How to Get Rid of Mice Without Damaging the Environment

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How to Get Rid of Mice Without Damaging the Environment
How to Get Rid of Mice Without Damaging the Environment

Here's how to get rid of mice without harming the environment. Poisons, often used to kill rodents, have various deadly effects. They can harm pets and children, have a strong odor and are not environmentally friendly. In this article you will find better alternatives.


Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 1
Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 1

Step 1. Go to your local hardware store to see if it has any rodent traps

It could have the classic spring trap (or snap trap), sticky traps, cages and variants on the spring trap. It is not certain that these types of traps, just because they are placed on the ground, guarantee satisfactory results.

Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 2
Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 2

Step 2. Choose a bait to trap

Various types can be used, but many people highly recommend peanut butter.

Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 3
Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 3

Step 3. Once you have captured the mouse, dispose of it properly

Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 4
Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 4

Step 4. If you are going to free it, you can free it by using corn oil on a sticky trap

Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 5
Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 5

Step 5. If you are dealing with a live rodent and would like to kill it, do it quickly (for example, with a pellet gun)

It's inhumane to drown him, so avoid this method.

Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 6
Get Rid of Rats Without Harming the Environment Step 6

Step 6. If you know someone who has a snake, ask them if they need food


  • The key is to coat the snap so that it becomes really sticky. If you put peanut butter on the top and bottom of the snap, the mouse is much more likely to activate the trap mechanism.
  • If you use sticky traps, you will have better luck placing three side by side along the wall.
  • Mice tend to walk along edges, for example along baseboards, so traps need to be placed in these spots.
  • Don't be surprised if, after fixing the trap, nothing happens for 2-4 days. Some experts recommend placing the bait and leaving the trap deactivated. The rat will be attracted to the food and will go and investigate. If contact with the trap does not lead to a negative experience, the animal will take courage and eventually catch the bait. Once you see him eating comfortably, activate the trap.


  • Mice are not attracted to cheese exits.
  • Whether you want to release it or not, you need to use caution to avoid getting bitten. It is safer to wear rather double leather gloves and handle the end of the trap opposite the rodent's head.
