Mouth cancer (also known as oral cancer) can affect any area of the mouth - the lips, gums, tongue, lower part of the mouth under the tongue, palate, inner surface of the cheeks, and beyond the wisdom teeth. Cancer can be recognized by examining the mouth and surrounding areas for specific signs and symptoms.
You may get a cut in your mouth when you brush your teeth, eat, bite the inside of your cheeks, or if you wear braces. Most of these injuries are minor and heal on their own; however, it could create pain or turn into a canker sores. To take care of it, you can rinse with salt water, use a specific ointment or try some natural antibacterial product.
Breathing with the mouth can cause dry mouth (xerostomia) and sore throat, as well as being an unpleasant habit that some people find unattractive. This is usually a condition that is caused by a blockage in the nasal passages or that has developed as a result of a bad habit.
There are numerous causes of inflammation of the tissues of the mouth, ranging from lesions to cold sores to gingivitis. However, there are several ways to treat inflammation caused by ulcers and other oral disorders. Also, you can practice some remedies to reduce pain and discomfort.
Many people - besides artists - want to draw, but often there seems to be no inspiration. You find yourself sitting and bored in front of a piece of paper while wondering where to start… If you've ever found yourself in this situation, read this simple guide to drawing a masterpiece even without having any idea!