6 Ways to Better Absorb Vitamin D Supplements

6 Ways to Better Absorb Vitamin D Supplements
6 Ways to Better Absorb Vitamin D Supplements

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Getting sufficient amounts of vitamin D is a basic requirement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The good news is that many people don't need to supplement this vitamin. In fact, since it is stored for a long time within the fat mass, the way it is absorbed does not really matter. You can get it in many ways, and the method of absorption is not as relevant as the amount of vitamin you get! That said, there are a few things you can do to make sure you're getting your vitamin D as efficiently as possible.


Method 1 of 6: How is vitamin D absorbed by the body?

Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 1
Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 1

Step 1. It enters the skin or stomach and is stored in the fat cells

You can get it by exposing yourself to sunlight, eating foods that naturally contain it, or by taking a supplement. Once vitamin D has entered your body, it is absorbed by fat cells throughout the body and stays there until it is used in the gut to metabolize calcium.

How it is stored is particularly important. If you do not have a vitamin D deficiency, the rate and process of absorption are not relevant, because this substance is stored directly regardless of how it is introduced into the body. It is for this reason that staying at home for a few days is not a serious problem

Method 2 of 6: What Contributes to Vitamin D Absorption?

Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 2
Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 2

Step 1. Maintaining digestive health promotes the absorption of vitamins

The digestive system is responsible for the metabolism of these substances, so adopting a healthy life helps the body absorb them. Eat a healthy, balanced diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables, and plenty of fiber-rich foods. Sleep well every night, so as not to overload the digestive system, as well as keep it healthy and regular thanks to frequent physical activity.

Step 2. Healthy liver and kidneys also help absorb nutrients

These organs contribute to the metabolism of vitamins, including D, so keep them healthy to improve absorption. In addition to eating healthy and exercising, keeping your blood pressure within healthy parameters greatly helps liver and kidney function. Also, quit smoking and avoid drinking more than 1 or 2 alcohol per day.

In general, you shouldn't have more than 14g of pure alcohol per week, which equates to around 14 drinks

Step 3. You cannot control the other variables that affect vitamin D absorption

The most important factors that regulate it are the percentage of carbon in the air and the color of the skin. Of course, these are aspects beyond your control. The good news is that as long as you get out in the sun and eat a healthy diet, you won't have any problems!

Geographical location also affects vitamin D absorption, but you would have to move hundreds of kilometers towards the equator to improve this factor. Even then, that's not a noticeable difference for most people

Method 3 of 6: What is the easiest form of vitamin D to absorb?

Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 5
Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 5

Step 1. All are absorbed equally

Since vitamin D is stored in the fat cells of the body, how it gets to the cells is irrelevant. If you get it entirely from sunlight, that's not a problem. The same is true for those who never expose themselves to the sun and only take it through food and supplements. Whether you get this substance from pills, from the sun or from food, the absorption rate does not vary.

Method 4 of 6: Are Vitamin D Supplements Effective?

Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 6
Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 6

Step 1. Yes, if you can't get the sun, supplements are a great way to get vitamin D

Most people get sufficient amounts of this substance from food and sunlight, which provide the largest share. As a result, you will often not need supplements. Although your body can absorb vitamin D in all forms, pills are usually easier to swallow and more efficient.

If you are concerned that you are not getting enough vitamin D, ask your doctor to schedule a blood test and check the level of this substance

Step 2. To better absorb supplements, take them with the largest meal of the day

If you need a vitamin D supplement, take it right before a rich meal. It doesn't matter whether it's dinner, lunch or breakfast, as long as it's the biggest meal of the day. This will make it much easier for your body to metabolize vitamin D and you will get the most benefit from the supplement.

Step 3. If you are elderly or live far from the equator, ask your doctor if you need to take a supplement

Older adults have a tendency to get less vitamin D, and if you live far from the equator, it can be difficult to get enough sunlight, especially during the winter months. If you suspect that you have a deficiency in this vitamin, ask your doctor for a blood test. You may not need any more vitamin D, but you may also need a daily supplement!

  • If you need a vitamin D supplement, you rarely need more than 600 IU per day.
  • The scientific community has different opinions on how many people really need vitamin D supplements, because you can get a lot of it from food. However, as long as it does not exceed 4,000 IU per day, the supplements do not cause serious side effects.

Method 5 of 6: Is 2,000 IU of Vitamin D a Safe Dosage?

Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 7
Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 7

Step 1. Yes, even if your body only needs 600 IU per day

The maximum tolerable level of daily vitamin D intake is 4,000 IU, so 2,000 IU is not dangerous. However, this is considerably more of the vitamin than you need, so don't take supplements with a similar dosage unless your doctor recommends you do so.

UI stands for international units; it is the unit of measurement that quantifies vitamins

Step 2. Symptoms of vitamin D overdose include vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination

You may also experience bone and joint pain, as well as having kidney problems. However, overdoses due to this substance are very rare and you would have to take 60,000 IU per day for several months for them to occur.

Method 6 of 6: Is Vitamin D2 or D3 Better?

Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 9
Best Absorb Vitamin D Supplements Step 9

Step 1. Vitamin D3 is more efficient, but D2 is also useful for the body

D2 (ergocalciferol) is produced by plants and fungi, while D3 (cholecalciferol) occurs naturally in mammals. Both forms are found in food and sunlight, and your body can use and store them equally. However, D3 often costs less and is slightly more efficient in humans, so choose this substance if you need to buy a supplement.
