4 Ways to Cure Fever

4 Ways to Cure Fever
4 Ways to Cure Fever

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In itself, fever (also called pyrexia) is not a disease, rather it is a symptom that indicates when the body is busy rejecting a pathogen. Generally, it is not advisable to try to bring it down because in this way you risk inhibiting the attack by the organism against the virus or bacteria it is trying to eradicate from the system. Depending on the cause, it can be allowed to run its course or you can be treated to eradicate the underlying disease. If you feel weak or are worried that your fever is too high, there are various ways to lower it.


Method 1 of 4: Take Care of Yourself

Get Rid of a Fever Step 1
Get Rid of a Fever Step 1

Step 1. Undress a little

Even if you feel cold when you have a fever, your body temperature is actually too high and you need to lower it to warm up. Allow your body to release excess heat by wearing only a thin layer of clothing and, if necessary, covering yourself with a thin blanket or sheet.

In the event of a fever, wrapping up with sweatshirts and blankets can actually be dangerous because the body temperature is likely to rise further

Get Rid of a Fever Step 2
Get Rid of a Fever Step 2

Step 2. Properly regulate the internal temperature of the house

If it's too high, it can prevent the body from releasing excess heat, but it shouldn't be too low either. Chills are how your body naturally raises its temperature, so if it's so cold indoors that you can't stop shaking, you'll only make your condition worse.

If you choke from the heat, open a window or turn on a fan

Get Rid of a Fever Step 3
Get Rid of a Fever Step 3

Step 3. Cool off with water

Moistening your skin is a great way to lower your body temperature, but you should be careful not to drop it too low. Place a damp towel on your forehead and lower limbs or massage all over with a sponge soaked in warm water. It should be lukewarm to avoid the body reaction of the chills.

  • Sponge massages are ideal for children with fever.
  • You have probably read that by applying denatured alcohol to the skin, it is possible to lower a fever, but there is a risk that it will be absorbed by the skin causing intoxication, so use only water!
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Step 4. Take over-the-counter medications

If you can't stand this, you can take an over-the-counter antipyretic, such as acetaminophen (Tachipirina) or ibuprofen. Follow the dosage instructions carefully.

  • Paracetamol helps relieve fever, pain and other side effects. If you have liver problems, do not take it without first consulting your doctor.
  • Aspirin is also capable of bringing down fevers in adults, but it should never be given to children as it can trigger a serious illness called Reye's syndrome.
  • Keep in mind that these medications help you get better, but they don't treat the root cause of pyrexia. If you suspect you have a bacterial infection, you should definitely see your doctor and take any medications he prescribes.
Get Rid of a Fever Step 5
Get Rid of a Fever Step 5

Step 5. Get plenty of sleep

Help the body in this battle by sleeping more and spending as much time as you can lazing around. This doesn't mean you need to stay in bed all day, but avoid exercising.

You probably want to take time off from work or school and stay home, either because you need to rest or because you need to avoid passing on a contagious virus or bacterial infection to colleagues or classmates

Method 2 of 4: Eating and Drinking Properly

Get Rid of a Fever Step 6
Get Rid of a Fever Step 6

Step 1. Stay hydrated

Fever can easily cause dehydration and, consequently, other symptoms. So, if you drink plenty of fluids, you will feel better and help your body fight against the disease.

  • The water requirement depends on many factors, including body weight and level of physical activity. Typically, people should drink 9-13 glasses of water per day.
  • Water is best, but you can also opt for fruit juices, diluted energy drinks (1 part water and 1 part drink) or electrolytes.
Get Rid of a Fever Step 7
Get Rid of a Fever Step 7

Step 2. Eat right

Foods rich in nutrients and easy to digest give you the energy you need and allow you to fight disease. Try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables as well as avoid junk foods.

  • Lean protein sources and healthy fats, such as those in olive oil, are very important nutrients.
  • Foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt, help the body fight disease.
  • You can also try to supplement your diet with the intake of multivitamins, vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids in order to strengthen the immune defenses and relieve inflammatory processes. Check with your doctor to find out if there are any contraindications, especially if you are taking medications.
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Get Rid of a Fever Step 8

Step 3. Try a liquid food diet

It does not need to be completely liquid, but try to follow a diet based on the predominant intake of liquefied foods to promote hydration and digestion. Popsicles and soups are great options.

Method 3 of 4: Try Home Remedies

Get Rid of a Fever Step 9
Get Rid of a Fever Step 9

Step 1. Drink the herbal teas

Although there is no scientific evidence to prove this, many herbs are believed to help the body fight infections and mitigate ongoing inflammatory processes. Try buying a herbal tea containing healthful ingredients; alternatively, make your own by steeping the herbs in water or mixing some into powder. The following ingredients are considered ideal in case of fever:

  • Green tea;
  • Cat's claw;
  • Reishi mushroom;
  • Milk thistle;
  • Andrographis (Carmantina).
Get Rid of a Fever Step 10
Get Rid of a Fever Step 10

Step 2. Take homeopathic medicine

If antibiotic therapy or other medical therapy is not needed, you may want to try treating the symptoms with a homeopathic remedy. Although it is a natural preparation, there is no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness or safety. Check with your doctor to make sure it's not contraindicated for your condition, especially if you're taking other medications. Here are some ingredients sold as natural antipyretics:

  • Aconitum napellus;
  • Apis mellifica
  • Pretty Woman;
  • Bryonia;
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum;
  • Gelsemium.

Method 4 of 4: Treat the Cause

Get Rid of a Fever Step 12
Get Rid of a Fever Step 12

Step 1. Assess the symptoms

To determine the best way to lower a fever, you need to know the cause. Therefore, be on the lookout for any symptoms you experience. If they cannot be explained by the contagion of a common virus (in this case, they come in the form of a sore throat or earache), consult your doctor for the diagnosis.

  • Seek immediate medical attention if you experience confusion, difficulty moving or breathing, blue lips or nails, seizures, neck stiffness, or severe headaches.
  • A high fever in a child can trigger febrile seizures, usually harmless, which do not indicate a more serious health problem. However, you should have your child examined after the first episode. Call an ambulance if the seizures last longer than a few minutes, otherwise take them to the emergency room as soon as they are done.
Get Rid of a Fever Step 13
Get Rid of a Fever Step 13

Step 2. Take the antibiotics

If you are diagnosed with a bacterial infection, such as in the throat or urinary tract, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to treat it. If you take it following the directions, the fever should go away within a few days along with the other symptoms.

  • Do not take antibiotics if you have the flu virus or a normal cold. They are absolutely not effective against viral pathogens.
  • Keep taking the antibiotics following the instructions even if you start to feel better. This way, you will eradicate all bacteria and prevent them from developing antibiotic resistance.
Get Rid of a Fever Step 14
Get Rid of a Fever Step 14

Step 3. Learn to recognize when the fever is too high

Usually, a fever is not a concern, but it can become dangerous if it rises excessively or if it lasts for several days. See your doctor right away if you are concerned that it is too high.

  • For babies 3 months or older, call your doctor if it reaches or exceeds 38 ° C.
  • For babies between 3 and 12 months, call your doctor if it reaches or exceeds 39 ° C.
  • For older children and adults, call your doctor if it reaches or exceeds 40 ° C and won't subside even with medication.
  • If left untreated, a prolonged fever of 42 ° C can lead to a general collapse of the body and cause brain damage.
  • Also, you should see your doctor if it lasts longer than 48-72 hours or 24-48 hours in children younger than 2 years old.
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Get Rid of a Fever Step 15

Step 4. Treat chronic diseases

Fever can also be caused by chronic autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, such as lupus, vasculitis, and ulcerative colitis. To treat it in these cases, it is preferable to work with your doctor to create a treatment plan that works on the underlying condition.

  • In case of chronic conditions, it is necessary to contact the doctor every time the body temperature rises above normal values.
  • Also, fever can be the first symptom of a serious illness, such as cancer, so see your doctor if it persists.
Get Rid of a Fever Step 16
Get Rid of a Fever Step 16

Step 5. Treat yourself immediately if it is caused by environmental factors

If your body temperature rises after exposure to a strong heat source, it could be hyperthermia or heat stroke. In this case, the body must be immediately cooled.

  • Other symptoms of hyperthermia include weakness, nausea, confusion, dizziness and an altered state of consciousness.
  • Those suffering from hyperthermia must be rushed to the emergency room.
  • While waiting for medical attention, you can try to lower your body temperature by removing unnecessary clothing, applying cold water to your skin, moving to a cool, well-ventilated place, and drinking plenty of cold fluids.


  • If your child is old enough to describe their symptoms, listen to them. He knows what he is going through and how he feels.
  • Remember that a fever is used to eradicate an infection in the body, so you don't have to completely eliminate it. You can let it down if you feel unwell, but most of the time it doesn't need any special care.
  • If you have a sore throat, you should drink warm water with a spoonful of salt. You could also add a dash of lemon.
