There is nothing more satisfying than hitting a small, stiff ball hard with a large, hard stick. But field hockey allows you to dribble with that ball, move it quickly, roll it, slide it around and between your opponents' legs, lift it and pass it to a teammate. It is not for the faint of heart, or for those with a fragile head. Field hockey is a team sport that is becoming more and more popular every year. There are many accidents involved.

Step 1. Get the equipment, at least a stick and a ball
Take a look around. There are so many brands, shop and find a cane of the right weight and height for you, not one that is just beautiful. The stick should reach your waist. Shin and / or ankle protectors are a good idea not to be overlooked. As in many sports, a mouthguard may be required if you wish to participate in the championships. Check the things you need in the list at the end of the article. Make sure you buy a BIG stick!

Step 2. Learn the grip
With your left hand, hold the stick at the top with the knuckles aligned and the thumb pointing down towards the curved part of the stick, roughly aligned with the side facing up. Grab the handle with your thumb if you wish (someone broke it in contrasts). Your right hand should grab the stick at a lower point that is comfortable for you. You should be able to stand straight with the curved part of the stick leveling the ground, and with the flat end facing out. Let all your fingers grab the stick and practice moving in a crouched position, and find someone to show you Indian dribbling.

Step 3. Remember that the left hand guides the stick, while the right hand acts as an aid
If you are left handed, it is the right hand that rules the stick, while the left hand helps.

Step 4. Take a stand
Leave your left foot forward, and your right foot back for support. Bend your knees slightly, aiming for the ball, which should be in line with your left foot or a little further back, but not further forward. It is important to remember not to bend your back so much that your KNEES are BENT. Otherwise, you will feel very sore the next day! Practice holding the edge of the flat side of the club to the ground as a stop tool.

Step 5. Intercept the ball
Many players put their sticks down, parallel to the ground (to increase the stopping surface), but with practice you will be able to lag behind the ball. To stop the ball, when it comes towards you, move backwards to slow it down before stopping it. If you keep the stick stiff, the ball will often roll over the stick, and if you hit it, you won't be able to control it, sending it in a completely different direction.

Step 6. Perfect Indian dribbling or backhand
When the ball is to your left, rotate the club with your left hand so that the flat side is still facing correctly outward. Release your right hand as you rotate, and grab again when the club is in place. Make sure you never touch the ball with the rounded part of the stick; always use the flat side. Nothing else and you will be master of the reverse.

Step 7. Hit the ball
Move the right hand closer to the left hand (i.e. up) (but note: this is not golf), the ball must be in line with the forward foot. There are several types of shots:
- Reach: Block down the right as if you were playing cricket. Be careful though, sometimes the ball can go in a different direction than intended if you are not experienced in hitting. Hit like this in a desperate situation, or when shooting to score.
- Push: the grip should be between that for a shot and that for the draw; the ball should be to your right just in front of the flat side of the club, which should be somewhere near your back foot. Transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot, lean over it and push. Pushing is often used to pass, because it is quick and easy.
- Hook: Place the stick almost parallel to the ground, with the hook of the stick stroking the ball. The ball and the end of the stick must be behind the back foot. Transfer your weight from this foot to your right foot, keep the stick stiff and then push in a smooth motion.
- Spoon: taken as in the draw, insert the edge of the stick under the ball, as you would with the tip of the foot with a soccer ball, lift and push, transferring the weight from the rear foot to the front one.
- Straight: Holding both hands at the end of the grip, like with a golf club, bring the field hockey stick back to about waist height, and swing it by hitting the ball with full force.

Step 8. The key to the game is stamina
Make sure you keep fit by running at least 5km a day in season, especially if you are a midfielder. This will allow you to run without getting tired for the duration of the match. Remember that it is not enough to simply run throughout the game, but to run and use your ability to use the stick that goes away quickly with fatigue

Step 9. Get familiar with the equipment
Bounce the ball off the flat side of the club. Run zigzagging with the ball. Accompany the ball. Draw eight with the ball. Everything helps. The more you practice, the better you get !! Remember that.
- When choosing a club, make sure it is the right size. You can do this by holding the cane next to your leg and making sure it reaches your side. If so, the stick is the right size. If it stays under the hip it is too small. If it's on top, it's too big.
- Always mark someone (make sure they can't catch the ball) especially when the other team is shooting a free shot, or shooting on goal.
- Have fun. Your skills will improve as you play, and to be able to play a lot make sure you enjoy the game. Don't put yourself in a position to feel pressured or stressed and find a team you enjoy playing with.
- Just have fun! Enjoy the game and trust yourself. Remember to always use the flat part of the stick. Practice a lot because practice makes perfect!
- Go ahead! Don't let your teammates do all the work - it'll be a lot more fun if you get involved too!
- There are different names for the steps. You should check other pages for steps.
- Keep a stick and a ball handy in the living room. While you are waiting for something, or when you are bored, take it outside for two hits. By doing this regularly you will improve your ball control and increase your enjoyment of the game.
- Always wear glasses!
- Never stop the ball with your feet. This is never allowed.
- In tackling, do not hit the opponent's stick. Try to only touch the ball.
- It is against the rules to use the round side of the club.
- Kicking a hockey ball can really hurt your foot; do not do it!!
- Don't hit the ball too high in the air, you will be penalized.
- Make sure you are at least 5 meters away from an opponent when taking a free kick or a long / short corner not only for your safety, but because it is a rule !!
- Never put your foot on the ball or stick as you can fracture your ankle.