Whether you suffer from insomnia or just feel overwhelmed by the stresses of everyday life, getting to sleep may be more complicated than just lying down and closing your eyes. Too many distractions and stressful thoughts can interfere with your ability to give your body the necessary rest. Hypnosis can help you clear your mind of worries and is practicable both by a professional and by yourself at home. Most experts indicate that, to enter a state of hypnosis, it is necessary to combine different techniques of relaxation, visualization, suggestion and focusing of attention. The following article will guide you through these practices, as well as offering you useful tips to acquire a more relaxed lifestyle, which will allow you to fall asleep easily.
Part 1 of 3: Calming the Mind

Step 1. Make yourself comfortable
Before trying to fall asleep, it is important to make sure that you are comfortable so that your mind is not distracted by the immediate environment. When it's time to get ready for bed, wear comfortable clothes; clothing that is too tight or constricting could lose focus or make you feel uncomfortable. At this point, find a comfortable place. If you're not ready to go to sleep yet, choose a place to sit comfortably, such as cross-legged on a soft pillow. If, on the other hand, you have decided to lie down immediately in bed, choose the position you like best.
The essential thing is to find an accommodation that allows you to feel completely relaxed. This is the first step to take to be able to relax the mind and body

Step 2. Prepare your surroundings
The body is more prone to sleep in the absence of light. This is because melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, is produced when it's dark outside. When it's time to get ready for bed, dim the room. Also, avoid looking at the bright screens of your TV, mobile phone, tablet or computer.
These measures not only promote the production of melatonin, but allow both the eyes and the brain to begin to relax

Step 3. Engage in relaxing activities
One of the best ways to be able to clear your mind before going to sleep, promoting quality sleep, is to engage in some relaxing activity during the last moments of the day. For example, try reading, meditating or doing crossword puzzles. The aim is to focus the mind on something pleasant, away from everyday worries. Focusing on the protagonists in your book or the answers in the crossword puzzle will distract you from everyday worries.
- Try not to watch too much TV before bed. Television programs can be overstimulating, also interfering with the release of melatonin.
- Studies have shown that engaging in a relaxing activity before bed can help relieve anxiety. Among the recommended activities can for example include the practice of breathing techniques.
Part 2 of 3: Getting to Sleep Using Self Hypnosis

Step 1. Clear your mind
Self hypnosis can help you enter a state of deep sleep. This method leads you to focus on yourself, your breathing and your thought processes in order to gently fall asleep. First, you need to clear your mind of worries. Often the thoughts that crowd our minds during the night seem particularly overwhelming and disturbing; it is a real phase recognized by scientists, in which the mind tends to rework everything that happened during the day or to analyze what is expected to happen in the future.
Try to leave this process behind. The most useful thing to do is to clear your mind of worries by focusing on your breath while imagining that you are in a relaxing place. Often this method may be easier said than done: in this case try to gradually relax one part of the body after another; slowly the state of stillness will begin to involve the mind as well

Step 2. Release accumulated tensions in the body
Start from your toes, slowly working your way up to the scalp. Move or stretch every single part to become aware of the sensations you experience when it is active. For example, curl your toes towards your heels or towards your knees. After a few moments, bring them back to their natural position, abandoning even the slightest tension. Make sure that the muscles of the feet and toes are completely relaxed, free from any pressure or nerve stress.
Continue by gradually contracting and relaxing all parts of the body to release even the smallest tension built up in the muscles. Move up, tightening and releasing the muscles of the feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, back, chest, shoulders, elbows, forearms, hands, fingers, neck, nape, jaw, face, mouth, eyes and ears

Step 3. Breathe deeply
When the body is completely relaxed, you can start doing some breathing exercises. First close your eyes, then inhale slowly and deeply. Exhale slowly, feeling how the air escapes from the lungs. Concentrate all your attention on your chest, to notice the sensations that arise from each breath. Let your mind focus totally on your breathing, noting how the air slowly enters and exits the body.
- Open your mouth and relax your jaw muscles. Don't force breathing. Just continue to breathe softly and spontaneously, without making any effort.
- Feel how the body lies even more relaxed on the mattress with each single breath. The effects of hypnosis should be similar to those induced by meditation: a feeling of withdrawal from the physical body, a distorted perception of time and an overwhelming sense of euphoria.

Step 4. Visualize a relaxing place
When your body and breath are totally relaxed and under your control, you can begin the creative phase of the practice. All you have to do is mentally visualize the place or scenery that you consider most enjoyable and relaxing ever. It could be a beach in a summer sun, a golf course on a beautiful spring day, a small house in the mountains warmed by a fireplace, or a hammock hanging in the backyard of your childhood home. Immerse yourself in your relaxing place, focusing all your attention on it.
- Try to recall the sensations, smells and sounds related to that place. The more detailed the scenario, the more relaxed you will feel. Visualize yourself in the chosen place, imagine in minute detail what you are doing, noting for example what other people are there with you, what tastes like what you are eating, what are the sounds you hear and any other details related to the climate and atmosphere that you are eating. surrounds you.
- Some studies have found that when we focus on a mental image, beta waves decrease, while alpha and theta waves increase, giving rise to a feeling of relaxation and sleepiness.

Step 5. Choose a mantra
If being able to visualize a place in detail seems difficult to you, you can choose to promote sleep using a personal mantra. Find a phrase that you find highly relaxing, such as Restful, restful sleep or Calm, deep sleep. Repeat your mantra on each exhalation, focusing your attention on the meaning of the words.
- It has been shown that states of relaxation and suggestion are able to control the activity of some regions of the brain located in depth, with the result of being able to effectively renew thought processes. In your specific case, the stressful thoughts will be reduced, being replaced by numerous relaxing thoughts related to the time of sleep.
- The human brain is incredibly sensitive to suggestion, and the repetition of an affirmative sentence can have a lasting impact on the subconscious.

Step 6. Create a hypnotic recording
If none of the above options work, try creating an audio file that guides you step by step into a hypnotic state. During the first few attempts, you may find it difficult to remember all the steps necessary to enter a state of hypnosis, and stopping to retrace what you have done so far to notice any missing moves you may see the acquired relaxation fade. Record yourself as you describe your meditation practice point by point. Try using different methods and images, creating multiple files based on different scenarios and mantras. Include your positive affirmations so that you can listen to them and repeat them as you doze off.
Listen to your recording as you try to fall asleep. Research suggests that listening to sound that invites you to sleep deeply can actually induce better quality sleep

Step 7. Practice
Although all these activities may seem easy to apply, for them to bear fruit it is necessary to repeat them over and over again. Learning to apply relaxation techniques can also take a long time, so don't worry if the results don't come immediately: with practice you will become more and more skilled. The more time you spend visualizing your happy place, the more realistic you will make it.
- After some time, you will most likely find that you can fall asleep more easily, as well as sleep better.
- If your problem is that you wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep, you can still use these techniques. With practice, this relaxation routine will allow you to fall asleep easily, exactly as described for those who struggle to fall asleep immediately after going to bed.
Part 3 of 3: Giving up Bad Habits for Better Sleep

Step 1. Avoid caffeine
It is a stimulating substance that stays in the body for a very long time. Beginning in the late afternoon, stop drinking caffeinated drinks, such as tea, coffee, and sodas. Also, avoid chocolate and any foods that may contain caffeine.
Remember that some decaffeinated drinks still contain a small amount of caffeine

Step 2. Dinner lightly and early in the morning
If the evening meal consists of heavy foods, the digestive system has to work hard to be able to process it. In the last hours of the day, avoid high protein ingredients, also being careful not to overeat. Large quantities of food take a long time to digest, with the inevitable consequence of disturbing your sleep.
- The best thing to do is not to eat anything during the two hours before bedtime.
- If you know that when you drink you need to go to the bathroom frequently, also reduce the amount of fluids as bedtime approaches.

Step 3. Understand what the effects of exercise are on sleep
In general, exercising before bed is considered harmless. However, unless you know for sure how movement affects your sleep, it's a good idea to train well in advance of bedtime. During the last hours of the day, avoid running, doing an intense cardio activity or dedicating yourself to any other strenuous discipline.
If you plan to exercise during the evening hours, choose a relaxing practice; among other things you can try, for example, to walk or to do yoga

Step 4. Set a time to go to sleep
The human body is habitual and respects very precise biological rhythms. If you generally have a hard time falling asleep, you should make an effort to go to sleep at about the same time every night. By practicing your evening routine regularly (at set times), you'll let your body and mind know it's time to relax and rest.
The effects will be even more positive if you dedicate yourself to the same activity every evening, for example reading or doing crosswords, also respecting specific times. Your gestures will send a clear signal to the brain: it's time to get ready for sleep
- Ask your doctor for advice. Sometimes sleep disturbances can be a symptom of a disease, such as sleep apnea syndrome. For this reason it is important to consult your doctor to treat them appropriately.
- If you are forced to sleep in a noisy environment, try playing soothing music or white noises around the room. On the market you can find instrumental pieces and recordings of sounds of nature capable of inducing a state of mental and physical calm. Select your favorite tunes, then listen to them softly as you indulge in your evening routine. Your mind will soon learn to associate that music with sleep.
- Drugs and alcohol are bitter enemies of sleep. While promoting an initial sleepy state that may help you fall asleep easily, these substances prevent you from sleeping soundly, preventing your body and mind from resting effectively. Additionally, both can be addictive and addictive.
- Use ear plugs. If you know that a quiet environment can help you fall asleep, try using earplugs to prevent sounds or distractions from distracting you from your attempt to relax.