3 Ways to Use Isomalt

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3 Ways to Use Isomalt
3 Ways to Use Isomalt

Isomalt is a natural, low-calorie, sucrose-based sugar substitute extracted from beetroot. It does not turn caramel-colored like sugar and is resistant; for this reason it is often used to create edible decorations. You can use it in the form of crystals, but when it is sold in the form of sticks or gems it is easier to manage.


Using Crystals

For 625 ml of syrup

  • 500 ml of isomalt crystals
  • 125 ml of distilled water
  • 5-10 drops of food coloring (optional)

Using Sticks or Gems

For 625 ml of syrup

625 ml of isomalt sticks or buds


Method 1 of 3: Making Isomalt Syrup from Crystals

Use Isomalt Step 1
Use Isomalt Step 1

Step 1. Prepare a bowl of ice water

Alternatively, use a shallow baking sheet and fill it with 5-7.5cm of water and a handful of ice.

  • Remember that the bowl must be large enough to accommodate the bottom of the saucepan you will be using.
  • You can also use this water as a quick remedy if you get burned during cooking. If metal from the pan or hot syrup comes into contact with your skin, immediately soak the area in ice water to limit the damage.
Use Isomalt Step 2
Use Isomalt Step 2

Step 2. Mix the isomalt with the water

Put some crystals in a medium-small saucepan and then pour in the water, stirring with a metal spoon to homogenize the mixture.

  • You have to put in enough water to wet the crystals, the final compound should look like wet sand.
  • If you need to change the amount of isomalt, remember to change the amount of water as well. The proportions are usually 3-4 parts of isomalt for each part of water.
  • Use distilled water, tap water contains minerals that can cause the syrup to yellow or darken.
  • The saucepan and spoon should be stainless steel. Avoid using wooden ones as they may have absorbed some material from previous uses which can then transfer to the syrup and cause it to yellow.
Use Isomalt Step 3
Use Isomalt Step 3

Step 3. Bring to a boil over high heat

Put the saucepan on the stove and bring to a boil without stirring.

  • When the mixture boils, use a nylon pastry brush to scrape the isomalt from the edges and bring it to the center of the pan. Do not use a natural bristle brush for this operation.
  • Once the sides of the pan are clear, plug in the pastry thermometer. Check that the thermometer probe touches the syrup but not the bottom of the saucepan.
Use Isomalt Step 4
Use Isomalt Step 4

Step 4. When the syrup reaches 82 ° C, add the food coloring

If you need to make a colored syrup, now is the time to add the dye. Add as many drops as necessary to achieve the desired saturation and then mix to even out the dye with the help of a spoon or metal skewer.

  • Don't worry if the mixture doesn't seem to rise in temperature around 107 ° C. In fact, at this stage the excess water is evaporating and the temperature does not rise until all the water has been eliminated.
  • Remember that the moment you add the dye, the mixture will begin to boil quickly.
Use Isomalt Step 5
Use Isomalt Step 5

Step 5. Cook the syrup until it reaches 171 ° C

This is the level to be reached to create the sugar glass or other similar decorations. If you do not wait for the temperature to rise to 171 ° C, the structure of the isomalt does not alter enough to allow the creation of the decorations.

You actually have to remove the saucepan from the heat when the thermometer reads 167 ° C. The temperature continues to rise even if you try to quickly stop the melting process

Use Isomalt Step 6
Use Isomalt Step 6

Step 6. Immerse the bottom of the saucepan in ice water

When the isomalt has reached the correct temperature, you must immerse the pan in the water you had previously prepared. Leave it for 5-10 seconds, enough to stop the temperature increase.

  • Do not let the water contaminate the syrup.
  • Remove the saucepan from the water as soon as the hissing stops.
Use Isomalt Step 7
Use Isomalt Step 7

Step 7. Keep the syrup at about 150 ° C in the oven until you are ready to use it

This way you prevent the isomalt from cooling too quickly.

  • Set the oven to 135 ° C.
  • Leaving the syrup in the oven for 15 minutes allows you to make it reach the right temperature to be able to pour it; in addition, the air bubbles have a way to dissolve.
  • You can leave the isomalt in the oven for up to 3 hours, after which time the syrup begins to turn yellow.

Method 2 of 3: Make Isomalt Syrup from Sticks or Gems

Use Isomalt Step 8
Use Isomalt Step 8

Step 1. Place the buds in a microwave-safe dish

Make sure they are arranged evenly to ensure they blend in at a steady pace.

  • If you are using sticks, break them in half or into three parts before placing them on the plate.
  • Gems and isomalt sticks are available both clear and colored; if you need to create colorful decorations, buy this latest version.
  • Since molten isomalt is very hot, choose a plate with handles so you can handle it safely and easily. You can also use a silicone cake pan or bowl as the material is heat resistant. If you have chosen a container without handles, consider placing it on top of a microwave-safe dish to limit direct contact between your hands and the container itself.
Use Isomalt Step 9
Use Isomalt Step 9

Step 2. Heat the isomalt to maximum power in sessions of 15-20 seconds

You will need to mix the gems after each time to make sure they blend consistently and accurately. Proceed until all the buds or sticks are melted.

  • Remember that it is completely normal for air bubbles to form during the melting process.
  • Use oven gloves to protect your hands when handling the dish with hot isomalt.
  • Mix the syrup with a metal skewer or similar utensil, avoid the wooden ones.
  • It will take about a minute to melt 5 gems. Of course, the time can vary based on the power of your microwave and the size of the buds.
Use Isomalt Step 10
Use Isomalt Step 10

Step 3. Mix well

Mix the syrup once more to remove as much air bubbles as possible.

You must be sure that the isomalt is free of bubbles before using it, otherwise the decoration will be unattractive

Use Isomalt Step 11
Use Isomalt Step 11

Step 4. Heat the syrup if needed

If you notice that it starts to harden or thicken before you can use it, simply reheat it in the microwave at intervals of 15-20 seconds.

  • You should let the isomalt rest for 5-10 minutes before it starts to cool.
  • If air bubbles begin to form, mix the syrup.

Method 3 of 3: Print the Scenic Glass

Use Isomalt Step 12
Use Isomalt Step 12

Step 1. Grease the molds with cooking oil

Sprinkle it in an even layer without forgetting any point on the surface.

  • Use kitchen paper to remove excess oil from the top of the molds.
  • Make sure that the molds you use are designed for isomalt or caramel. The high temperatures to which they will be subjected could cause them to melt in the case of non-specific molds.
Use Isomalt Step 13
Use Isomalt Step 13

Step 2. Transfer the syrup to a piping bag if desired

Just add 125ml.

  • If you put on too much, the pouch may weaken and melt. In addition, you may also get burned.
  • The pastry bag could make it easier for you to process molten isomalt, but some find it useless.
  • Do not cut the tip of the bag before adding the syrup, leave it intact for now.
  • Make sure you always wear oven mitts when handling the piping bag. The heat from the isomalt syrup can also burn you through the pouch.
Use Isomalt Step 14
Use Isomalt Step 14

Step 3. Pour or squeeze the syrup into the molds

Put enough to fill the space provided.

  • Cut the tip of the pastry bag only when you are ready to fill the molds. Remember that it will flow quickly so you need to be very careful.
  • Regardless of the technique you have decided to pour the isomalt, let it flow in a thin stream, this allows you to minimize the formation of bubbles.
  • Gently tap the bottom of each mold on the work surface to release the air bubbles that are trapped.
Use Isomalt Step 15
Use Isomalt Step 15

Step 4. Wait for the syrup to harden

Depending on the size of the molds, it will take 5-15 minutes to transform the isomalt into hard decorations.

When the syrup is cold, it should come off the edges of the mold smoothly. Turn the mold over to one side and the decoration will come out

Use Isomalt Step 16
Use Isomalt Step 16

Step 5. Use the scenic glass however you like

Isomalt decorations can be stored in airtight containers or used immediately.

If you plan to attach the decorations to something like a cake, apply a little corn syrup or melted isomalt on the back with the help of a toothpick. Then place them on the surface, they should "stick" without difficulty


  • You can use isomalt as a sugar substitute. Use the same amount as if it were sugar both as a sweetener and in baked goods or candy. Isomalt is slightly less sweet than sugar, remember if you decide to use it this way.
  • Store the isomalt away from humidity. Uncooked one should be stored in airtight containers or bags. If, on the other hand, it has been cooked, it should be placed in jars sealed with silica gel sachets to protect it from moisture.
  • Never put it in the fridge and don't freeze it. Excessive levels of moisture can destroy both the syrup and the finished pieces.
