Lilies (lilium) are a fabulous extra touch to give to the garden, as well as being easy to care for. Some strains are more fragrant than others, and Stargazer lilies probably top the list. It will take a while to learn how to care for and maintain them, but as soon as you learn how to properly grow Stargazer lilies, you will see them multiply and they will repay you with years of beautiful blooms.
Step 1. Choose the right location in the garden
The ideal one offers sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon. The potting soil should be well drained and dry quickly after rain.
Step 2. Purchase bulbs in late fall or early spring, the best time to plant
The bulbs will have the opportunity to acclimatize in the soil before starting to bloom.
Step 3. Dig a hole for each bulb
Each hole must be 10-15cm deep and you will need to space them at least 15cm from each other. This distance allows a wide development.
Step 4. Remove stones or compacted clods from inside the dug hole
These are obstacles that would make it difficult for lilies to grow. Grab the shovel and loosen the soil at the bottom of each hole so the bulbs won't have a problem rooting.
Step 5. Place some fertilizer on the bottom
You should add enough to cover the base of the hole. Plant the Stargazer bulbs with the tips pointing up. Cover them with soil and compact them by hand to make sure they are well covered.
Step 6. Cover with a layer of mulch
If you plant them in the fall, this ploy will also serve as a second cover for the cold months.
Step 7. Fertilize
Once the butto appears, add fertilizer to give the lilies a boost.
Step 8. Water sparingly, only when the soil dries to the touch
Too much water weakens the seedling and attracts predators such as snails or insects ready to eat your lily.
Step 9. Finished
- If you intend to cut lilies, cut only 1/3 of the stem along with the flower. Leave most of them attached to the plant until autumn, when you can cut it close to the ground. This way the bulb will continue to feed in order to flower the following year.
- For optimal drainage, create a raised bed with potting compost. It should be at least 12-15cm above ground level, and wide enough to plant the bulbs as instructed. It will be especially good if you intend to plant lilies in an area that does not drain quickly after rain.
- For best results when fertilizing, choose a product suitable for potatoes. Use very little, because too much fertilizer would favor the leaves at the expense of the flowers.
- If your lily plants develop brown spots on their leaves, they likely have botrytis, a fungus that arises from moisture. Spray them with a rose fungicide that you can find at greenhouses or garden stores.