Mold is a type of fungus that grows as a hairy or swollen growth on solid surfaces. It is the most common type of mushroom in the world and thrives in any environment as long as it is humid. Humans suffer from various pathologies related to its presence, so it is very important to learn to identify it and perform tests. This knowledge could even save your life or someone else's.
Part 1 of 2: Where to Look for Mold

Step 1. Look in areas with a lot of humidity
In fact, this is the primary condition for the spread of mold. The humidity inside a house is subject to greater fluctuations than outside, so check areas such as the basement and under the sinks.

Step 2. Check the spots that have recently been damaged by water
If you live in an area where there is frequent flooding, your home could be damaged. If a water pipe has recently burst and you have not cleaned the water well from the area, you may have a mold problem in that specific area. Check all the affected areas well.

Step 3. Check the ceiling and wall gaps
These are the first points attacked by mold, since they tend to be sealed with moisture inside. In addition, the pipes of the water system can drip and have leaks inside the walls, increasing the amount of water. The mold that grows in these areas continues to develop until it becomes visible on the sides of the walls and on the ceiling. You have to get rid of it before it becomes uncontrollable.

Step 4. Check the shower curtain in all bathrooms
The dirt and grime you wash off your body tends to mix with the soap and shampoo residue and accumulate on the shower curtain. Unless you dry the curtain after each shower, there will be a lot of moisture on it which encourages mold growth.

Step 5. Check the ducts and air intakes
If your home has a centralized heating and cooling system, the ducts and air intakes are subject to fluctuations in temperature and humidity. The constant combination of hot and cold air forms condensation which collects in the drainage wells. If this condensation becomes stagnant then mold can grow.
Part 2 of 2: Run a Mold Test

Step 1. Purchase a home test kit
It usually contains all the necessary tools and instructions for using them. Follow the manufacturer's directions and take a sample to your local lab. The downside of these kits is that they can be difficult to use and the results are unreliable. If you have the option of doing another type of check, these kits are not recommended.

Step 2. Hire a professional to do a home appraisal
A company specializing in pest control (including mold and not only parasites / insects) has all the tools and knowledge to assess the presence of mold in your home, even in those areas where you would not have access. When you hire a professional, however, check that they have all the necessary licenses and permissions to proceed with mold removal as well.

Step 3. Check the mold affected area periodically after it is cleared
For example, if the cabinet under the kitchen sink has been affected by mold, monitor its condition every 2-3 days to make sure the problem does not recur. If so, your previous efforts have been in vain.
- There are many types of mold and many people can be sensitive / allergic to it. According to the Ministry of Health, it is not necessary to know what type of mold is present in your home, but it recommends that you always remove it regardless of the type. Also, testing for mold is not a priority when it comes to getting rid of it, but it is a vital step after cleaning to make sure you have done the job thoroughly.
- There are specific anti-mold products based on essential oils that are effective and completely non-toxic.
- To check the air ducts you could rely on a borescope. Sometimes this digital instrument with a fiber optic cable allows a visual examination of the conditions inside the ducts. Thanks to it, even the bottom of the pipes becomes visible; however useful as it is, it is not perfect and has limitations. For example, the size and color of what you observe through the device are distorted. With or without this tool, you can check the tube for its entire length but, if it makes an angle of 90 °, it will be impossible for you to see what is next. Although the borescope can be useful, a naked eye inspection is sometimes the best thing.