5 Ways to Remove Ink Stains from Polyester

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5 Ways to Remove Ink Stains from Polyester
5 Ways to Remove Ink Stains from Polyester

Has your polyester garment become soiled with ink? Do not worry. Using the right tools you can remove the stain effectively, restoring the dress to its original condition. Remember to always clean the stain as soon as it forms, wiping it with a cloth or paper towel, so that it does not penetrate too much into the fibers. To clean the dress you have to be patient and insist, as it is sometimes difficult to completely remove the ink.


Method 1 of 5: Prepare the Garment

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 1
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 1

Step 1. Blot the stain with a paper towel or white cloth

Apply some pressure to the area to be treated to try to absorb as much ink as possible. Take action as soon as the dress is soiled to remove as much color as possible. Avoid rubbing or scratching the soiled area so as not to spread the stain further.

If the stain has dried, you probably won't be able to absorb it with the cloth; this is why it is important to try to intervene as soon as possible. This step is also important when you need to clean other types of fabric, so that you can remove some of the ink right away

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 2
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 2

Step 2. Check the label with washing instructions

Before using any product on your garment, you need to check the instructions to make sure you don't need a particular method and to check the type of fabric.

Some materials may contain other fibers than polyester, so you need to be sure they can all be treated equally. You must also check that no specific washing methods are indicated; some fabrics need to be hand washed, while others dry clean

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 3
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 3

Step 3. Lay the dress on a flat surface

Once you have absorbed as much ink as possible, lay the garment out on a table or large surface to begin the treatment.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 4
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 4

Step 4. Place a white cloth under the stain

This way you prevent the color from spreading further, with the risk of dirtying other areas of the dress as well.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 5
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 5

Step 5. Choose a method for removing the stain

Once the ink has dried, read the instruction label, and prepared everything needed for the treatment, start by choosing one of the various methods. You can try different household products, such as alcohol, dish soap, and vinegar or baking soda, to see which is most effective.

Method 2 of 5: Isopropyl alcohol

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 6
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 6

Step 1. Apply alcohol to the garment

Take a clean, white cloth and wet it with 90% isopropyl alcohol, soaking it just enough to moisten it. Since it is a solvent, it is effective for cleaning garments that water cannot effectively treat. If you only have 70% concentrated alcohol available, you can still use it instead of 90% alcohol. However, the lower the percentage, the more diluted the alcohol is, so you may have a hard time cleaning.

Do not apply alcohol directly to the stain as you risk saturating it too much and making the removal process more difficult

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 7
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 7

Step 2. Try alcohol in a hidden corner

Before using it to remove all the stain, you need to test it on a hidden area of the fabric to make sure it doesn't cause any worse damage. It is vital that you follow this step before trying to get rid of the ink, as some products can damage the garment, so you need to be sure that the product is safe for your specific case.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 8
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 8

Step 3. Blot the stain with the cloth

Be very careful and don't scrub the soiled area as you may widen it further. Repeat this process until the cloth can no longer absorb the ink. Then rinse the cloth, reapply the alcohol, and repeat the process until the stain is removed.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 9
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 9

Step 4. Rinse the dress with cold water

Once the ink is removed, you need to rinse the garment using cold water and rubbing it with your hands to remove any traces of alcohol.

Method 3 of 5: Dishwashing Liquid and Vinegar

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 10
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 10

Step 1. Spray some hairspray on the garment

Take a spray hairspray and spray a generous amount on the stained area. This will dissolve the ink from the fibers and make the cleaning process easier.

Be aware that lacquer can damage some types of fabrics and surfaces. That is why it is always important to read the instruction label before proceeding with any method

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 11
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 11

Step 2. Combine some dish soap with white vinegar and water

Take a small bowl and mix half a teaspoon of liquid dish soap, a tablespoon of white vinegar, and a quart of warm water to make a cleaning solution.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 12
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 12

Step 3. Apply the mixture with a cloth

Take a clean, white cloth and dip it into the solution and apply it to the stain. Wait for the dress to absorb the cleanser for half an hour.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 13
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 13

Step 4. Rub the polyester fabric with your fingers

Apply some pressure and rub the stain area until the color starts to fade. This helps the cleaner to loosen the ink particles and remove the color.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 14
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 14

Step 5. Rinse the garment

After letting the detergent work and scrubbing the stained area, rinse the dress with cold running water. Continue until you have eliminated all traces of vinegar and soap.

Method 4 of 5: Sodium Bicarbonate

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 15
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 15

Step 1. Mix the baking soda with water

Mix one part of baking soda and two parts of cold water to create a kind of liquid paste in a small bowl. You will need to apply the solution on the item of clothing. Since baking soda is a natural ingredient, it is a perfect stain remover that won't damage fabrics.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 16
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 16

Step 2. Spread the paste on the stain

Apply a generous amount of the mixture to the area affected by the ink. Rub the surface with your fingers applying light pressure to avoid damaging the finish.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 17
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 17

Step 3. Dampen a cloth with water

Take a clean white one and wet it in cold water. At this point you can use it to scrub the fabric you are cleaning to get rid of the baking soda. Continue like this until you have removed all traces of ink.

If the baking soda leaves a dull halo on the surface, moisten a cotton ball with alcohol and scrub the area

Method 5 of 5: Wash the Dress

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 18
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 18

Step 1. Wash the garment as usual

Once you've removed the stain, you can put the fabric in the washing machine as usual, following the specific instructions on the label.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 19
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 19

Step 2. Check the dress to make sure there are no residual stains or streaks

Although it is hoped that any ink traces have been removed by one of the methods described so far, it is always possible that something has "escaped". Before drying the dress, check for stains. If you notice any streaks, you can try washing the fabric again and perhaps treating it with a more aggressive detergent.

Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 20
Remove Ink Stains from Polyester Step 20

Step 3. Air dry it

Once the garment is washed, allow it to air dry, as this is the safest way to prevent any ink from sticking to the fibers. If you are sure you have gotten rid of any stains, you can put the dress in the dryer, but remember that the heat could make some streaks that you did not notice indelible. Proceed with caution.


  • For really stubborn stains, you can use harsher detergents, but be aware that these may also discolor the fabric.
  • Different types of inks react differently to cleaning products, which is why you should try different methods until you find the most effective one.


  • Don't put a polyester suit in the dryer until you've gotten rid of all stains and streaks. Otherwise the heat will set the ink in the fibers.
  • Work in a well-ventilated room. Alcohol vapors can cause nausea and headache.
