How to Become a Web Developer (with Pictures)

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How to Become a Web Developer (with Pictures)
How to Become a Web Developer (with Pictures)

Web development is an ever-expanding field, thanks to the introduction of new technologies, such as applications for smartphones and tablets. For this, the demand for personnel with the ability to create applications and programs is very high. Becoming a web programmer is a good strategy for people already skilled in the use of technology, but it is a path that requires work and learning. If you are looking to pursue your career as a web developer, you need to learn a number of skills including programming languages, graphics editing and marketing.


Part 1 of 5: Understanding What It Takes to Become a Web Developer

Become a Web Developer Step 1
Become a Web Developer Step 1

Step 1. Learn what employers are looking for

Most companies wishing to hire a web developer want people with specific qualifications.

  • Many employers are looking for web developers with a degree in computer science.
  • Computer science degree programs prepare students by teaching them the skills needed for web development: programming, web design, database management, networking, and mathematics.
  • In lieu of a degree, many web developers have professional certifications. You can get them from various institutes and technology companies.
  • For example, Microsoft offers a web development training course that requires you to pass an exam and have two or three years of work experience.
  • While having a degree or certification is a desirable requirement, there are many freelance developers on the market who have managed to build successful businesses without earning them.
Become a Web Developer Step 2
Become a Web Developer Step 2

Step 2. Find out what skills you need to become a web developer

The least you need to be able to do is develop a simple website.

  • You need to know how the web works and how to program.
  • A good web developer should know many different programming languages, as well as know how to choose the right one to use.
  • New programming languages and interfaces emerge every day. You must always stay up to date with the new trends in the technology field if you wish to progress in this area.
  • You need to know some basic design aspects: color theory, page composition, font choice, etc.
  • Even if your main job is not to create eye-catching graphics, you should know how to make a website or app pleasing to users and at the same time easy to use.
Become a Web Developer Step 3
Become a Web Developer Step 3

Step 3. Understand that web development is a very challenging career

You need to have excellent interpersonal skills to impress customers, as well as be able to handle stress in an ever-changing work environment.

  • Interpersonal skills are very important in the field of web development. You will have to deal with clients, colleagues and companies every day.
  • It is vital to know how to handle an impatient customer or a person who doesn't understand technology.
  • You will be dealing with difficult customers and with people who need a lot of help learning how to use the technology you are developing.
  • You will also need stress and time management skills. Being a web developer is very energy consuming.
  • You will have to work on multiple projects at the same time and meet short deadlines.

Part 2 of 5: Learning to Know Programming Languages

Become a Web Developer Step 4
Become a Web Developer Step 4

Step 1. Understand the purpose and function of programming languages and platforms

Without these tools, the web and other applications would not function properly.

  • Programming languages and platforms are the tools used by developers to create applications, scripts, and other sets of instructions for the computer to execute.
  • There are dozens of different programming languages.
  • They each use a different platform or program to write scripts, applications, and instructions.
Become a Web Developer Step 5
Become a Web Developer Step 5

Step 2. Get familiar with HTML

It is one of the most commonly used languages for websites.

  • Almost anyone can learn the basics of HTML in an afternoon by taking advantage of one of the many tutorials available on the net.
  • HTML is a language that consists of many short lines of code typed into a text document. It has its own rules for grammar and syntax, just like a normal language.
  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
  • Hypertext is the method by which users move around the internet. When you click on the link, you are using hypertext that takes you from one page to another.
  • When writing in HTML, you will use a series of tags. They determine the function of the text: in italics, a link to another page, a bulleted list, etc.
  • After writing the HTML code to a text file, you will save it as an.html file. You can then open it with a browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox.
  • Browsers are able to read files and translate code in a graphical interface. The result is the websites you are used to seeing.
  • To write in HTML, you can simply use a text editor, or a powerful editing tool like HTML Kit.
  • Other programming languages work similarly, but use different syntax and tags. You will happen to use them if you want to create more complex web pages.
Become a Web Developer Step 6
Become a Web Developer Step 6

Step 3. Learn to use Java

It is a programming language commonly used by web developers.

  • The main goal of Java is to allow web developers to write scripts or instructions for an application.
  • This language allows programmers to write a program once and run it on all platforms.
  • Some popular websites programmed with this language are Netflix, Edmunds, and Zappos.
  • Some of the most used tools for writing and programming in Java are JSON and CORE.
Become a Web Developer Step 7
Become a Web Developer Step 7

Step 4. Develop your skills using NET / C #

This skill is crucial if you plan to work on Microsoft operating systems.

  • This programming language was created for Microsoft platforms.
  • The most well-known websites that use this development tool are ExactTarget, Comcast and XBOX.
  • The development tools that help write in NET / C # are Flippy, SQL Helper, Imagehandler and CodeSmith.
  • Other tools that can verify the integrity of your code and help you build applications that run smoother are FxCop, Regulator, NUnit, and NDoc.
Become a Web Developer Step 8
Become a Web Developer Step 8

Step 5. Consider learning PHP

It is another language particularly suited to web development.

  • It is the most used scripting language.
  • This language allows web developers to write quickly. In addition, it is more flexible than the others.
  • Facebook, Tumblr, and Wikipedia use PHP as their programming language.
  • Some of the most used tools for PHP are Slim. PHP, Secureimage, and Webgrind.
  • Other tools include, but are not limited to Scavenger, PHP DOX, and PHP_Debug. There are a lot of testers, debuggers, and documentation available for this programming language.
Become a Web Developer Step 9
Become a Web Developer Step 9

Step 6. Consider developing your C ++ writing skills

This language is mainly used for systems programming.

  • It is an easy to use and very flexible language.
  • The best known websites developed with C ++ are JPMorgan Chase, DIRECTTV and Sony.
  • There are many tools that help write in C ++, such as Doxygen, Graphviz, and Mscgen.
  • Eclipse is another popular tool for C ++.
Become a Web Developer Step 10
Become a Web Developer Step 10

Step 7. Learn to program in Python

It is a very popular language, used by many websites.

  • Python is a programming language known for ease of use, which allows developers to quickly create embedded code and systems.
  • This language has an easy to read and easy to follow programming syntax. This reduces the cost of program maintenance.
  • Some of the websites you use every day are based on Python, like Google and Youtube.
  • Some of the tools you can try to work with Python are Komodo Edit IDE, PyCharm IDE, and Eclipse with PyDev.

Part 3 of 5: Learning the Basics of Graphic Design

Become a Web Developer Step 11
Become a Web Developer Step 11

Step 1. Understand the basics of graphics on a web page

Most web developers do not deal with the graphics of their sites, but it is still important to know the basics of this field.

  • You need to know how to crop an image, resize it, change the color scheme, and add text.
  • You can use many different graphics and image editing applications.
  • Each of these programs has a specific interface and methods of use.
  • Even if most of the web developers of large companies do not deal with the graphics of applications and pages, it is still important to have a smattering of the techniques used in this field.
  • Many web developers find themselves dealing with the graphics of their products, especially in small businesses or if they are self-employed.
Become a Web Developer Step 12
Become a Web Developer Step 12

Step 2. Download a free graphics program

This will allow you to practice and get used to the simplest editing tasks.

  • On the internet you can download programs like GIMP and Inkscape for free.
  • On the internet you can find many tutorials for these programs.
  • These free programs allow you to perform the simplest editing tasks and create basic graphics.
  • With GIMP and Inkscape you can crop and resize images and graphics, add shapes and text, eliminate red eyes and change the colors of your site.
Become a Web Developer Step 13
Become a Web Developer Step 13

Step 3. Practice adding images to a website

Create a simple page on a topic that interests you.

  • Use your HTML programming skills to place simple images and graphics on the site.
  • Use GIMP or Inkscape to edit images.
  • Check the website to see how the changes you made to the images affect the appearance of the page.
  • You need to practice and experiment with the various options to find the editing methods you prefer.
  • When you are hired by a client, you will need to be able to modify the images and graphics according to their needs.

Part 4 of 5: Promote Your Skills

Become a Web Developer Step 14
Become a Web Developer Step 14

Step 1. Design several websites

This way, you can show potential customers your skills.

  • You should create different types of websites: one that contains images such as drawings or photos and videos, one for a business, and another dedicated to a hobby or passion of yours, such as a blog.
  • These types of websites are the ones most commonly requested by web developers.
  • Create a page for a fictional company, where you should include details about the type of business, the products and services it sells, pictures of potential job opportunities, a page for products and services, and a contact page.
  • Create your own website, including information on programming languages you know, your rates, and links to websites you have worked on or created yourself.
  • This way your customers can see your work.
  • Create a blog where users can use an interface to add their own content.
  • Work with various programming languages, so that your potential customers know your skills.
Become a Web Developer Step 15
Become a Web Developer Step 15

Step 2. Print Business Cards

Distribute them at events.

  • Make sure your ticket has a link to your personal or business website to promote your work as an independent web developer.
  • Write your contact information on the ticket.
  • Add links to websites you've worked on so potential clients can see your work.
Become a Web Developer Step 16
Become a Web Developer Step 16

Step 3. Increase your presence on social networks

Create a page related to your business and the type of web development you specialize in.

  • As a website for your business, this is a very important step in finding work.
  • Try creating a Facebook page for your company. Include the types of programming you are proficient in, your rates, and your contact information.
  • Create a Twitter account and post updates and links to the sites you are working on.
  • Make sure you have a Google Plus page or blog where you write about what you are working on and your progress in the field of web development.
  • Use LinkedIn to communicate with other professionals in your industry.
Become a Web Developer Step 17
Become a Web Developer Step 17

Step 4. Advertise online and in newspapers

When you have the skills to handle many web development services, you should promote yourself in every possible way.

  • Post an ad on Craigslist in the Services section in your area.
  • Make sure you include links to the sites you worked on and your contact information.
  • Try posting an ad in a local newspaper and in trade magazines.
  • These strategies can get you jobs from local social bodies, nonprofits, and companies looking to create or improve their website.

Part 5 of 5: Finding a Job As a Web Developer

Become a Web Developer Step 18
Become a Web Developer Step 18

Step 1. Write and update your resume

Include all experiences, even unpaid ones, in which you have been involved in the design and programming of websites and applications.

  • It is important that you are sincere in writing your resume. Don't include experiences you haven't had and don't magnify reality.
  • Avoid technical terms and words that are overused. Clearly describe what your work experiences have been without using words like "synergy" or "creativity".
  • Include testimonials about your work and links to the code or websites you have developed.
  • Ask a friend or colleague to check your resume before applying for a job.
  • Once your resume is complete and updated, post it on the internet. Try using sites like LinkedIn or Career 2.0.
  • Ask all the contacts you have in the world of industry to take a look at your resume and let you know if there are any opportunities available to you.
Become a Web Developer Step 19
Become a Web Developer Step 19

Step 2. Publish some of the code you wrote on the internet

Online presence is essential for web developers who want to have a successful career.

  • Post a project you do in your spare time on collaborative sites like Github.
  • Contribute to open source projects on GitHub and similar websites.
  • A potential employer who sees a candidate working alongside other people on a web project in their spare time will seriously consider them for a job.
  • Publish your best code on your internet profiles.
  • Once you've written some code or contributed to a project, you can mention it on your resume.
  • You can also create a blog that talks about projects you are working on or trends in the field of web development. Include a link to the page on your resume. Potential employers often check to see if a candidate keeps up with the latest trends in their field.
Become a Web Developer Step 20
Become a Web Developer Step 20

Step 3. Do research on technology companies

Especially if you are contacted by a recruiter or if you have applied for a specific job, it is important to know as much detail as possible about that company.

  • Find out how long the company has been in business.
  • Make sure you know the company's goals and "mission".
  • Familiarize yourself with the company's services and products.
  • A potential employer will not waste time interviewing a person who clearly does not know his company's business or the way it operates.
Become a Web Developer Step 21
Become a Web Developer Step 21

Step 4. Spend some time on technical tests

Many companies will ask you to pass a proficiency test before or after an interview.

  • Take the exam seriously, even if the questions seem trivial to you.
  • Companies want to know that you can program using a particular programming language or develop a specific type of website.
  • Commit yourself to the exam as much as possible. Make sure your code is error free and compiled correctly.
  • Use an online site to show the test result. This way, you will let the prospective employer know that you are capable of implementing the code you write.
Become a Web Developer Step 22
Become a Web Developer Step 22

Step 5. Always be prepared for all interviews

Research the atmosphere within the company.

  • Try to figure out what dress code to use, office hours, and whether you will be asked to travel.
  • Show up for the interview 15 minutes early. This shows that you are on time and that you are able to manage your time well.
  • Prepare some questions for the examiner. You should ask about the work environment, the culture of the company, the title of the projects you will work on, etc.
  • Showing up to an interview with employment questions suggests to the prospective employer that you have thought carefully about the job and the interview itself.
  • Avoid common interview mistakes. Don't ask questions about compensation and don't speak ill of your previous employers or colleagues. Don't exaggerate your experiences when asked what projects you've been working on.
