How to Recognize Childbirth Contractions

How to Recognize Childbirth Contractions
How to Recognize Childbirth Contractions

Table of contents:


The contractions of childbirth are painful, but they indicate that the baby is about to be born, so it is a very exciting time. If you think labor has begun, you need to learn to distinguish true contractions from false ones. You can recognize them if you know what symptoms accompany labor, how they differ from Braxton Hicks contractions, and what round ligament pain is.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing Childbirth Contractions

Recognize Preterm Labor Step 5
Recognize Preterm Labor Step 5

Step 1. Notice if they are regular

The actual labor pains, which characterize the stages of labor, follow from the beginning a certain trend in terms of duration and frequency. Even if the time frame in which they occur and the interval between them are variable, the changes are progressive and constant.

  • Be aware that you are able to identify when they are about to arrive.
  • There are no very long intervals between contractions, such as one hour.
Deliver a Baby Step 3
Deliver a Baby Step 3

Step 2. Time the duration and frequency of the contractions

Use a stopwatch or watch to keep track of the seconds and see how long they last. Labor pains last from 30 to 70 seconds. Then check how much time passes between contractions to determine their frequency, i.e. how often they recur. As you get closer to giving birth, they last longer and follow each other more often.

  • Time the contraction from start to finish. In this way, you will get its durability.
  • The time interval between contractions tells you how often they are.
Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 2
Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 2

Step 3. Notice if the pain is getting worse

The labor pains become more painful and longer as the baby approaches, so evaluate the intensity of the pain to see if it is increasing.

Rank pain from 0 to 10 to determine its severity. Start from 0 to indicate no pain up to 10 to indicate the strongest pain you can imagine. If you feel that it is constantly increasing, you have probably entered the stage of labor. The pain scale is an additional aid for the physician

Do Nipple Stimulation to Induce Labor Step 3
Do Nipple Stimulation to Induce Labor Step 3

Step 4. Notice if the pain radiates to the lower back and upper abdomen

Even if the contractions originate in the lower abdomen, it is possible for the pain to spread to the kidneys and / or upper abdomen. If so, it is a symptom of true labor, unlike other pains that characterize pregnancy, such as Braxton Hicks contractions.

Radiant pain excludes Braxton Hicks contractions, so it indicates that you are entering the stage of labor. However, its lack does not necessarily mean the absence of contractions. Some women may experience only severe pain in the lower abdomen, while others experience dull pain in the lower back and abdomen accompanied by pressure in the pelvis. Still others describe the pain of contractions similar to that of menstrual cramps

Have a Natural Birth Step 12
Have a Natural Birth Step 12

Step 5. Try talking or laughing while you are in pain

Keep in mind that when the time for delivery approaches, the expectant mother cannot speak or laugh during contractions. If he is able, most likely it is not labor.

Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 1
Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 1

Step 6. Pay attention to the pressure on the pelvis

Since the pre-delivery contractions indicate that the body is preparing for the birth of the baby, you should begin to feel pressure on the pelvis that coincides with the pain of the contractions. If you start to feel it, then you are probably having the contractions that cause labor to begin.

Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 10
Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 10

Step 7. Check for blood loss

The contractions of childbirth can cause the blood vessels in the cervix to rupture, so you should see a red or pink spot in your panties. In case of false contractions, this bleeding does not occur.

Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 4
Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 4

Step 8. Change your position or relax to see if the pain increases

By resting or changing your position, you can inhibit pain caused by false contractions or pain caused by muscle tension. However, contractions to prepare for childbirth don't stop no matter how hard you try to relax. If you continue to suffer after getting into a comfortable position, you have probably entered the stage of labor.

Part 2 of 3: Recognizing Braxton Hicks Contractions

Recognize Preterm Labor Step 4
Recognize Preterm Labor Step 4

Step 1. Check if the contractions are irregular

Note the intervals between each to see if they vary. The contractions of Braxton Hicks are discontinuous and decrease over time, while the real ones constantly increase.

  • For example, you may notice that the pain occurs at five-minute intervals over the span of half an hour, but disappears after an hour.
  • Alternatively, see if it occurs irregularly, for example it lasts one minute in a few minutes, but five in the next half hour.
Help Your Wife Through Labor Step 6
Help Your Wife Through Labor Step 6

Step 2. Notice if you feel any discomfort or tension

Most women report that Braxton Hicks contractions are uncomfortable, but not painful. They look like some kind of abdominal contracture.

Recognize Preterm Labor Step 1
Recognize Preterm Labor Step 1

Step 3. Pay attention if you feel them in the lower abdomen rather than in the lower back

The pains due to labor radiate towards the back, while the contractions of Braxton Hicks are mainly located in the lower abdomen. They cause discomfort or tension from the upper abdomen down to the lower abdomen.

Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 3
Identify Braxton Hicks Contractions Step 3

Step 4. Calculate the time of contractions

Use a stopwatch or a watch with seconds to figure out how long the pain lasts. Normally, Braxton Hicks contractions last around 15-30 seconds.

  • If the pain is shorter, it is unlikely to be due to Braxton Hicks' labor or contractions. Call your doctor if it persists.
  • If it is longer (30 to 70 seconds or increases gradually), it may be due to contractions to prepare for delivery.
Deliver a Baby Step 2
Deliver a Baby Step 2

Step 5. Try to feel the movements of the fetus

If you feel the baby move, the discomfort is probably due to the Braxton Hicks contractions. The movements of the fetus can cause discomfort, while you shouldn't feel them during the contractions of childbirth.

Help Labor Progress Step 4
Help Labor Progress Step 4

Step 6. Change position to see if they stop

Take a more comfortable one, then rest for 15-30 minutes. If the pain stops, it was probably due to Braxton Hicks contractions. The latter can occur due to certain attitudes with the body, so relieve the pains by finding a better position, changing it completely or walking. On the other hand, these precautions won't help you in case of labor.

Part 3 of 3: Recognizing Round Ligament Pain

Avoid Round Ligament Pain Step 2
Avoid Round Ligament Pain Step 2

Step 1. Notice if it hurts on your hips

Round ligament pain is caused by stretching of the muscles as the fetus grows. As they tense, the pain radiates to the hips and groin. Although it is localized on the abdomen and pelvis, it is impossible to confuse it with labor pains. First of all, the affected muscles are in the wrong area, secondly it begins to manifest during the second trimester and is different from the pains of labor, as it causes a throbbing sensation that lasts only a few seconds.

Avoid Round Ligament Pain Step 5
Avoid Round Ligament Pain Step 5

Step 2. Check if the discomfort is caused by any movement

Round ligament pain occurs when you change your position, cough, sneeze, or when urinating. Be careful when feeling it to see if it could be caused by stretching the muscles. Try resting for a few minutes and see if it decreases.

  • When you feel the pain spreading down your hips, sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Catch your breath to calm down, but don't inhale too deeply, otherwise the muscle spasms may return.
  • If the pain subsides, it was probably due to the round ligament.
  • If it doesn't go away or the frequency increases, contact your doctor.
Time Contractions Step 7
Time Contractions Step 7

Step 3. Note how long it lasts

Round ligament pain comes on suddenly and lasts only a few seconds. It is also not recurring. Remember that birth contractions usually last 30 to 70 seconds and recur, so short, sudden cramps are not attributable to the contractions.

Perform Fetal Kick Counts Step 13
Perform Fetal Kick Counts Step 13

Step 4. Know when to call your doctor

Sometimes, preterm labor can be confused with round ligament pain. Also keep in mind that abdominal pain during pregnancy can indicate a more serious health problem, which should be treated or evaluated by your doctor. Call your gynecologist if any of the following occur:

  • Severe pain, pain that lasts for several minutes or pain accompanied by blood loss;
  • Fever or chills
  • Pain when urinating
  • Difficulty walking
  • Leaking amniotic fluid
  • Decreased fetal movement;
  • Any vaginal bleeding other than mild blood loss;
  • Regular and painful contractions every 5-10 minutes within 60 minutes;
  • Water breakdown, especially if the liquid is dark greenish brown;
  • If you suspect preterm delivery (i.e. if labor begins before the 37th week of pregnancy);
  • If you have any doubts about your health or that of the fetus.


  • Hydration and low-intensity exercise can help you counter Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • Distract yourself and make yourself comfortable when you feel the contractions.
