Shrink wrap packaging is one of the best and easiest ways to protect a variety of items for storage or transport. The size of the article can vary, from that of a CD to that of a boat. Some of the most common non-industrial shrink film packaging needs involve small business owners who package their products to prepare them for distribution. Scroll down and read the steps below to learn how to shrink an item using simple packaging machines or even equipment available at home.
Method 1 of 2: Using a Heat Sealer and a Heat Gun

Step 1. Choose an item to wrap with shrink film
Heat sealers are the most common small size shrink film packaging machines on the market and allow you to easily customize the size and shape of an object to be packaged. Based on the object to be packaged, you can establish other details.

Step 2. Choose a type of shrink film
The two most common shrink films are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyolefin. Polyolefin is more durable when it comes to packaging items with sharp edges, as well as having a milder odor in the case of food packaging, but it is more expensive.
- For most uses, such as CDs and Blu-Ray, PVC remains the reference film.
- Depending on the specific use, you can also choose between flat-leaf film reels, prefabricated bags of different sizes with three sides already closed or a thickness that varies between 0, 0152 and 0, 0254 mm.

Step 3. Turn on the heat sealer
A heat sealer resembles a letter opener that seals the film rather than cutting it when the arm lowers (although some models are also equipped with a cutter).
The heat sealer will have a knob with various heat settings. The specific setting you want depends on the type and thickness of the film you have chosen to package your object. The film should have directions on how to regulate the temperature, or you can test a small piece of film yourself to determine the proper temperature to seal it without burning it

Step 4. Prepare the shrink film
Using a flat-leaf film reel, fold the film over the object as if you were measuring the paper to wrap a gift. Cut the film with scissors, leaving enough space to join the excess on the three open sides under the arm of the heat sealer.
If you have ordered prefabricated envelopes of an appropriate size for your object, then it will be sufficient to place it inside

Step 5. Seal the article
One at a time, place the open sides of the film on the heat sealer and close the arm, which will seal the edge with heat. Even in models without a cutter, the heat on the sealed part will easily tear off the excess material from the sides of the envelope.
- Try to bring the object closer to the welding arm without actually touching them. In this way, you will have a finished product with a neat appearance after applying the heat gun, as well as saving, with practice, on the shrink film.
- If you're shrink wrapping a product that a customer still needs to smell (like soap), you can punch small holes in the sealed pouch with punching pliers before shrinking.

Step 6. Shrink the sealed film with a heat gun
A heat gun resembles a hair dryer, but distributes the heat over the film more evenly. From several inches away, pass it over the sealed bag. The film will react quickly to heat and shrink until it reaches the exact size of the sealed object.
- Make sure you rotate the object as the hot gun passes in order to heat the film evenly.
- Moving the gun too close to the film or keeping it pointed on the same spot for too long can alter the material and even burn it, so run the gun evenly from several inches away.
Method 2 of 2: Use Scissors and Hair Dryer

Step 1. Choose an item to wrap with shrink film
Just like the heat sealer method described above, you still need to choose the most suitable shrink film for the case. For many items in the house, using scissors with a hairdryer and PVC should suffice.

Step 2. Wrap the object
Wrap the object in the film as you would a gift item and cut a piece of the same size from the reel. The paper you are going to cut should be single and slightly larger than necessary.

Step 3. Trim the excess film
Trim away any excess part of the shrink film. The film should adhere perfectly to the object, eliminating any remaining air and uncovered space.

Step 4. Seal the joint with a hair dryer
If you have wrapped the object leaving a joint that you need to seal before you can continue, with the hairdryer direct the heat directly on the joint and seals the film.

Step 5. Heat the film evenly to make it adhere to the rest of the object
Distribute the heat from the hairdryer evenly around the casing until it shrinks. If you do not distribute the heat evenly, the casing will not adhere in a proportionate manner.
- A hair dryer takes longer than a heat gun to shrink the film properly. Distribute the heat as evenly as possible.
- The finished product will perform its function, but the method requires a lot of practice to be able to give the finished product the appearance of those processed with a real shrink wrapper.
- Recycle used shrink film so you can reuse it in the future.
- Welders and hot guns can cause burns, so always handle the equipment carefully.