better to choose it in capsules or powder rather than tablets.

  • Online you can buy 100 charcoal tablets at a price of around 10 euros.
  • Make sure it comes from a natural raw material, such as coconut shells.
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 2
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 2

Step 2. Blend the ingredients

Take a medium-sized bowl and place it in the center of the work surface. Open the charcoal capsules directly in the bowl, then add the coconut oil and baking soda. Stir to mix the ingredients.

Keep stirring until you get a uniform mixture. Visually it should look like a black liquid

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 3
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 3

Step 3. Store the soap

Pour it into a plastic container, close it tightly with the respective lid and store it in a place out of the sun. It should last up to three months.

  • You can reuse the empty container of a liquid soap. Unscrew the cap and rinse it carefully, then let it dry completely before filling it with charcoal soap.
  • Alternatively, you can purchase a plastic container online in the size of your choice.

Method 2 of 3: Solid Soap Recipe

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 4
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 4

Step 1. Put on your gloves and face mask

Make sure it covers both your nose and mouth and secure it by passing the rubber bands behind your ears. Check that it doesn't bother you and that it allows you to breathe freely. After setting it up, put on your protective gloves.

  • If the straps of the mask are designed to go behind the head, attach them at the nape of the neck. Make sure it stays firmly in place even as you move.
  • If it has a special nose slot, arrange it so it doesn't bother you and allows you to breathe freely.
  • You can also protect your eyes by wearing a pair of swimming goggles or simple goggles.
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 5
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 5

Step 2. Pour caustic soda into the water

This procedure should be carried out in the open air, outside the walls of the house. First pour 100 g of distilled water into a large glass bowl, then add 68 g of caustic soda. Remember that it is best to avoid reversing the steps, in other words not to pour the water on the caustic soda. Before starting, make sure there are no children or animals nearby.

  • Sodium hydroxide, commercially known as caustic soda, is a commonly used ingredient in cleaning products. It is a dangerous corrosive compound that can cause skin burns.
  • By pouring the soda into the water, you will initiate a chemical reaction that causes a rapid rise in temperature and the release of toxic vapors. Be very careful not to inhale such dangerous fumes.
  • Check that you are wearing safety gear correctly before pouring caustic soda into the water.
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 6
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 6

Step 3. Dissolve the caustic soda in the water

Help it dissolve using a spoon or other utensil. You will notice that the liquid will become cloudy. At this point you must let the mixture sit for 20 minutes in a safe place, out of the reach of children and animals. As it cools it will become slightly more transparent.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 7
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 7

Step 4. Add the witch hazel to the water and caustic soda mixture

Stir for a few minutes to distribute it evenly.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 8
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 8

Step 5. Mix the oils and shea butter

In a second large bowl, mix the extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, rapeseed oil, castor oil and shea butter. The ideal is to use the electric whisk. You need to get a smooth and slightly thick consistency.

Step 6. Pour the mixture of distilled water, caustic soda and witch hazel into the combination of oils and shea butter

Add it slowly and carefully, then mix with a sturdy metal spoon.

Step 7. Work your future bar of soap

Mix the ingredients again with the electric whisk for a few minutes. You will know that they are well blended when the mixture thickens slightly and acquires a consistency similar to that of a still slightly liquid mayonnaise.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 11
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 11

Step 8. Add the final ingredients

When the mixture has reached the expected density, it is time to add a tablespoon of charcoal, a teaspoon of green tea extract, half a teaspoon of citric acid and 5 drops of vitamin E. Plus, if you wish, you can also incorporate 20 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 12
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 12

Step 9. Mix all the ingredients

Resume the electric whisk. When the mixture takes on the consistency of regular mayonnaise, you can stop mixing.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 13
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 13

Step 10. Pour the mixture into the molds

Arrange them on a flat work surface, then fill them using a ladle. When finished, cover each individual mold with cling film, then place them all together under a clean kitchen towel. After 24 hours you can remove the foil, but you will still have to leave the soap in the molds.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 14
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 14

Step 11. Remove the soap from the molds

After seven days, you can take the bars out to air dry on a rack for a month. There are ways to get the soap to dry more quickly (for example in a week), but then it will dissolve more easily and last less.

Method 3 of 3: Scrub Recipe

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 15
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 15

Step 1. Try exfoliating your face with a charcoal scrub

If you have a habit of scrubbing to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, chances are you'll like this recipe. You will be able to use it a few days a week, the same as you usually exfoliate your face, while the rest of the time you will use a normal soap.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 16
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 16

Step 2. Choose an essential oil to add to the scrub

Logically, all the ingredients in the recipe must be suitable for use on the skin, even the essential oil. Among the delicate and beneficial ones for the skin there are:

  • Carrot seed essential oil that promotes cell regeneration and makes the skin smooth and silky;
  • Frankincense essential oil which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Essential oil of geranium which can help reduce acne;
  • Lavender essential oil which has relaxing and regenerative properties on skin cells;
  • Myrrh essential oil excellent for counteracting the signs of aging;
  • Essential oil of neroli particularly suitable for those with sensitive or oily skin;
  • Patchouli essential oil indicated for mature skin;
  • Rose essential oil indicated for those with dry skin;
  • Tea tree essential oil can be helpful to acne sufferers;
  • Essential oil of ylang ylang which can help regulate the production of sebum in case of oily skin.
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 17
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 17

Step 3. Mix the brown sugar with the charcoal

Pour both ingredients into a clean glass jar, then close the lid and shake until well blended.

Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 18
Make Activated Charcoal Face Soap Step 18

Step 4. Add the extra virgin olive oil and the desired essential oil

Pour the first into the jar, then mix with a spoon. Finally, add three drops of the selected essential oil. Now resume mixing and continue until the ingredients are perfectly blended. When finished, close the container. Your scrub is ready to use.
