If bad breath is bothering you constantly or suddenly you realize you have pestilential breath, here are some tips to fix it.

Step 1. Brush your teeth for a healthy mouth and good breath
Brush them for at least 30 seconds at least twice a day.

Step 2. Try eating a mint
Bring a packet of mints with you and chew on one when your breath needs a refresh. For a good result, choose peppermint, spearmint or cinnamon candies. Try to use them without being seen by others - it can be embarrassing to have bad breath.

Step 3. Chew gum
It can help you keep your breath fresh for a long time. Sugar-free gum allows you to keep your teeth clean and treat bad breath, and you can chew them without arousing suspicion.

Step 4. Use mouthwash before going out
Gargle for a few minutes, spit it out and rinse your mouth.

Step 5. Don't overdo it with smoke and alcohol
They leave an unpleasant aftertaste and make bad breath within minutes. Try having just one drink or smoke less.

Step 6. Eat some celery or parsley
Some say they help fight bad breath. When dining out, ask the waiter if side dishes containing these ingredients are available.
- When brushing your teeth, don't forget to brush your tongue.
- Avoid spicy foods and garlic.
- Use a toothpaste with an intense and pleasant aroma.