Have you bought a pack of water balloons, but can't fill them because they seem too hard to swell? Here is a guide for you.

Step 1. Prepare your water balloons

Step 2. Before filling them with water, inflate them to enlarge and stretch them
By skipping this step they could risk bursting ahead of time.

Step 3. Begin to widen the neck of the balloon
Don't overdo it, but make sure it reaches the right size to fit on your home faucet or garden hose.

Step 4. Cover the end of the faucet with the balloon neck
Open a moderate flow of water. Before the water bottle is completely full, turn off the water.

Step 5. Leave a few inches to tie the balloon's neck

Step 6. Have fun with your water balloon
- Do the whole process on the sink or outdoors.
- Tie the water balloon securely to avoid the risk of it bursting early.
- Use a funnel.
- You may need to use a balloon pump.
- Some packs of water balloons contain special reducers to be applied to the tap.
- Not everyone likes to get wet from a water balloon, make sure people are playing the joke.
- Adult supervision is always required during a water balloon battle.
- The bursting of the water balloon will wet all the surrounding surfaces.
- Balloons can cause choking. Always be very cautious.
- Not everyone likes to be wet!