Plantar warts appear on the soles of the feet and are caused by HPV, a highly contagious virus. However, it is not the same strain that causes genital warts because the human papilloma virus is divided into over 180 subtypes, each affecting different parts of the body. Plantar warts are usually located on the sole of the foot and can cause pain when walking. It's not easy to get rid of them, but there are several methods you can try. They disappear spontaneously over time, so don't worry if the tips in this article don't work right away. However, most people manage to get rid of the problem in no time.
Method 1 of 5: Quickly Remove Warts

Step 1. Use a cryotherapy kit to get rid of them quickly
Plantar warts are small skin growths that form under the feet. About 66% disappear within 2-3 years. If they cause pain or discomfort, you can consider cryotherapy, which uses the principle of freezing. The cold hardens the skin by producing a thermal shock of the cells. When heat regains, it splits, releasing the wart.
- Unfortunately, no treatment is 100% effective, however cryotherapy is the one that has a higher success rate. Usually it is necessary to repeat the application 2-3 times to completely destroy the wart.
- The kits sold in the pharmacy allow you to freeze the smallest warts, less than 1 cm in size. However, the operation must be repeated several times.
- Since it is a painful treatment, it is not the best choice for young children.
- If you are worried about intervening on your own or there is a larger wart that appears to resist treatment, see a dermatologist for professional treatment.

Step 2. Use salicylic acid-based creams and bandages to gradually break down the warts
Present in most warts removal products, salicylic acid is the best way to get rid of them painlessly. For some plantar warts, however, it may be necessary to use a concentration of 40%. Buy it at the pharmacy and apply it following the directions on the package.
- The treatment lasts several weeks, depending on the wart.
- Remove the bandage and wash the wound with soap and water once a day.
- You can get faster results if you exfoliate the wart with a pumice stone or nail file before applying salicylic acid. Whichever tool you choose, do not share it with anyone as you risk spreading the infection.

Step 3. See your doctor if the wart does not allow you to walk, is larger than 2.5 cm, or is unsightly
All warts spontaneously regress over time. However, if they prevent you from living your daily life peacefully, your doctor can speed up this process by using various treatments. It will not intervene with a definitive cure, but it will speed up their disappearance.
You should also consult it in case of cluster warts. They are the so-called mosaic warts and are more difficult to treat than solitary warts

Step 4. Avoid contagion by taking slippers to public showers and using towels and washcloths in the pool and gym
Warts are caused by a virus found in hot, humid environments. It penetrates the skin through small cuts or openings in the foot, resulting in skin growths. By protecting your extremities in places that are hot, humid and frequented by many people, you can avoid contracting the virus.
Keep in mind that HPV can be dormant. It means that it can remain in the body even if you do not show symptoms and is not detected by the tests
Method 2 of 5: Use Cryotherapy on your own

Step 1. Take a pain reliever if you are afraid of pain
Take 1-2 tablets half an hour before applying the treatment. Ibuprofen is an active ingredient that falls within the family of anti-inflammatory drugs; it will help you relieve the pain of cryotherapy. While it's not unbearable, you can make the whole operation less unpleasant.

Step 2. Apply the freezing agent following the directions
You can buy a cryotherapy kit at the pharmacy for less than € 20. Follow the instructions in the package if you have decided to treat warts on your own. Usually the kit comes with a small applicator or stick to cool and put in contact with the wart for 2-3 seconds. While most of these products work the same way, read the instructions to make sure you are doing it correctly.
- You will feel a sharp pinch-like pain for nearly 3 seconds, but it should subside in no time. After 10-15 minutes you will probably feel nothing more than a slight numbness in the treated site.
- If you have low pain tolerance, sit down while you do the treatment. While he rarely faints, you need to make sure you don't bump into anything in case you feel lightheaded.

Step 3. Gently bandage the frozen area
After cryotherapy, a scab will form on the wart. A small blister may also develop. Use sterile gauze to cover the wart and make sure it doesn't bleed or produce pus.
- If the blister that has formed breaks, clean it and absorb the liquid carefully as it may contain the virus. Then clean the area with mild soap and water. Dry it and cover it with a clean non-stick bandage.
- Although you can resume your normal daily activities after cryotherapy, avoid swimming or bathing. The water can contain bacteria that are likely to infect the lesion. For the first 24 hours, do not wet the affected area in any way, not even washing the dishes.

Step 4. Repeat the cryotherapy after 2-3 weeks if the wart is still present
Only very small warts are removed with a single application; very often it is necessary to repeat the treatment. Make sure you keep the scab and any blisters properly cleaned between treatments to prevent infections. However, it is best to leave scabs and blisters uncovered.
See your doctor if you have bleeding, discharge, numbness lasting more than 2-3 days, or swelling that could indicate an infection
Method 3 of 5: Remove Warts on Your Own

Step 1. Combine cryotherapy with home remedies for better results
Although cryotherapy is the quickest and most effective method of getting rid of warts, it rarely destroys them permanently on the first try. The cold can greatly weaken them and, consequently, make it easier for patches, salicylic acid, or other methods to work. So, by combining the principle of freezing with that of the following remedies, you will prepare yourself to attack them properly.

Step 2. Wet the wart with warm water and file it lightly
If you weaken it, the treatment will be much more effective. Use a pumice stone or nail file to gently smooth it out so the medicine works better once the top layer of skin is removed. Also, to soften and prepare the skin, it is best to soak your foot in warm water before applying gels and creams.
Be sure to dry your foot and remove dead skin before performing any treatments

Step 3. Use salicylic acid-based gels, creams, and patches
Salicylic acid is the main ingredient in many warts remedies. You can find it in the form of gels and patches, so it can be applied comfortably to treat the problem over time. Generally the removal process is not quick: it can take at least 12 weeks before completely destroying the wart. For this reason, many people use salicylic acid in combination with cryotherapy or other methods.
- Salicylic acid damages healthy, infected skin, but you can protect the area around the wound by applying a light layer of petroleum jelly.
- Once the salicylic acid is applied, allow it to be absorbed into the skin by covering the wart.

Step 4. Test the duct tape
While there is no overwhelming evidence on the effectiveness of this treatment, many people are convinced otherwise. Apply a piece of duct tape to the wart and leave it for 6 days. When finished, take it off and soak your foot in warm water for 5 minutes. It is assumed that it works by isolating and weakening the virus while at the same time allowing the immune system to focus on the wart and destroy it.
- If it comes off, immediately apply another piece.
- You will likely need to repeat the treatment or use it in conjunction with other methods, so even when it's done, don't be alarmed if the wart hasn't gone away or comes back.

Step 5. Pierce, disinfect and cover
With this method you can accelerate the immune system's response to the virus by promoting the production of white blood cells in the injured area. While it's not recommended because it can be very painful, it does have its benefits. It is completely natural, costs nothing, and helps the body fight the infection. If you decide to puncture the wart:
- Sterilize a needle by holding it over a flame for 5-10 seconds.
- Clean the wart with soap and water. Soak it for 5 minutes in warm water to soften the skin.
- Pierce with a quick, shallow movement. Just tear the most superficial layer of skin. Attention, you will feel pain.
- Clean the wart, cover it with antibacterial ointment and keep it bandaged for 1-2 weeks.

Step 6. Give her time to disappear on her own
All warts disappear spontaneously within 1-2 years, so if it doesn't hurt you, consider letting them run their course. It is the best and easiest way to get rid of the problem because you allow the immune system to do its job.
- However, these lesions rarely go away on their own when the immune system is compromised (for example in people with HIV). In these cases it is advisable to seek a cure.
- To relieve pain, avoid high-heeled shoes or anything that puts pressure on the wart. Double socks and comfortable shoes are great options.
- Try purchasing a moleskin patch to create a donut-shaped protection where the wart stays in the center. It will prevent you from crushing it and hurting yourself.
Method 4 of 5: Remove Warts from the Doctor

Step 1. Go for a reduction of the lesion
In some cases, the podiatrist can shrink or file the warts. Often this treatment is used in combination with other remedies because it facilitates the access of the medicine to the root, in order to eliminate the wart.
This process does not completely remove the wart, but it decreases its size and hopefully makes it less bothersome

Step 2. Try cryotherapy
It is possible to eradicate warts in a doctor's office using liquid nitrogen, based on the principle of freezing. It is the more aggressive version of the cryotherapy kit sold in pharmacies.
- Sprayed on the wart, liquid nitrogen kills the skin cells by freezing. At the end of the procedure, a blister will form and engulf the wart. It will become a crust that will fall off within a few days.
- In the case of large warts it is likely that the procedure must be repeated several times before the growth is completely eradicated.
- Cryotherapy can be quite painful, so it's not a recommended method for children.

Step 3. Ask if chemical treatment is appropriate
In some cases, the doctor will prescribe a chemical treatment that involves the use of a corrosive substance to be applied directly to the wart in order to kill the skin cells. Typically the substances foreseen for this option include:
- Retinoid-based creams.
- Cantharidin: is an active ingredient that causes a blister to form under the wart. The latter tends to rise from the skin. It must be applied at the doctor's office.
- Immunotherapy drugs to fight HPV.
- Injections of bleomycin, although they are very painful and rarely used.

Step 4. Opt for laser or surgical removal, in severe cases
Used only in the most extreme cases, it eliminates warts quickly and permanently, however it could be expensive and cause severe pain when walking. For these reasons it is not one of the most convenient options for getting rid of the problem.
Method 5 of 5: Preventing the Spread of Warts

Step 1. Cover the wart when you go to the pool
Warts are easily transmitted in a public swimming pool, so it is important to cover them with a waterproof patch. Alternatively, you can buy special swimming socks at the pharmacy.
You can also cover it with nail polish to create a sealing layer that prevents it from spreading the virus to other people. However, keep in mind that it is not a scientifically proven method

Step 2. Do not share towels, socks and shoes
Warts can be spread through the common use of towels, socks, and shoes, so if you have a wart, avoid sharing these items with others. Bring and use your belongings to the gym and pool.

Step 3. Take a shower using flip flops
As well as poolside, warts can easily spread in public showers. So bring a pair of flip flops when you wash in these environments.

Step 4. Always wash your hands if you happen to touch a wart, whether it's yours or someone else's
Some strains of HPV are more contagious than others, so you need to keep the lesion covered and avoid touching other people's warts.

Step 5. Use the disinfectant wipes at the gym
The gym is where you can most easily get warts, but you can prevent the spread by using disinfectant wipes. Make sure you clean everything you use when you're done, and consider wearing a pair of weight lifting gloves if you're worried about contagion.
- Tea tree oil helps remove warts. Rub the affected area with a file, then apply it with a cotton ball. Repeat the treatment every night before going to bed and in a few weeks the wart should go away.
- You can get rid of a wart visually, but don't underestimate the possibility that it will come back a few weeks later. In this case the body is still fighting the virus, but you are on the road to recovery.
- See your doctor if you suspect an infection following treatment. Symptoms may include increased pain, swelling, redness, warmth or tenderness around the wart, red streaks, pus or discharge, and fever.
- You can also try to strengthen your immune system to help eradicate the virus.