How to make a strong foam, like melted ice cream, for cappuccino using one of those little contraptions like battery-powered whip for drinks.

Step 1. Put a tall, narrow glass in the freezer the night before (or 4-6 hours before)
You can make espresso without freezing the glass but it won't be that good.

Step 2. Make your espresso and as it prepares, take the glass out of the freezer

Step 3. Find one of those little battery-powered gadgets (you can make salad dressing with it and a thousand other things)

Step 4. Fill the glass with about 1/3 cup of cold milk (skim milk is easier to froth; start with this and gradually move on to other types)

Step 5. Insert the end of the whisk into the glass almost to the bottom and turn it on

Step 6. Keep it on and as soon as the milk begins to froth, move the whisk towards the surface, slowly and gradually
Do this fairly slowly and you will find that you can froth most of the milk.

Step 7. When the milk is almost a little harder than you would like it to be, stop blending (turn off the contraption before removing it from the glass)

Step 8. Immediately put the glass with the milk froth in the microwave for 30-45 seconds

Step 9. Pour the most liquid part of the foam into your coffee cup, using a spoon to leave the most solid part in the glass

Step 10. Slowly pour the espresso into the cup, in the middle of this creamy milk froth (you can draw designs now, like in the coolest bars)

Step 11. With a spoon pour the rest of the foam on top

Step 12. Finish with a few more drops of espresso (to make more designs)