4 Ways to Keep a Clean Home

4 Ways to Keep a Clean Home
4 Ways to Keep a Clean Home

Table of contents:


These are tips that the whole family can and should follow. All family members living under the same roof should help look after the home they live in. Almost everyone can do something, even small children. There is no reason why mom should be the only one cleaning! After all, if everyone shares and enjoys the benefits of the home, they should contribute. Even if no one changes overnight by following these tips, soon even the most messy of bunglers will be able to maintain new and more orderly habits.


Maintain a Clean Home Step 1
Maintain a Clean Home Step 1

Step 1. Clean up the clutter immediately

After a while this will become automatic. Once you get used to the order, you probably won't be able to do without it.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 2
Maintain a Clean Home Step 2

Step 2. Get in the habit of cleaning right away

It will save you time and keep your home clean and organized. Wash the dishes immediately after each meal, so you won't find a huge pile of them.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 3
Maintain a Clean Home Step 3

Step 3. If you can't do it right away, take 15 minutes a day to clean

It's tempting to try and clean the whole house all at once, and if you can, that's ideal! However, most people don't have that much time available in a single day. So, start with the kitchen and bathroom. They are the two main rooms that should always be clean and hygienic. Keep the goal of always keeping them clean and tidy. You can then take care of the rest of the house. Once a room is clean and tidy, make an effort to clean the others as well, so that everything is in order.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 4
Maintain a Clean Home Step 4

Step 4. Keep a bag or box for items you don't use or need anymore

They could be clothes, toys, books…. anything you find in the house, but you don't use. Label everything, indicating the date when you put it in the bag, and get rid of it after seven days. You can also donate it, sell it, throw it away, the important thing is that you get rid of it! The aim is to get rid of the clutter, you don't have to just move it from one place to another.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 5
Maintain a Clean Home Step 5

Step 5. Clean up during commercial breaks

While watching TV, at each commercial, each family member can do something, even simple tasks such as tidying up shoes, hanging up coats and school backpacks, etc … Three people arranging something three or four times during a 1/2 hour program, equivalent to almost an hour of work! Moreover, this habit will eventually become almost a game, rather than a chore.

Method 1 of 4: Keep the Kitchen Clean

Maintain a Clean Home Step 6
Maintain a Clean Home Step 6

Step 1. Never go to bed with a dirty kitchen

Even if you can't wash the dishes immediately after eating, make sure the kitchen is clean before bed to avoid it becoming an unmanageable mess.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 7
Maintain a Clean Home Step 7

Step 2. Clean the sink

After dinner, every night, wash the dirty dishes that have accumulated during the day. If you have a dishwasher, load it up. If you don't have it, put the dishes in the drip tray once they are washed. When the sink is empty, scrub it with detergent and a dish towel to disinfect and clean. Then rinse with water. This step should only take a few minutes to complete.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 8
Maintain a Clean Home Step 8

Step 3. Spray kitchen sanitizer on the stove, tables and counter

Then wipe with clean paper or a cloth napkin. Make sure you clean up any food stains or residues. It takes just a few minutes of work.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 9
Maintain a Clean Home Step 9

Step 4. Check the kitchen floor for any stains or food scraps and use the same cloth you used to clean the counter

There is no need to use spray cleaner, unless the stains are really stubborn. The goal is to take 30 seconds, maximum 1 minute for this task.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 10
Maintain a Clean Home Step 10

Step 5. Quickly sweep the floor with a broom if necessary

If there is any visible food residue or dirt, you need to get rid of it right away, before it builds up. It's a 2-minute job at most.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 11
Maintain a Clean Home Step 11

Step 6. Set house rules and ask everyone to obey them

If someone wants to have a snack, make it clear that it is their responsibility to clean up immediately after messing up.

Method 2 of 4: Keep the Bathroom Clean

Maintain a Clean Home Step 12
Maintain a Clean Home Step 12

Step 1. Spray glass cleaner on the mirror if you see any stains

Use a paper towel or cloth to clean it quickly. It should only take a few seconds and, if there is no visible dust on the mirror, you can skip this step. Skip straight to heavy cleaning work.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 13
Maintain a Clean Home Step 13

Step 2. Clean the sink with the same cloth you used for the mirror

If you haven't already cleaned the mirror, simply spray the cleaner in the sink, on the faucet and scrub. It takes you 30 seconds for this operation, if there are no problem points that require more attention.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 14
Maintain a Clean Home Step 14

Step 3. Use the same washcloth as the sink and mirror to clean the edges of the tub, if you have one, and finally the outside of the toilet

Make sure you flush last. These cleanings only take 1 minute.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 15
Maintain a Clean Home Step 15

Step 4. Brush the toilet bowl with the toilet brush if there is a visible halo

It will take no more than 30 seconds. If you leave the halo for too long, the cleaning will need to be deeper and takes longer. If there is no trace, skip this step and proceed.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 16
Maintain a Clean Home Step 16

Step 5. Spray a general cleaner on the shower walls or curtain and rinse with a clean, dry cloth

Once you get into this habit, it shouldn't take you more than 1 minute and will help you greatly reduce the buildup of soap residue.

Method 3 of 4: Keep the Bedroom Clean

Maintain a Clean Home Step 17
Maintain a Clean Home Step 17

Step 1. Take 2 minutes to make the bed

If you're in a hurry, roll the comforter over the crumpled sheets and spread it out. You will be back anyway soon.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 18
Maintain a Clean Home Step 18

Step 2. Hang clothes worn during the day on hangers or put them in the laundry basket

Put every piece of jewelry or accessory in order, otherwise there will be nothing but confusion and disorder.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 19
Maintain a Clean Home Step 19

Step 3. Free the nightstands

Remove any glasses of water, magazines, or items you don't need to keep next to the bed, and put them back. This too is a task that takes very little time.

Method 4 of 4: Keep the Living Room Clean

Maintain a Clean Home Step 20
Maintain a Clean Home Step 20

Step 1. Arrange the sofa

Remove any toys, books, or leftovers and liven up the pillows. Fold any used blankets and put them back. This step takes 1 to 2 minutes and is critical to keeping the room clean.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 21
Maintain a Clean Home Step 21

Step 2. Clean the table surface with a clean cloth to remove crumbs, fingerprints or traces of water

By taking a few minutes to do this, you can lighten your workload when it's time to do the more thorough cleaning.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 22
Maintain a Clean Home Step 22

Step 3. Use a hand vacuum to pick up dirt, food or various grime from the floor and carpets

Don't forget to vacuum the surfaces of sofas or chairs as well, if necessary.

Maintain a Clean Home Step 23
Maintain a Clean Home Step 23

Step 4. Free the floors of all junk

It may take you 4 or 5 minutes to put away any toys, books, or other items you don't know who they belong to. With this last step, your home should be perfectly tidy for the new day.


  • Check the refrigerator the night before garbage collection. Get rid of old foods or seasonings that have expired. If the jar of olives has been there for two years, now is the time to throw it away. Check the expiration dates on sauces and other toppings. And then clean the shelves. Since your bin will be emptied the next day, you don't have to worry about it starting to smell.
  • Make a list of the jobs that need to be done and check them off as you do them. This will make it easier for you not to forget anything and the other members of the family will also be able to see what remains to be done. Also, there will be no misunderstandings and everyone will be able to help out.
  • Even though everyone is different and works at different rates, everyone can contribute!
  • After throwing out the trash you should spray some bleach into the outer bucket and use the water hose. This will reduce odors and insects will not be attracted. Then let it dry in the sun. Before you put the new garbage bag on, you can spray the inside and lid with a Raid-type insecticide spray or something similar. In winter it won't be a great necessity, but it could ward off bad smells.
  • All family members living in the home must do their part. There is no excuse for anyone, unless they are physically or mentally unable to do so. Even a six-month-old baby who is still sneaking can be taught to put his own toys in the toy box. Get everyone involved and organized!
  • Whenever you look in the fridge, try to remove something old or unused. This habit will prevent the formation of bad smells later on.
  • You could change the curtains from time to time, put them dry, clean and ready to use.
