There are several tools on the internet for converting inches to centimeters, and each of them will tell you that 1 inch = 2.54cm. However, in school or academic settings, this single figure is sometimes insufficient, as many teachers will require you to show your work. Fortunately, converting inches to centimeters using certain algebraic steps and the correct units of measurement is fairly straightforward. If your initial measurements are in inches, you will only have to substitute your values in the blanks of the formulas given in this article, then follow the respective calculations. To get started, read on.
Method 1 of 2: Converting Using the Simplified Process

Step 1. Write the length value in inches
Use the value given to you (as part of a homework problem, etc.) or measure the length you want to convert using a ruler or tape measure.

Step 2. Multiply the length value by 2.54
One inch equals approximately 2.54 centimeters, so converting inches to centimeters means multiplying an inch value by 2.54.

Step 3. Write the result in centimeters
Don't forget to write the result in the correct unit of measurement. If you are doing your schoolwork, using the wrong unit of measurement can result in penalty points on your answer or the result may be considered incorrect.
Method 2 of 2: Converting Using Detailed Process

Step 1. Make sure the measurement is in inches
This process may seem like child's play, but it is important to remember this crucial step, especially when dealing with mixed measurements with feet and inches marked with apostrophes, such as in this example: 6'2 . Remember that in such measurements the number marked from the single apostrophe represents the feet, each of which contains 12 inches.
Consider the previous example, 6'2 "; we will multiply 6 feet by 12 inches to get a total of 72 inches. To this result we will add the additional two inches of our measurement to get an overall value of 74 inches.

Step 2. Enter the value (in inches) in the inch-centimeter conversion factor below
_ in | * | 2, 54 cm 1 in | = | ? cm |
This factor will give you the correct answer in centimeters and so, if you are a student, you can show your work to the teacher. Just enter your inch value in the blank space at the beginning of the conversion factor and continue with the multiplication.
- This conversion factor will also give you the correct unit of measure. Note that the unit in "inches" in the denominator of the conversion factor overrides the unit in "inches" of the value entered in the blank, leaving only the unit of measure in "centimeters" in the numerator of the conversion factor. Thus you get the final result.
Let's try substituting our 74-inch value in the conversion factor.
- (74 inch × 2.54cm) / (1 inch)
- (187.96 inches × centimeters) / (1 inch)
- We delete the unit of measurement in "inches" because both the numerator and the denominator appear, so we get a final answer of 187.96 centimeters.
Convert Inches to Centimeters Step 6 Step 3. Simplify
If you don't need to show your work to the teacher, use a calculator. If you are not interested in showing your work for school or academic purposes, all you have to do to convert inches to centimeters is to multiply your inch value by 2.54 on a calculator. formula above and you will get the same result in centimeters.
For example, if we want to convert 6 inches to centimeters, we will simply multiply 6 × 2, 54 = 15, 24 cm.
Convert Inches to Centimeters Step 7 Step 4. If you want to do a quick calculation in your head, round the conversion factor to a value that is easier to remember
If you don't have a calculator handy, you can still use an approximate inch-centimeter conversion factor to make multiplication easier in mind. Instead of using the exact conversion factor of 2.54 centimeters / 1 inch, use 2.5 centimeters / 1 inch. Note that by doing this the final result will be slightly inaccurate, which is why this method will only be suitable in those situations where rough calculations are acceptable.
For example, let's convert 31 inches to centimeters using this approximation method:
- 2, 5 × 30 = 75. 2, 5 × 1 = 2, 5
- 75 + 2, 5 = 77.5 centimeters.
- Note that if we had used the exact conversion factor of 2.54 centimeters / 1 inch, the result would have been 78.74 centimeters. These two results differ by 1, 24 centimeters or by 1.5%.
1 inch = 2.5399999 centimeters, so 2.54 centimeters = 1 inch is a very accurate factor and is based on:
1 cm = 0.39370079 inches, which means that there is "1 centimeter for every 0.39370079 inches", and therefore, expressed as a ratio, 4/10 inches = 1 cm