Severe bleeding must be treated differently from how a minor wound would be treated. Bleeding is severe when blood gushes or splashes from the wound and does not clot. If you apply pressure to the cut for a few minutes, but the bleeding does not stop, it is necessary to intervene according to the criteria applicable to a serious wound. Of course, you need to call 911 immediately. While waiting for help, follow these steps.

Step 1. Disinfect your hands if you can
If you have them, wear surgical gloves. This will help avoid possible victim infections.

Step 2. Have the victim lie on the ground and raise his legs or place a pillow under the body so that the trunk is slightly higher than the head
If the wound is in a limb, lift the limb.

Step 3. Cover the victim with a blanket, if possible, to prevent body heat from escaping

Step 4. Remove debris or dirt from the injured area but do not remove any large pieces that may have caused the damage

Step 5. Apply pressure to the bleeding area to stop the severe bleeding
If you have a clean cloth or band, use them. If not, use what you have, even your hands. Maintain pressure for 20 minutes without checking for bleeding.

Step 6. Place a tampon firmly on the wound holding the edges of the cut together if it is an open wound
Wrap the wound with a bandage if you have one. If not, use a clean cloth or whatever else you have on hand. Secure it with tape. Keep using your hands or whatever other tools you can find that can help you with this.

Step 7. Add tissue or other absorbent material you can find if the bleeding doesn't stop and blood is oozing from the bandage

Step 8. Apply an ice pack to the injured area
In this way the blood vessels narrow, helping to stop bleeding.

Step 9. Locate the artery closest to the wound and apply pressure, keeping the fingers flat and against the bone if the bleeding doesn't stop
- In the arm, the pressure points are located slightly below the inside of the armpit and slightly above the elbow. You can also find a pressure point on the wrist.
- In the legs, the pressure points are in the groin area and behind the knee.

Step 10. Take the victim to the emergency room as quickly as possible when the bleeding has stopped, or continue to wait for help to arrive
- Keep the injured person calm while you try to stop the bleeding and wait for help to arrive.
- If you don't have duct tape to wrap the bandage around the wound, you can use shoelaces, cloth ribbons, or even a tie.
- Do not try to move the organs if they are visibly displaced. Do not attempt to put them in place as you could cause further injury.
- Do not remove any objects inserted into the wound, otherwise it may start to bleed even more.