How to Reduce the Size of Excel Files

Table of contents:

How to Reduce the Size of Excel Files
How to Reduce the Size of Excel Files

This article shows you how to reduce the hard disk space occupied by an Excel file by removing unnecessary formatting, compressing images and using more efficient file formats.


Part 1 of 6: Using Excel Binary Files

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 1
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 1

Step 1. Open the file you want to process

You can select the program icon characterized by a X green on a white background by double clicking the mouse. At this point choose the item File, push the button You open…, then select the file you want to edit.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 2
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 2

Step 2. Select the File item

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 3
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 3

Step 3. Choose the Save As… option

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 4
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 4

Step 4. Give the file a new name

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 5
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 5

Step 5. Open the "Save as type" drop-down menu:

"or" File type: ".

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 6
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 6

Step 6. Choose the special format Excel Binary Workbook (extension .xlsb).

Files saved in this format are considerably smaller than standard Excel files with the extension .xls.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 7
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 7

Step 7. Now press the Save button

The file in question will be saved on the computer in the selected folder.

Part 2 of 6: Eliminate Formatting of Blank Rows and Columns

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 8
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 8

Step 1. Open the Microsoft Excel file you want to process

You can select the program icon characterized by a X green on a white background by double clicking the mouse. At this point choose the item File, push the button You open…, then select the file you want to edit.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 9
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 9

Step 2. Select all blank rows of the Excel sheet

To do this, click the header box of the first blank line (it is characterized by its identification number), then press the hotkey combination Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + ↓ (on Windows) or ⌘ + ⇧ Shift + ↓ (on Mac).

The directional arrow keys are located at the bottom right of most keyboards

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 10
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 10

Step 3. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon of the Windows version of Excel or on the menu Mac version change.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 11
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 11

Step 4. Choose the Delete item

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 12
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 12

Step 5. If you are using a Windows system, choose the Erase All option or the option Format on Mac.

This will eliminate the formatting information of unused cells.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 13
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 13

Step 6. Select all empty columns

To do this, click the header box of the first empty column (it is characterized by its identifying letter), then press the hotkey combination Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + → (on Windows) or ⌘ + ⇧ Shift + → (on Mac).

The directional arrow keys are located at the bottom right of most keyboards

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 14
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 14

Step 7. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon of the Windows version of Excel or on the menu Mac version change.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 15
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 15

Step 8. Choose the Delete item

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 16
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 16

Step 9. If you are using a Windows system, choose the Erase All option or the option Format on Mac.

This will remove the formatting information of unused cells.

Part 3 of 6: Eliminate Conditional Formatting

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 17
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 17

Step 1. Open the Microsoft Excel file you want to process

To do this, you can select the program icon characterized by a X green on a white background by double clicking the mouse. At this point choose the item File, push the button You open…, then select the file you want to edit.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 18
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 18

Step 2. Go to the Home tab of the program ribbon located at the top of the Excel window

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 19
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 19

Step 3. Choose the Conditional Formatting option

It is located within the "Styles" group of the "Home" tab of the Excel ribbon.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 20
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 20

Step 4. Select the item Clear rules

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 21
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 21

Step 5. Now choose the option Clear rules from whole sheet

Part 4 of 6: Eliminate Blank Cell Formatting in Windows

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 22
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 22

Step 1. Open the Microsoft Excel file you want to process

To do this, you can select the program icon characterized by a X green on a white background by double clicking the mouse. At this point choose the item File, push the button You open…, then select the file you want to edit.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 23
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 23

Step 2. Go to the Home tab of the program ribbon located at the top of the Excel window

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 24
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 24

Step 3. Press the Find and Select button

It is located within the "Edit" group of the "Home" tab of the Excel ribbon.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 25
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 25

Step 4. Choose the Go to… option

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 26
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 26

Step 5. Select the Special Format item

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 27
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 27

Step 6. Choose the Empty Cells radio button

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 28
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 28

Step 7. Press the OK button

At this point, all empty cells within the sheet should appear highlighted.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 29
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 29

Step 8. Press the Delete button

It features a drawing eraser.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 30
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 30

Step 9. Now choose the Erase All option

Part 5 of 6: Eliminate Blank Cell Formatting on Mac

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 31
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 31

Step 1. Open the Microsoft Excel file you want to process

To do this, you can select the program icon characterized by a X green on a white background by double clicking the mouse. At this point choose the item File, push the button You open…, then select the file you want to edit.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 32
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 32

Step 2. Enter the Edit menu

It is located within the menu bar at the top of the program window.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 33
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 33

Step 3. Choose the Find item

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 34
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 34

Step 4. Go to the Go tab

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 35
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 35

Step 5. Choose the Special Format option

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 36
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 36

Step 6. Select the Empty Cells radio button

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 37
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 37

Step 7. Press the OK button

At this point, all empty cells within the sheet should appear highlighted.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 38
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 38

Step 8. Enter the Edit menu

It is located within the menu bar at the top of the program window.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 39
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 39

Step 9. Choose the Erase option

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 40
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 40

Step 10. Now select the Format item

Part 6 of 6: Compressing the Images

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 41
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 41

Step 1. Open the Microsoft Excel file you want to process

You can select the program icon characterized by a X green on a white background by double clicking the mouse. At this point choose the item File, push the button You open…, then select the file you want to edit.

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 42
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 42

Step 2. Open the dialog to compress images

Follow these instructions:

  • If you are using a Windows system, select the image to be processed, access the tab Format, then select the option Compress images.
  • If you are using a Mac, go to the menu File and choose the voice Reduce file size ….
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 43
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 43

Step 3. Access the "Image Quality" drop-down menu

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 44
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 44

Step 4. Choose a low image resolution

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 45
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 45

Step 5. Select the "Remove cropped image areas" checkbox

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 46
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 46

Step 6. Choose the item All images in this file

Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 47
Reduce Size of Excel Files Step 47

Step 7. Now press the OK button

The images present in the Excel file under examination will be compressed and all unnecessary data will be deleted.
