The best way to lose weight is to lose weight properly, safely and healthily. Since the risks and contraindications are less if it occurs gradually, three months is enough time to shed the extra pounds. In this period, you can lose about 5-10 kg, or 0.5-1 kg per week. So, if your goal falls within these parameters, consider taking some steps to lose weight safely and gradually over three months.
Part 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet

Step 1. Consult your doctor or dietician
Before starting a weight loss program, you should seek advice from your doctor or consult a dietician. Both will be able to tell you if it's safe and healthy.
- In addition, they may provide you with additional guidance or recommend alternatives that are more suitable for your health condition.
- The dietician is a nutrition expert who can prescribe an effective weight loss diet. In addition to suggesting healthier foods that promote weight loss, they may also work out a meal plan based on your needs to help you reach your goal.
- Look for a dietician on platforms that connect doctors and patients, such as "medical pages" and "my doctor".

Step 2. Calculate the calories
To lose weight, you will most likely need to cut down on excess calories. If you want to safely lose weight or lose weight 0.5-1 kg per week, you need to eliminate or burn around 500-1000 calories per day.
- It is not recommended to reduce more than 500-1000 calories per day, otherwise there is a risk of not being able to meet your nutritional needs.
- While keeping the calorie intake at bay is not enough to lose weight and eat healthily, it is important in any case to know the calorie content of foods, in other words, to know if you are consuming enough calories to support your body and maintaining your lifestyle.
- To increase your daily calorie deficit, you can reduce your calorie intake and exercise.

Step 3. Consume lean protein sources with every meal
According to some studies, adequate protein intake promotes weight loss as well as prolonging the sense of satiety.
- Include lean protein sources in your diet, including white meats, beef, pork, eggs, dairy, legumes, and tofu.
- In general, women should consume 50g of protein per day, while men should consume 60g. You can follow this recommendation if you are getting around 20-30g of protein with each meal. They correspond to the size of a deck of cards, in the palm of a hand or about 100 g of beans or lentils.

Step 4. Fill up on fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and are also low-calorie. To decrease your overall calorie intake, half of your dishes should be fruit or vegetables.
- The choice of these foods varies every day. By eating fruits and vegetables of different colors, you can get vitamins and antioxidants of various kinds.
- In general, try to eat 1-2 servings of fruit per day (i.e. 1 small fruit or 100 g of sliced fruit) and at least 3-4 servings of vegetables (i.e. 250-500 g of green leafy vegetables). Keep in mind that you can eat as many vegetables as you want without compromising your diet. In fact, more consumption keeps you full longer and helps you stay on track.

Step 5. Eat whole grains in moderation
Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber and also provide some vitamins and minerals. If you want to eat these dishes, preferably opt for wholemeal ones.
- Whole grains are not refined. They contain the entire nutritional value of the grain (bran, germ and endosperm).
- This macro category of foods includes rice, pasta and wholemeal bread, oats and quinoa. Popcorn also retains the properties of the whole grain.

Step 6. Make healthy snacks
It is right to indulge in a healthy snack from time to time when you are on a diet. In addition, a snack can also cope with the strain of a weight loss cure.
- If you want to nibble on something, ask yourself if you need it. A low-calorie snack can be a good idea on several occasions: before or after a workout; when the interval between meals lasts more than 4-5 hours; if you are very hungry and there are more than two hours before you can sit at the table.
- Aim for 100-200 calorie snacks. That way, you'll get to your next meal without compromising your daily calorie intake. Fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources are excellent options because they are low in calories and very nutritious.
- A healthy snack could include: cottage cheese and fruit, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 50g nuts, or hot air-cooked popcorn without butter.

Step 7. Drink in adequate quantities
Hydration also helps you lose weight. So, try to drink about 1.8 liters or 8 glasses of clear, unsweetened liquids every day. While this is a general rule of thumb for everyone, it's a great place to start.
- Even mild chronic dehydration can slow weight loss. Often, when you are dehydrated, you can confuse thirst with hunger and risk eating when you only need a sip of water.
- Check how much you drink each day by keeping a graduated water bottle handy.
- You can reduce or contain your food intake by drinking a glass of water before meals. By doing so, you will get full sooner.
- Avoid sugary drinks, including sodas, fruit juices, punch, sports and energy drinks, Kool-Aid sodas, sweet teas, lemonades, sweetened coffee, etc. They risk increasing your daily calorie intake. Be aware that you could lose weight simply by cutting out these drinks.

Step 8. Don't go overboard at the restaurant
Eating out is a pleasant occasion in which to experiment and cultivate one's sociability. However, it can also be part of a diet plan. Be careful what you order and try to choose something that doesn't alter your eating habits.
- The dishes served at the restaurant may contain more calories, fat and sodium than those cooked at home. Many times, the cause is to be attributed to the sauces, sauces, condiments, oil and butter with which they are accompanied. Ask if they can serve you these things aside.
- Avoid starchy foods. Consuming only protein sources and vegetables can help you keep your overall calorie intake low.
- Choose an appetizer or children's portion to reduce the size of the larger courses served at the restaurant.
- Limit or avoid alcohol and desserts. When you eat out, you risk getting too many calories. For example, margarita may contain 675 calories, while a slice of melted chocolate filled patty can exceed 1100 calories!
Part 2 of 3: Playing Sports to Promote Weight Loss

Step 1. Do cardiovascular exercises every week
You should do about 150 minutes to 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity every week. According to some studies, regular exercise promotes weight loss by preventing you from regaining the pounds lost over time.
- Aerobic activity includes some exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and hiking.
- Exercise allows you to reach your goal, but it is only part of the weight loss program. On its own it is not enough to dispose of the extra pounds. For best results, combine aerobic exercise and a low-calorie diet.

Step 2. Do muscle strengthening every week
Also called strength training, it is another important component of the sports routine. Try to do it 1 or 2 days a week to further promote weight loss.
- Muscle strengthening includes activities such as weight lifting, pilates or isometric exercises, including pushups or exercises to strengthen the abdominals.
- Don't do strength training every day. You need to allow your muscles to rest and recover after each toning session.

Step 3. Hire a personal trainer
It's a great idea for introducing yourself to the world of fitness. It is a professional who manages physical exercise in an individualized way. He is able to show you how various gym equipment is used, come up with a personalized training program and help you not to lose motivation.
- See if there are gyms in the city that offer discounts or have special offers on personalized training sessions. Many times they offer a free session with signup.
- While it is expensive to have a personal trainer, you probably only need a few sessions to familiarize yourself with the exercises in the gym and figure out which workout is best for your needs.
Part 3 of 3: Track Progress

Step 1. Keep a food diary
By writing down everything you eat, including snacks and drinks, you will become more aware of your eating habits and can also stick to your new diet.
Buy a diary or download a special application on your smartphone. Try to update it as often as you can. The ideal would be to write down what you eat during the week and also on the weekend. Many people vary the menu slightly on the weekend

Step 2. Weigh yourself every day
Check your weight every day to see how the diet is progressing. If you get into this habit, you will be stimulated to move on and improve your results. Step on the scale every morning, for example before brushing your teeth.

Step 3. Write down your goals
It can be useful if you need to make some changes in your life, but especially if you plan to lose weight. Write down some ideas about the goals you want to achieve during your 3 months.
- Describe them in detail. They must be defined over time, precise and concrete. Remember that it is unrealistic to think about shedding a lot of pounds, and probably not safe and healthy either.
- Set smaller goals before setting long-term goals. For example, over the course of three months, you could set various milestones to achieve within a month or two weeks.
- Avoid saturated fats and trans fats as much as possible.
- The key to long-term weight loss is to adopt a sustainable eating plan and lifestyle. In this way, you will avoid regaining the lost kilos.
- It is not safe or healthy to lose too much weight in a short amount of time.
- A balanced diet helps you lose weight. Include all five food groups - protein sources, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss treatment or diet program to make sure that it does not involve contraindications and is suitable for your health needs.