Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease of a viral nature and highly contagious, affecting the nose, throat and lungs. It can often be prevented with the vaccine. It is transmitted through droplets excreted by an infected person while coughing, sneezing, talking or breathing. Less frequently it can spread through contact with surfaces touched shortly before by subjects who have contracted the virus. Learn how you can treat the flu in children, so that you can keep your children healthy during the period of greatest infection.
Part 1 of 5: Treating the Flu with Home Remedies

Step 1. Give your child a chance to rest
Try to get him to rest as much as possible. Let him watch his favorite TV show or movie, give him some newspaper or a book, or let him listen to some music. Make sure your dog is comfortable on the sofa or in bed.
He must stay at home and be absent from school so that he does not have many opportunities to be in contact with others. This way, not only will he be able to rest, but he will also avoid spreading germs among his classmates

Step 2. Use a humidifier
Install a humidifier or place a few bowls full of water in the home environment to humidify the air. With this system you will help him breathe better and relieve congestion.
Make sure you change the water every day and clean the appliance according to the instructions

Step 3. Use a saline nasal spray
Try using a nasal spray containing salt water to help your child fight the flu. You can prepare the saline solution at home and use it safely as often as needed, since it does not pose any risk to children or babies.
- Start by boiling 240ml of water and let it cool until just warm.
- Add 1.5g of salt. Mix it well. You can use sea or kitchen salt. If your child is allergic to iodine, use the non-iodized one.
- If you wish, you can also add 4 g of baking soda, mixing it well. Baking soda adjusts the pH of the solution so it doesn't pinch when it passes through your sore nose.
- Pour the solution into a previously cleaned spray bottle. Spray it once or twice in each nostril, as needed.
- For babies and toddlers, wait two to three minutes. Then tilt your head back slightly and use a soft rubber blower to gently remove nasal secretions. Just press about ¼ of the air inside. Insert only the tip into the nose. Avoid touching the inside of the nostril. Clean the blower with a tissue, then throw it away. Use a clean handkerchief for each nostril to reduce the risk of infecting and spreading an infection. Wash your hands before and after each application.
- Repeat this only two or three times a day.
- Pour the rest of the solution into a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. When you need to reuse it, remember to reheat it. When you're ready to use it, make sure it's just hot, not hot. After two days, throw it away if you haven't used it.

Step 4. Put on a face mask
Another way to avoid getting the flu is to use a face mask when you are in a group of people or in a public place where someone might be infected. This system will help prevent you and your child from getting infected. If the child has the flu and yet is forced to go out, make sure he or she wears a face mask as well to protect the people he comes into contact with.
Consider wearing the face mask at school, in offices, in shopping malls, and at the grocery store

Step 5. Reassure your child
The most important thing to do is to comfort him. It is quite depressing to have the flu, and sometimes the best behavior on the part of a parent is to understand, let the child know that he is aware of his physical condition, and reassure him that he will soon feel better.
Part 2 of 5: Strengthening the Immune System to Cure the Flu

Step 1. Prepare small meals
Get your child to eat small but nutritious portions of food. He should consume small amounts of solid, easily digestible foods several times a day. In this way, through a constant supply of energy, the immune system will have all the elements necessary to carry out its work.

Step 2. Give him the proteins
When your child has the flu, you should include high-quality protein in their diet to fortify their immune system. Excellent sources are leaner cuts of chicken, suitably skinless, and fish.
- Try chicken soup, as it has not only been shown to have healing properties, but is also an excellent source of protein. Make it light and easily digestible by adding rice and some vegetables.
- Consider giving him an egg in the morning. Eggs contain highly digestible proteins, in addition to zinc, which can help strengthen the immune system.
- Give him Greek yogurt for lunch or a snack. It too is rich in protein.

Step 3. Introduce vitamins and minerals to your child's diet
Fruits and vegetables are staple foods when a child has the flu because they contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients. Try putting vegetables in soups, broths and omelettes.
- B complex vitamins, particularly riboflavin and vitamin B6, have been shown to stimulate the immune system. Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and other qualities, are excellent sources of B vitamins.
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Consider avocado as one of the best sources of this vitamin.
- Foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants are also important. Try red peppers, oranges and other citrus fruits, tropical fruits like pineapple, berries, and leafy greens.
- You should also include foods that are high in beta-carotene and vitamin A in your diet. The foods richest in these nutrients are carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes.

Step 4. Give him plenty of fluids to drink
Often the flu is accompanied by a rise in body temperature such as to cause dehydration. Therefore, if your child has a fever, they should take plenty of fluids, including water, fruit juices, electrolyte drinks, such as Pedialyte, and vegetable or chicken broth. If he is already older, have him drink 8 8-ounce glasses of water or other beverages every day.
- If he can't drink anything, consider feeding him some popsicles or some moisturizing fruit, such as grapes and cantaloupe.
- You can add a little honey and a squeeze of lemon to the water to further boost the immune system, but avoid honey if your baby is under a year old.
- Green tea contains antioxidants and is relaxing.
- Fruit juices contain vitamins and minerals. Try to buy one without too many additives, artificial ingredients, or added sugars, like fructose syrup. Buy 100% fruit juice.
Part 3 of 5: Using Natural Substances to Treat Flu

Step 1. Consult your doctor first
Before giving your child any herb or herbal tea, talk to your pediatrician. Some herbal products are not recommended for children, so before administering it is best to make sure that a herbal remedy or herbal tea does not involve any risk.

Step 2. Make echinacea tea
Echinacea can relieve the initial symptoms of a cold. It is able to reduce the symptomatological manifestation and the duration of the flu.
- To make it, pour one or two grams of dried echinacea root or 15-20 drops of pure extract into your child's herbal tea. You can drink it up to three times a day.
- According to one study, echinacea was found to be as effective as oseltamivir (an antiviral drug) in the early stages of the flu.
- Echinacea rarely causes negative effects, such as nausea and headache. Allergic reactions are not frequent.

Step 3. Try garlic
It has antiviral and antibacterial properties and has been used for thousands of years to reduce the severity of colds and flu by stimulating the immune system. You can use it in the preparation of almost any dish. For example, take a clove or two of garlic and add them to the chicken soup you cook for your child.
- You can also consider garlic supplements. Talk to your doctor first. Be sure to read the instructions on the package before giving your child this kind of supplement.
- A recent study reported that garlic could reduce the severity of symptoms.

Step 4. Make elderberry tea
Elderberry tea is an ancient folk remedy for colds and flu. Elderberry is a plant with immunoregulatory, as well as antiviral, properties. It is thought that it can relieve congestion and help with fever. In addition, it is characterized by a pleasant taste, which is appreciated by many children.
To make the tea, pour 40g of elderberry syrup or 30g of dried elderberries into 240ml of water. Bring to a boil, then leave to simmer for 15 minutes. Filter the herbal tea and pour it into a cup. If your child is over a year old, you can sweeten it with a little honey and by doing so, you will also take advantage of its healing properties

Step 5. Try ginger
It has antibacterial and antiviral properties and also helps reduce mucus production. You can add it in your recipes or put it in herbal teas.
- However, avoid giving more than four grams of ginger a day, whatever the sources.
- Doses for children vary, so check with your pediatrician.
- To make ginger tea, add 5g of freshly grated ginger to 460ml of water. Bring to a boil, then leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

Step 6. Consider eucalyptus
You can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the humidifier to relieve sinus congestion and inflammation. Also, you can use the dried or fresh leaves to practice a massage.
- Do not give your child eucalyptus oil by mouth or eucalyptus tea either. It can be toxic to children.
- If your child is under the age of six, do not give him cough lozenges that contain eucalyptus.
- Do not use eucalyptus on your baby's skin, unless he is over two years old.
Part 4 of 5: Treating the Flu with Drugs

Step 1. Get a prescription for antiviral medication
There are various new generation antiviral drugs that the pediatrician might recommend in certain circumstances, i.e. when the child is suffering from a severe form of flu or has been hospitalized for this reason. They can also be prescribed when the risk of complications is quite high in these people, for example when they are less than two years old or have asthma, heart or lung disease, cancer or diabetes. Theoretically, they are given within the first 2 days of the onset of flu symptoms. Here are some of them:
- Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®): can be given to infants aged at least two weeks. It is prescribed to treat or prevent influenza in children who are at least one year old. It can be taken in the form of pills or oral suspension.
- Zanamivir (Relenza®): can be administered to children aged seven and up and in the prevention of influenza also to children aged five and over. It is not recommended for people who have respiratory problems, heart disease and asthma. You can take this drug through a specific inhaler device, called a diskhaler.
- The most common side effects of oseltamivir are nausea and vomiting, while those caused by zanamivir are diarrhea, nausea, sinusitis, nasal signs and symptoms, bronchitis, cough, headache, lightheadedness, and ear, nose and throat infections.

Step 2. Do not give cough and cold medicines if your child is small
Giving any over-the-counter cough and cold medicines to children under the age of four should be avoided. For older ones, it is advisable to call the doctor.
There is evidence that over-the-counter cough medications are actually not as helpful as people believe. There is a risk of serious side effects

Step 3. Use pain relievers if you have a fever
Allow your child's body to fight a fever below 38 ° C on its own. However, you should give him an antipyretic if he feels sick or if his body temperature rises above 38 °. To lower it, you can give him ibuprofen or acetaminophen if he is over six months old. These active ingredients can also relieve any aches and pains.
- It is possible to give paracetamol to babies under six months, but contact your doctor if you are unsure about the dosage.
- In case of flu, do not give your child aspirin if he is under 19 months old.
- Alternatively, you can give him a bath with warm water to lower the fever and make him feel better.

Step 4. Consider the flu shot
Ask your doctor if it is appropriate to have a flu shot for both you and your child. The Ministry of Health reports that the flu vaccine is indicated for all those who wish to avoid the flu disease and who do not have specific contraindications, having heard the opinion of their doctor.
- Since 2014, a quadrivalent split vaccine has been commercially available in Italy, indicated for the immunization of adults and children from 3 years of age, for the prevention of influenza caused by the two subtypes of influenza A and two type B viruses.
- There is also a vaccine available as a nasal spray that protects against influenza A and influenza B. Fluenz is used to prevent influenza in children and adolescents aged 24 months to 18 years.
Part 5 of 5: Knowing the Influenza Virus

Step 1. Recognize the symptoms of the flu
It is important to learn if a child has the flu not only to give him the best treatment, but also to keep his family and other peers safe. The most common symptoms of the flu include:
- Fever or feverish state, accompanied by chills
- Cough;
- Burning throat;
- Stuffy or runny nose
- Muscle or widespread pains throughout the body;
- Headache
- Exhaustion;
- Vomiting and diarrhea.

Step 2. Know when to call your doctor
It is vital to understand that the flu can be serious in young children. If you notice any of the following symptoms in your child, call your doctor right away:
- Wheezing or difficulty breathing
- Inability to hold liquids or lack of thirst
- Abdominal or chest pain
- Stiffness in the neck;
- Decreased urination;
- Noticeable changes in mood or performance. They can include constant irritability, desperate crying, fewer interactions with parents or the surrounding environment, inability to wake up, seizures or seizures;
- Worsening of any pre-existing health problem
- If your child is under six months and at least 38 ° C with a fever, call the doctor. Beyond six months, if your body temperature reaches 38 ° C or exceeds it for more than 72 hours, call your doctor.
- When he has been sick for more than 10 days.

Step 3. Learn about the complications of influenza in children
Children under the age of five, particularly those between the ages of 6 and 23 months, are at a higher risk of developing complications related to the flu. They may include:
- Sinus or ear infections
- Respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis and pneumonia
- Worsening of other health problems, such as heart or lung disease and diabetes
- Dehydration.