How To Cure Juvenile Acne: 10 Steps

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How To Cure Juvenile Acne: 10 Steps
How To Cure Juvenile Acne: 10 Steps

About 85% of teenagers (more or less) find themselves battling acne. Contrary to popular belief, no link has been observed between nutrition and acne. During adolescence, the real cause is due to hormonal changes, which cause an increase in sebum production. Most cases of acne are mild, in fact the ailment can be alleviated by using specific skin products daily. However, in other situations it can be severe or persistent enough to require a dermatological visit.


Method 1 of 2: Using Over-the-Counter Treatments

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 01
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 01

Step 1. Keep your hair clean

This step is especially important for teens who have long hair. Oily hair or styling products that have constant contact with the face can contribute to clogged pores. Even those with short hair can observe the appearance of imperfections at the hairline due to the sebum or products to comb them. So make sure you shampoo regularly.

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 02
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 02

Step 2. Wash your face twice a day

One of the main causes of juvenile acne is the increased production of sebum due to hormonal changes. Washing your face once a day can still leave behind a residue of sebum that could clog the pores. Instead, wash it once in the morning and once in the evening with warm water and a mild, oil-free cleanser.

  • Use clean fingers, not a sponge, to wash your face.
  • Do not use a classic bar of soap or shower gel. Use a gentle scrub specifically formulated for facial skin.
  • Don't overdo it with washes. Washing your face more than twice a day can dry out the skin, which can cause the sebaceous glands to increase sebum production, making acne worse.
  • It may take four to eight weeks of daily care before noticing a significant change.
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 03
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 03

Step 3. Use over-the-counter medications

Depending on the severity of the acne, you should also apply a non-prescription product once or twice a day. The most common over-the-counter treatments for this disorder are those containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

  • Over-the-counter products are sold in the form of gels, lotions, creams, soaps, and cleansing pads. Gels and creams are ideal for treatments on targeted problem areas, while purifying pads, soaps and lotions can be used all over the face.
  • In addition to clearing the pores, these products have mild antibacterial properties that fight P. acnes, the bacterium that causes acne.
  • Formulations based on benzoyl peroxide usually have a concentration of 2.5%, while those with salicylic acid generally have a concentration of 2%.
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 04
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 04

Step 4. Apply a moisturizer

Since cleansers and over-the-counter products can dry out your skin, you need to add a moisturizer to your treatment, which you apply every day. A classic cream may contain oils that will clog pores, so look for one that is non-oily, non-acnegenic, or non-comedogenic. These terms simply mean that the product will not cause blemishes or clog pores.

If you are applying a daytime moisturizer, then you should choose one with SPF 30 (in addition to the features mentioned)

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 05
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 05

Step 5. Use non-comedogenic cosmetics

Certain tricks, such as eye and lip makeup, are unlikely to cause impurities, but others, such as blushes and foundation, can clog pores and make acne worse. Make sure you only apply non-comedogenic products to your face so you can be sure they won't clog your pores. All major brands offer these cosmetics, so they are not difficult to find.

Even some mineral-based powders can cause or exacerbate acne, so care should still be taken

Method 2 of 2: Treating Persistent or Severe Cases

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 06
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 06

Step 1. Consult a dermatologist

If you have persistent acne that doesn't respond to the first tried method or is severe and cystic, then you should schedule a visit to the dermatologist, who can prescribe other products.

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 07
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 07

Step 2. Learn about the contraceptive pill

For many women, birth control pills can help regulate acne-causing hormones. Since hormonal imbalances trigger it, bringing them back to normal levels can mitigate or resolve the disorder.

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 08
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 08

Step 3. Learn about antibiotics to treat acne

Oral antibiotics can decrease the spread of P. acnes bacterium on the skin, which can lessen inflammation. Oral or topical antibiotics may be among the first treatments recommended by a dermatologist for persistent acne.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for this treatment to be taken every day for four to six months. At that point, the dosage will be decreased

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 09
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 09

Step 4. Learn about other topical prescription medications

In addition to topical antibiotics, your dermatologist may prescribe other topical medications. There are several types, from prescription benzoyl peroxide to azelaic acid or tazarotene.

Most of these medicines are designed to reduce inflammation and skin lesions associated with acne

Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 10
Get Rid of Teenage Acne Step 10

Step 5. Ask about isotretinoin

It is one of the most effective active ingredients for treating acne. However, it is also a medicine that carries some of the worst side effects, so its intake is monitored closely. Isotretinoin shrinks the size of the sebaceous glands, which reduces sebum production.

  • Side effects of isotretinoin include an increased risk of depression. The medicine is also associated with birth defects, so it is not prescribed for pregnant women.
  • The medicine is usually taken once or twice a day for 16-20 weeks, with results that are often definitive.


  • Do not moisturize your face with a classic lotion. It can clog pores, so be sure to use a specific product.
  • Since it is possible to see a significant difference after several weeks when doing a treatment, you need to be consistent and be patient.
  • Do not use any soap to wash your face. Hand or generic soaps clog pores and make acne worse.
  • Make sure you wash your face right away after exercising, sports, or other activities that can cause sweating and clogged pores.
  • Don't tease or squeeze pimples. In addition to causing inflammation, you risk spreading acne-causing bacteria.
  • Don't go to sleep wearing makeup. Make sure you remove your make-up with a special product and then rinse well, don't just use the make-up remover wipes.
