Do you want to play a slightly sinister and scary game with your friends? Prepare a coin and follow the steps in the article.

Step 1. First of all take a blank sheet of paper and write the letters of the alphabet by creating a frame that runs along the four sides of the sheet
Look at the picture and reproduce the letters neatly.

Step 2. Also write the numbers 0 to 9, forming a circle inside the letters
After that add some other options, like Yes, No, Hello, Goodbye etc.

Step 3. Choose a dark room to play in and light some candles

Step 4. This is a night game
It must be played only at night, perhaps after 10pm. The number of participants is not relevant.

Step 5. The person or persons should sit in a circle and hold hands with each other
One of the participants in the game will have to place a finger on the coin and place it on the Hello option.

Step 6. Close your eyes and invite the desired spirit

Step 7. Remember that the coin will move as the spirits arrive

Step 8. Start asking the spirit questions by moving the coin over the letters of the alphabet

Step 9. Finally place the coin on the Goodbye option to end the game session
- Call only the soul of a person you know well.
- Always invite souls confidentially.
- Don't be tense and nervous while playing.
- If the soul is evil in nature, place the coin on the Goodbye option at the start of the session.
- Never put an end to the game, and never leave it, without first asking questions to the soul.
- Never take your finger off the coin during the session, it could be dangerous.