How to sleep after the extraction of a wisdom tooth

Table of contents:

How to sleep after the extraction of a wisdom tooth
How to sleep after the extraction of a wisdom tooth

The removal of a wisdom tooth is usually a troublesome operation and the subsequent recovery period can be even more so. Due to the bleeding and pain in the gums, it becomes more difficult not only to eat and drink, but also to fall asleep. Fortunately, there are many ways to make this last action easier, minimizing the discomfort.


Part 1 of 2: Getting ready to go to bed

Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 1
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 1

Step 1. Remove any gauze from your mouth

If you hold them in your mouth while you sleep, you may choke, so be sure to remove them (carefully) before going to bed.

You can safely remove the gauze from the mouth, if it has been at least half an hour since the extraction

Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 2
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 2

Step 2. Take pain relievers according to your dentist's prescription

After the operation, it is normal to feel a lot of pain, especially during the first day: painkillers are essential to relieve discomfort just enough to fall asleep.

  • To take these medicines, follow the dosage instructions.
  • Take painkillers before the effect of the anesthetic has passed (it lasts about 8 hours): in this way it will be easier to keep the pain caused by the operation under control.
  • Being under the constant effect of painkillers will also help you rest better.
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 3
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 3

Step 3. Have cold drinks as much as you are allowed

It is important to keep your mouth hydrated and to prevent further bleeding by drinking cold water. However, do not eat or drink anything that may cause discomfort in the mouth; rather wait until you feel better and this operation becomes tolerable.

  • Avoid drinking through a straw for at least a week after the operation.
  • Do not take hot drinks or food while recovering. Limit yourself to soft, cold foods or drinks as much as possible.
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 4
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 4

Step 4. Place an ice pack on your face to decrease swelling of the gums

Keeping it on your cheek will relieve pain and make it easier for you to fall asleep. Apply the compress near the tooth extraction point up to half an hour before going to bed.

  • Make sure you wrap the ice in a cloth before applying it to your face.
  • If you plan to take a nap lasting up to half an hour, you can sleep with the pack on your cheek. However, avoid sleeping with the pack for a longer period, as it could leave your cheek uncomfortably cold.
  • Never apply heat to the area after an extraction.
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 5
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 5

Step 5. Avoid brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth, or touching the wound

You could risk moving the blood clot formed on the wound by starting the bleeding again - the blood and pain will make it more difficult to fall asleep.

If the wound starts to bleed again and you apply gauze over it, make sure you don't go to bed with it in your mouth: wait at least 30 minutes for the bleeding to stop, then remove it and go to sleep

Part 2 of 2: Go to sleep

Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 6
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 6

Step 1. Keep your head elevated to relieve swelling

With the help of some pillows, keep the upper body at a 45 degree angle and the head raised. This will reduce swelling and throbbing and make it easier for you to sleep.

  • Although it may not be your natural position, it is certainly the best one for reducing pain in the mouth while you sleep.
  • Consider investing some money in a wedge pillow to make sleeping in this position easier.
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 7
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 7

Step 2. Avoid sleeping on a slippery surface, such as leather

Remaining slightly raised makes the body slide downwards more easily while you sleep. Avoid leather sofas or other slippery surfaces to rest better and avoid getting hurt.

You won't have to worry about this if you sleep in your bed with your head raised by some pillows

Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 8
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 8

Step 3. Keep your room cool and dark to make it a suitable sleeping environment

Turn off all the lights, use heavy curtains on the windows and lower the room temperature to make it ideal for a good rest.

  • Maintaining an ambient temperature between 16 and 19 ° C will help lower your body temperature while you get ready to sleep.
  • If you keep your phone near the bed, turn it over so that the screen faces down while you sleep - this will prevent unwanted light in the room if you receive any notifications.
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 9
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 9

Step 4. Use aromatherapy to fall asleep more easily

Studies have shown that certain scents are able to relieve stress and facilitate a relaxing rest. Consider using some candles, oils, or sprays to scent the room and make it more suitable for rest.

  • The most suitable aromas for a resting environment are lavender and vanilla.
  • You can also soak a cotton ball in a scented oil and place it next to your pillow for an easy and quick aromatic experience to make.
  • Be very careful when lighting a candle: never fall asleep leaving it lit.
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 10
Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal Step 10

Step 5. Play some soothing music to distract yourself from the pain

It can be especially difficult to distract your mind long enough to fall asleep, so to help with this, try playing some soft, calming music while lying down.

  • Slow music is usually the best choice for falling asleep. For best results, play music that has a frequency between 60 and 80 beats per minute.
  • Among the musical genres suitable for falling asleep are jazz, classical and folk music.
