How to Speak Tagalog: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Speak Tagalog: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Speak Tagalog: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Learning a few basic phrases and words in Tagalog (Filipino) could save your life or at least make your vacation or life in the Philippines a whole lot easier. It can also be useful for talking to your Filipino friends and other people from other countries. For those who want to learn it, it is not difficult to study this language. In this article, you will learn some common phrases and words in Filipino.


Speak Tagalog Step 1
Speak Tagalog Step 1

Step 1. Learn some common words

  • Thanks: salamat po
  • My name is: ang pangalan ko ay (name)
  • Good morning (in the morning): magandáng umaga
  • Good afternoon: magandáng hapon
  • Good evening: magandáng gabí
  • Goodbye (informal): paalam
  • Thank you very much: maraming salamat [pô]
  • Welcome: waláng anumán
Speak Tagalog Step 2
Speak Tagalog Step 2

Step 2. Yes:


  • Food: pagkain

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet1
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet1
  • Water: tubig

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet2
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet2
  • Rice: kanin

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet3
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet3
  • Delicious: masaráp

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet4
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet4
  • Nice: maganda
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet5
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet5
  • Ugly: pangit

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet6
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet6
  • Sympathetic: mabaít

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet7
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet7
  • Help: tulong

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet8
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet8
  • Useful: matulungín

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet9
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet9
  • Dirty: marumí

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet10
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet10
  • Clean: malinis

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet11
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet11
  • Respect: paggalang

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet12
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet12
  • Respectful: magalang

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet13
  • I love you: mahál kitá

    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet14
    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet14
  • Mother: iná

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet15
  • Father: amá

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet16
  • Sister (older): ate

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet17
  • Brother (older): kuyà

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet19
  • Younger brothers / sisters: lunsô

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet18
  • Grandmother: lola
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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet20
  • Grandfather: lolo

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  • Uncle: tito

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  • Aunt: tita
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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet23
  • Nephew (male and female): pamangkín

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet24
  • Cousin: pinsan

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    Speak Tagalog Step 2Bullet25
Speak Tagalog Step 3
Speak Tagalog Step 3

Step 3. Some common phrases:

  • I'm hungry: gutóm na ako
  • Give me something to eat, please: pakibigyán niyo po ako ng pagkain.
  • The food was great: masaráp ang pagkain.
Speak Tagalog Step 4
Speak Tagalog Step 4

Step 4. Have a conversation

  • Where is the toilet ?: nasaán ang banyo?
  • Yes: oo / opo.
  • No: hindi / hindi po.
  • Are you okay ?: ayos ka lang ba?
  • How are you ?: kumusta ka na?
  • I'm fine: ayos lang.
  • How much does it cost ?: magkano ba ito?
Speak Tagalog Step 5
Speak Tagalog Step 5

Step 5. Some animals:

  • Dog: aso
  • Puppy: tutà
  • Cat: pusà
  • Fish: isdâ
  • Cow: báka
  • Buffalo: kalabáw
  • Chicken: manók
  • Monkey: unggóy
Speak Tagalog Step 6
Speak Tagalog Step 6

Step 6. Count from 1 to 10:

  • 1: isá
  • 2: dalawá
  • 3: tatló
  • 4: apat
  • 5: limá
  • 6: anim
  • 7: pitó
  • 8: waló
  • 9: siyám
  • 10: sampû


  • Learning Tagalog isn't difficult and takes a lot less effort than you might think, so go and start learning now!
  • Spend time with your friends or hosts to practice Filipino-Tagalog! It can be embarrassing at first but talking constantly every day will improve your knowledge of the language.
  • Learning Tagalog is easy for Spanish or English speakers due to the Spanish and American influence dating back to colonial times in Philippine history.
  • You say opo / po, which are respectful and formal variants of "yes", when you talk to people who are socially superior to you, such as older people, the boss or a teacher, the president, royalty or the pope. The use of the simple form oo to say "yes" is reserved for peers, people younger than you or those of a lower social level.
  • Although many Filipinos speak English, they generally appreciate and welcome anyone who makes an effort to speak Tagalog. They will not hesitate to help a foreigner trying to learn the correct language and pronunciation and to teach new words to add to the learner's vocabulary.
  • While Tagalog is simple and fun, be aware that conjunctions and verbal conjugations are difficult.
  • Some words are very long, for example kinakatakutan (scary) but don't worry. Take some time to learn the alphabet, pronunciation and accent. Remember that even some Filipinos mispronounce certain words.
  • Try to watch television in the Tagalog language to hear the spoken language; enabling subtitles can better render the sense and certain nuances of sentences or words that are said.
  • In Filipino, vowels are pronounced as in Italian.
