Heating milk is almost an art, whether it is to prepare a sauce, yoghurt or a baby's bottle. Keep an eye on it when you bring it to a boil and stir it often to keep it from bubbling. For some recipes it is possible to bring it to a boil quickly, while in other cases, for example if you are preparing crops, cheese or yogurt, you have to let it heat slowly. If your stove prevents you from doing this because the flame is too strong, try using the water bath method. To heat a baby's bottle, avoid microwave or direct heat: dip it in a bowl of water.
Method 1 of 3: Bring the milk to a boil

Step 1. Heat it up in the microwave:
it is the easiest method ever, even if you have to keep an eye on it. One cup (250ml) of milk should come to room temperature within 45 seconds and boil within 2.5 minutes. Stir it every 15 seconds to keep it from bubbling.
To make it simmer slower, you can also try setting the microwave power to 70%. You should still stir it every 15 seconds anyway

Step 2. If you prefer to boil it on the stove, use a deep saucepan so the milk has enough room to bubble and raise its level
If you need to make a sauce or a glass of hot milk, set the heat to medium. To prevent it from overflowing, keep an eye on it and stir it every 2 minutes.
When the milk starts to boil, lower the heat to prevent it from burning

Step 3. Try to put a long-handled spoon in the saucepan
The milk overflows when a layer of protein and fat forms on the surface, preventing the underlying steam from escaping as it heats up. However, at a certain point the steam comes out violently, causing the milk to overflow out of the saucepan. Putting a long-handled spoon in it allows the steam to escape before excessive pressure builds up.
In any case, you also need the spoon to stir the milk every 2 minutes to let the steam escape

Step 4. To make crops, cheese or yogurt, heat it on medium-low heat for 30-40 minutes and stir it every 2-3 minutes
Once bubbles have formed and steam has begun to escape, the milk will have come to a boil, that is, it will have reached a temperature of 80 ° C.
If the stove prevents you from simmering the milk, you could use the water bath method
Method 2 of 3: Using the Water Bath Method

Step 1. In a saucepan, pour 3-4 cm of water and let it heat over low heat on the stove, until it simmer

Step 2. Take a glass or stainless steel bowl and fit it into the saucepan, preventing it from touching the water
There should be at least 3 cm of distance between the bottom of the container and the surface of the water.
Heating the milk indirectly using a glass or stainless steel bowl ensures slower and more uniform boiling

Step 3. Leave the heat to low so that the water in the saucepan continues to simmer
Pour the milk carefully into the glass or stainless steel container. Stir frequently and let the milk heat until bubbles form on the edges of the container and steam begins to escape.
Once the milk has come to a boil, turn off the heat and use it immediately or let it cool depending on the recipe
Method 3 of 3: Heat Milk for a Baby

Step 1. Immerse the bottle in a bowl full of hot water to heat it evenly, or place it under running hot water from the tap
If the water in the container gets cold, replace it. Warm her to room or body temperature, depending on the child's preference.
Breast milk or formula should not be too hot, otherwise it will lose its nutritional values and could burn the baby's mouth

Step 2. Avoid putting the bottle in the microwave or directly on the stove
Try to heat it using hot tap water or a saucepan. The microwave oven can unevenly heat both breast and formula milk, making it extremely hot in some places. Putting the bottle on the stove can have the same effect, not to mention that a plastic bottle could melt.

Step 3. Invest in a bottle heater
It is the most practical and fastest tool ever to heat breast or infant formula homogeneously, bringing it to room temperature in 2-4 minutes.