Nutella is usually spread on bread and rusks, but some people like to use it on pancakes too. Nutella pancakes are always a hit and there are several ways to prepare them. Using a simple Nutella syrup is the easiest method there is, but those who want to test themselves can make pancakes filled or decorated with the famous spreadable cream.
Nutella Syrup for Pancakes
- ½ cup (150 g) of Nutella
- 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of liquid cream
Pancakes Stuffed with Nutella
- 10-14 tablespoons (185-260 g) of Nutella
- 1 1/2 cups (150 g) of all-purpose flour
- 3 teaspoons of baking powder
- 4 tablespoons (55 g) of sugar
- A pinch of salt
- 1 egg
- 270 ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (optional)
- 1 teaspoon of butter
Makes 6-7 pancakes
Pancakes Decorated with Nutella
- ½ cup (150 g) of Nutella
- 2 cups (200 g) of flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 tablespoon (15 g) of sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 cups (480 ml) of buttermilk
Makes 6-7 pancakes
Method 1 of 3: Make Nutella Syrup for Pancakes

Step 1. Mix the Nutella and liquid cream in a saucepan
Mix them with a whisk. Don't worry if the Nutella doesn't melt right away.
Use larger amounts of cream to dilute the syrup, while using less to thicken it

Step 2. Cook the syrup over low heat while stirring constantly
During cooking, the Nutella will mix with the liquid cream. The syrup will be ready once it has achieved a homogeneous color and a smooth consistency.

Step 3. Let the syrup cool before storing
Once at room temperature, you can pour it into a jar or container and put it in the fridge. You can also pour it into a milk jug.

Step 4. Use the syrup
Pour it over pancakes instead of other syrups. You can also use it to garnish other foods, such as French toast or waffles. Add fresh strawberries or strawberry jam to make pancakes even more delicious.
Keep the syrup in the fridge and use it within 7 days
Method 2 of 3: Make Nutella Stuffed Pancakes

Step 1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
You can also use a silicone baking mat.

Step 2. Make 7 Nutella discs on parchment paper
Take 1 and ½ or 2 tablespoons (30-40 g) of Nutella and let it fall on the parchment paper. Repeat the procedure until you have 7 discs of spreadable cream. Smooth them with a knife, a mini rubber spatula or a cake decorating spatula in order to flatten them.
- Try to get discs about 6 cm wide and about ½ cm thick.
- You could prepare multiple discs in case someone breaks.

Step 3. Freeze the Nutella discs for 1 hour or 1 ½ hours
They will be ready once they become very compact. During freezing you can start making pancake dough. Follow your favorite recipe or try the one described in this section.
Although it is possible to remove the discs from the parchment paper, leave them in the freezer to prevent them from thawing

Step 4. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl
Pour the flour into a large bowl. Add baking powder, sugar, and salt. Beat everything with a whisk.

Step 5. Make a hole in the center of the dry ingredients and pour over the wet ones
Blot dry ingredients to flatten them, then make a small hole in the center. Break an egg into the hole and add the milk. Also add vanilla extract to make pancakes even tastier.

Step 6. Beat the ingredients
Keep beating them until you get a smooth, lump-free dough. Don't mix too much, or the pancakes will get stiff.

Step 7. Melt some butter in a pan, then remove any excess
Put about ½ teaspoon of butter in a small non-stick pan. Melt it over medium heat and remove the excess by passing a paper towel. It is necessary to leave a very thin layer of butter.
- While the butter is melting, thaw 1-3 Nutella discs, while leaving the rest in the freezer.
- You can also try using cooking spray instead of butter.

Step 8. Pour some dough onto the cooking surface and place a Nutella disc on top
For this step, you need to proceed rather quickly, so try to have everything close at hand. Pour about 60ml of the batter into the pan, then place a disc of Nutella on top.
This is the secret to getting golden pancakes

Step 9. Cover the disc with another layer of dough
Try to use less than 60ml. Smooth the dough onto the disc with a rubber spatula, making sure to cover it entirely.

Step 10. Turn the pancake after about 2 minutes
Let it cook for a couple of minutes. At this point, bubbles will begin to form on the edges. Stick a spatula under the pancake and turn it over.

Step 11. Cook the pancake until golden on both sides
It will take another 1-2 minutes. Make another one as soon as you finish cooking the first one.

Step 12. Proceed with preparation by baking a small group of pancakes at a time
Since Nutella thaws quickly, it is important to only cook a small group of pancakes at a time. If it does thaw, it will be difficult to work with and the end result will not be the best. Only remove 1-3 Nutella discs from the freezer at a time.
- This recipe allows you to prepare 6 or 7 pancakes.
- If one pancake breaks, remove the Nutella from the cooking surface before making another one.
- Once a couple of pancakes are cooked, grease the pan again. Remember to get rid of excess butter.

Step 13. Serve the pancakes
You can eat them alone, but also garnish them with sliced strawberries or strawberry jam.
Method 3 of 3: Make Nutella Decorated Pancakes

Step 1. Pour the Nutella into a zip-up plastic bag and set aside
Tie a knot on the open part of the bag if it doesn't have a zip. You can also use a pastry bag. Don't cut the tip for now.

Step 2. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl
Pour the flour into a large bowl, then add baking powder, salt and sugar. Mix everything with a whisk.
Do you prefer to follow a different recipe? Then skip this step and the next

Step 3. Make a hole in the center of the dry ingredients, then stir in the egg and milk
Blot the surface of the dry ingredients first, then make a hole in the center. Break an egg into it and pour the milk into it. Beat everything until you get a smooth dough. Stop whisking as soon as the lumps disappear, while avoiding mixing the ingredients more than necessary.

Step 4. Heat and grease a pan
Put a skillet on the stove and adjust the heat to medium-low temperature. Once heated, lightly grease it with cooking spray or a knob of butter.
Have you decided to use butter? Let it melt, then wipe off the excess with a napkin. This will prevent the pancakes from coming out in patches

Step 5. Pour ½ cup (120ml) of pancake batter into the pan
Let the pancake cook until bubbles start to form. It will take about 2 minutes. While you wait, cut the bag at the bottom right or left corner. This procedure should not be performed if you are using a pastry bag.

Step 6. Squeeze Nutella onto the pancake creating a spiral
Start squeezing the Nutella from the outer edge of the pancake and work your way to the center. However, avoid getting too close to the outer edge, otherwise the cream will burn and stick to the pan.

Step 7. Flip the pancake and finish cooking it
Slip a spatula under the pancake and lift it up. Cook it for another 1-2 minutes or until golden on both sides.

Step 8. Plate the pancake and prepare the rest
Clean the pan between pancakes. Also, grease it with larger amounts of cooking spray or butter after cooking 2 or 3 pancakes. Either way, remove excess butter every time you add it.

Step 9. Serve the pancakes
You can serve them alone, or garnish them with slices of strawberries or bananas.
- Nutella can be replaced with a similar spreadable cream based on cocoa and hazelnuts.
- Garnish the pancakes with strawberry jam or fresh strawberries and bananas.
- Let the leftovers cool and freeze them. Heat them in the microwave.