You probably have a habit of brushing your teeth and flossing every day to take care of your oral hygiene, but what can you do to get your teeth straight? A straight set of teeth not only looks good - it also helps prevent future dental and jaw problems. Thankfully, there are several ways to straighten your teeth and keep them aligned. Talk to a dentist or orthodontist to start treatment and avoid bad habits that lead to crooked teeth.
Method 1 of 4: Bring the Device or Retainer
Step 1. Find an orthodontist
Orthodontists are dentists who specialize in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of irregularities affecting the teeth. Contact your dentist for advice on one: he will certainly be able to give you suggestions for finding a professional in the area. The orthodontist will examine your teeth, jaw and gums to help you choose the best treatment for your needs.
- If you have health insurance that covers dental bills, contact the company for a list of available orthodontists.
- Some dentists also do orthodontics, while others recommend seeing a specialist. When in doubt, ask.
Step 2. Put the appliance on
The appliance is the most used device for straightening crooked teeth. The teeth will be cemented with plates connected by metal wires. The device exerts such pressure that the teeth slowly move, so that they straighten over time. You will need to make periodic visits to the dentist or orthodontist to tighten the appliance from time to time.
- The duration of the treatment varies and depends on your teeth. Generally, it lasts from 1 to 3 years.
- Nowadays the appliance is more comfortable than it was in the past.
Step 3. Choose a device
There are different types, including brightly colored braces or braces with aesthetic plates that blend in with the teeth. Some can also be placed behind the teeth (lingual braces), so that they are not seen too much. However, while they are almost invisible, they can also be less comfortable. Discuss options with an orthodontist.
Step 4. Put on the retainer
Once the braces have been removed, your dentist or orthodontist will probably give you a retainer, which is a removable retaining appliance that is used to keep the teeth in their new position. You have to wear it at night for some time, but not forever. Be sure to use it following the dentist's instructions to prevent the teeth from returning to their starting position.
Method 2 of 4: Using an Invisible Appliance
Step 1. Measure to put on the invisible brace
This device is made from clear plastic or acrylic and must be worn every day. Contact an orthodontist to make a device that fits your mouth. You will have to go back to the specialist about once a month to change it. This procedure allows you to gradually move the teeth until they are completely straightened.
Step 2. Wear the invisible appliance correctly
Since it is removable, you will need to use it responsibly for the treatment to be effective. Follow the instructions of the dentist or orthodontist, wearing it for as many hours as recommended. Remove it before eating, brushing your teeth, and flossing.
Step 3. Choose a brand that has a good reputation
There are several manufacturers of invisible braces, such as Invisalign and ClearCorrect. Your orthodontist can help you choose the most suitable one. Some internet companies offer cheaper braces to order online, which can be used without the supervision of an orthodontist. Contacting a professional, however, is undoubtedly safer to straighten your teeth and find the most suitable device for your needs.
Method 3 of 4: Alternatives to Try and Methods to Avoid
Step 1. Consider surgery
If you have crooked teeth due to jaw misalignment, consider surgery. The surgery will not change the position of individual teeth, but it can change the position of the jaw if the upper or lower one is prominent, with an abnormal bite. This will improve the overall position of the teeth and can make them straighter.
Step 2. Refrain from DIY
The American Association of Orthodontists seriously warns against using home remedies to straighten teeth. Following guides found on the internet without the supervision of an orthodontist can damage your teeth and gums, causing long-term damage. It is much safer and more effective to treat your teeth with the help of a professional than to try to do it yourself. Here's what to avoid:
- Wrap cords or rubber bands around the teeth.
- Use paper clips.
- Biting into objects such as pencils.
- Follow the advice of a YouTube video or blog.
Step 3. If you have tried to straighten your teeth at home, see an orthodontist
Do-it-yourself methods can cause severe damage to your teeth and gums. If you have tried to fix your dentition at home using a guide downloaded from the internet, immediately retrace your steps and go to a dentist or orthodontist. It can help you repair and prevent further damage so your teeth can be aligned correctly and safely.
Do-it-yourself damage can be irreversible
Method 4 of 4: Change Bad Habits
Step 1. Sleep on your back
If you sleep on your stomach, you will apply gentle but steady pressure to one side of your face and your teeth. A slow and gradual pressure can over time cause the teeth to move, so sleeping in the prone position you risk distorting the teeth. Get used to sleeping on your back or on your side.
Step 2. Sit properly at your desk
When you sit for many hours, you are likely to rest your chin on your hand. This habit can move the jaw and teeth slightly. When you settle into the chair, tilt your pelvis back to avoid sitting on the sacrum. This allows you to assume a more comfortable position which helps to avoid letting yourself fall forward and rest your head on your hand.
Step 3. Avoid sucking on objects
Thumb sucking and pacifier abuse commonly tend to twist the dentition in childhood, precisely during the development of teeth and gums. Help your child have a beautiful smile by eliminating these bad habits as soon as possible. If you are an adult, avoid all actions that put constant pressure on your teeth and gums, such as constantly chewing on hard candy or absentmindedly sucking on objects.
Step 4. Maintain good oral hygiene
If you have healthy teeth and gums, it will be easier to maintain perfect teeth. Adopt good oral hygiene habits to prevent periodontitis and tooth decay, but also to have straight teeth.
Brush your teeth and floss twice a day
Step 5. Breathe through your nose
Always breathing with your mouth can cause the jaw to narrow and the teeth to become misaligned. Remember to breathe through your nose whenever you can. If you have sinus problems or difficulty breathing properly, see your doctor for a solution.