How to Be Cool on Facebook: 13 Steps

How to Be Cool on Facebook: 13 Steps
How to Be Cool on Facebook: 13 Steps

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Being cool on Facebook requires a part of discretion, a part of creativity, a part of common sense and a part of being community oriented. It is certainly not throwing your opinions and ideas by filling everyone's message boards or posting embarrassing things about yourself. Cool Facebook users are calm, self-controlled, caring for others and active people, they know what Facebook's limitations are and how to best use their time on this platform (without wasting too much). Here are some sensible ways to be cool on Facebook.


Be Cool on Facebook Step 1
Be Cool on Facebook Step 1

Step 1. Keep a life out of Facebook

Facebook is to keep others in your life, not to create it, so get out there and get busy, in every sense. Facebook doesn't prove you have friends, friends have to interact in real life, not be stuck on a list. Check your Facebook profile and keep it updated and an account, but don't spend all your time on what should be a tool to use wisely.

Be Cool on Facebook Step 2
Be Cool on Facebook Step 2

Step 2. Avoid typical status updates, be original

When talking to your friends on Facebook, avoid telling them any details that you would never tell them if you were face to face. Knowing your daily movements (interpret it as you see fit) and your boredom quotient doesn't like anyone, and that's not cool at all. Instead, try to say things in an interesting, different and original way, something that interests your friends and keeps them reading. For example, if you find that a friend likes a group you love too, say something like: "Hey, I love them too! Have you listened to the new album? " and then talk about that time you were listening to a piece of theirs and you dropped a wedding cake on your uncle's dog, or something just as weird and funny. Always try to instill good humor in your Facebook interactions. Be honest if you can, and surely you will find something funny that happened to you that is linked to some link on their wall.

Step 3. Change the status update once every two days

Avoid writing when you haven't done anything interesting recently, rather than posting "I just had a sandwich". Write vaguely so that all the mystery surrounding your life is not revealed immediately.

Be Cool on Facebook Step 3
Be Cool on Facebook Step 3

Step 4. Post regularly but not often enough to make people believe you never leave Facebook

As a member of a community, you will be considered strong if you participate regularly. However, the border is thin and you can easily find yourself on the other side if you overdo it with participation and flood people with messages. A frightening amount of messages will be perceived as overbearing and annoying, and the result could be that you lose contact.

Avoid posting if you have nothing to say. Regularity is no excuse for banality

Be Cool on Facebook Step 4
Be Cool on Facebook Step 4

Step 5. Write short, concise posts

Long status updates are boring, and Facebook wasn't made for that. Short, nice posts will give you a good reputation on Facebook, and allow your friends to quickly quench their thirst for information. Try to write a few sentences. If you feel the need to write more, here are some tips:

  • Start a blog. If you want to cover a topic in depth and fill several pages, a blog is the place to be. People will follow your blog because this is what they expect. On Facebook, however, nobody cares.
  • Write a novel, or an in-depth journalistic piece.
  • If you have something personal to say to a friend, tell them in person or via a private message, rather than expressing it openly on Facebook.
Be Cool on Facebook Step 5
Be Cool on Facebook Step 5

Step 6. Give compliments

To be cool, you have to go beyond yourself and recognize the positive thoughts and actions of others. Remember to ask others what they have done recently instead of assuming that they only care about what you did. If you care about other people's lives, they will feel appreciated and will want to keep talking to you. They will see you as someone worth cultivating a friendship with.

Be Cool on Facebook Step 6
Be Cool on Facebook Step 6

Step 7. Don't be nosy

Would you be so curious in real life? I bet you'd be only half as curious as you are on Facebook, where social relationships seem less real and actionable. Instead, limit yourself and don't search for information in ways that might appear intrusive and suspicious. Be discreet, above all. Post information about yourself and others that everyone can read. If it's not good in real life, it's not good on Facebook either.

Don't leave comments asking people about your status updates or sentimental status changes if you don't know them very well. Again, try to comment briefly and avoid speculating. What they mean may be completely different from what you understand. If you really want to know what's going on, ask him privately

Be Cool on Facebook Step 7
Be Cool on Facebook Step 7

Step 8. Don't rush to answer everything

Facebook is not like ping pong. There is no need to answer every post, question or comment. Some things don't even need to be commented on. Other states may require a simple nod, such as "OK" or "That sounds fun!" Also don't rush to answer. For example, if someone invites you to an event, don't answer yes or no right away. Click on "maybe" and take your time. Apparently, answering yes or no too quickly can make you seem too willing or too desperate. From a practical point of view, you need to allow yourself some room to maneuver, in case you realize you can't really attend an event.

Wait a few minutes before replying to each post addressed directly to you, four or even five, even more if you have other things to do (you have other things to do, right?). However, avoid ignoring that person when it is clear that you are online. Leaving a response pending for 20 minutes is rude and shows a lack of respect and attention towards that person. Think about how you would feel and act accordingly

Be Cool on Facebook Step 8
Be Cool on Facebook Step 8

Step 9. Write thoughtful and polite posts

Think about posts before writing them, and wait two minutes from reading to posting a comment, message or reply. Write correctly (nothing is gained by being superficial in the way you write), with the exception of some abbreviations now recognized and accepted (LOL and CMQ). Keeping a conversational tone is fine, but writing poorly just because you don't feel like taking a second to double check no. Do you want to show yourself well educated? Then write correctly.

Use emoticons sporadically. Smileys are cute, unless you use them in every post or stack them next to every punctuation and on every comment

Be Cool on Facebook Step 9
Be Cool on Facebook Step 9

Step 10. Be clear and choose your words carefully

Most of what we mean is expressed through a cautious (or non-cautious) choice of words.

  • Use punctuation to help people understand what you are saying. Write avoiding all capital letters, it is grammatically inappropriate and it is also unkind (on the internet, capital writing is used to represent screams, and if you know it but have forgotten it, make a reminder).
  • Write facts, not gossip. Obscure references to things you've overheard or misinterpreted can trigger online gossip. Always check what you write before telling anything unfounded.
  • Do not write anything vulgar or related to sexuality. Overall, most people have friends that are so different from each other that they have to consider a very large audience. If you want to be rough, send a personal message to your equally rough friends and get rid of this burden in private. When you are in front of everyone, relax and show that you are a normal person that everyone can talk to and feel comfortable with.
Be Cool on Facebook Step 10
Be Cool on Facebook Step 10

Step 11. Remember that just because you are in favor of a cause or like a game, you have no right to make people uncomfortable

Unfortunately, when you want to promote a cause or are happy with a Facebook-related game, many people exhibit behavior that is not cool at all. Some think that it is okay to regularly slam a cause in the face of their friends and end up making people feel guilty by forcing them to sign petitions or text messages to support their cause or initiative. It's not cool at all. It is invasive and annoying. If you overdo your passions, you will end up losing friends. Also, try to pay attention to these things:

  • If there are some apps you like, that's fine. But don't invite all of your friends to hundreds of quizzes, then clutter your profile with 17 different questionnaires to determine if you are a gazelle or a pheasant. This thing tires easily and gives the impression that you are always attached to Facebook.
  • Who cares that your virtual fields are booming, your digital home has been restored, or that you have virtually become a millionaire on some game? Keep game updates to a minimum or you'll risk boring your friends to death.
Be Cool on Facebook Step 11
Be Cool on Facebook Step 11

Step 12. Stop whining and complaining

Grumblers on Facebook are irritating. Do you like to read the states of stressed or sad people on Facebook? Take it as a sign that others don't like it too much. There are much more constructive and helpful places to be able to deal with your Facebook problems.

It is also very important not to assume that people on Facebook will agree with everything you say. If you are someone with strong beliefs and opinions, know that Facebook is not the right place to share them. Start a nice blog for your creative needs

Be Cool on Facebook Step 12
Be Cool on Facebook Step 12

Step 13. Don't try to read hidden meanings in comments or messages

If you get obsessed because someone sent you a: * it means that you have been online for too long. Nowadays no one takes a: * seriously, everyone sends them and it doesn't mean someone fell in love with you. Try to behave naturally and kindly, and if you're not sure you understand the meaning of something, don't be afraid to ask for explanations in private, but be careful not to work too much of your imagination. Lastly, try to consider others for the best, try to understand that if someone is becoming too difficult to manage online, they have spent too much time on Facebook. You don't have to stoop to his level!

  • This also refers to not believing that all the people you meet on Facebook are your friends. They could be totally fake profiles, people pretending to be someone they are not.
  • Be friendly, relaxed, and honest with yourself. If you don't hear this trio of self-actualization, turn off the connection to the social network until the magic returns. Often a good night's sleep or a free afternoon can help. You can't always be cool, especially when you are angry, irritable and too absorbed in Facebook.

    Be Cool on Facebook Step 13
    Be Cool on Facebook Step 13


  • Remember that everything you post is seen by all your Facebook friends.
  • Smile in the photos you add on Facebook. You are beautiful, you ended up in the spotlight for that smile.
  • don't gossip. Everyone knows where the gossip comes from, and you'll find yourself in the blink of an eye with a reputation as a whiff.
  • If someone posts something on a friend's wall, don't be the first to like or comment! Wait before the person who owns the board notices it. Otherwise you could annoy someone.
  • Don't be afraid to talk or ask someone to chat with you. Facebook is for chatting and making friends, so use it, but with care.
  • Be honest about what you post. Making up stories about your life could backfire on you and you may have a hard time getting your reputation as a liar off!
  • When you meet a really cool friend in real life and he adds you on Facebook, don't click the accept button right away! Wait for it to cool down and don't rush. V A few days is fine (some months is a bit too long, though).
  • Use custom lists to break down your different social identities. It will help you stay cool by making you avoid posting information about work to your friends instead of your colleagues. Take some time to figure out how to best use your privacy settings to keep work and the rest of your life separate.
  • Keep a list of funny and strong phrases that come to your mind throughout the day. You can post them slowly to share with friends. They will also be original, and not just a copy-paste of something found online.
  • Don't accept every friend request that comes your way. Try to sort out the people you can handle with your cool attitude. When you let people you have never seen met and have never heard of enter your circle, you reduce your experience, leaving the door open to false and dishonest people.


  • Don't base your relationships with others on something said or shared on Facebook. Digital communication doesn't have all the elegant facets of face-to-face communication, pheromones and body language. This means that you could make a terrible mistake about people's intentions and feelings. Above all, there are few really good reasons to ask someone out on Facebook. Try to use this alternative as a last resort.
  • Don't add "famous people" or "superstars", it's definitely not them. They probably don't have Facebook, because they don't like theatricality, sometimes they just want to be normal. So no matter how many friends they have or what evidence they can provide to make you believe they're real, they're probably just posers making fun of you. If you want to contact a celebrity on the internet, try following their official Twitter profile.
  • Facebook is not a dating site. Do not think that the fun experience you had while chatting with someone turns into a normal relationship in real life. Don't agree to meet privately with a friend you met online. If you want to meet him, always do it in public and with a person you trust.
  • Don't worry if no one has replied to your post for 10 minutes or all day. Your Facebook friends have lives, they will even have to go to the toilet sometime!
  • Avoid believing the glitzy status updates of other contacts trying to spark jealousy. Those people may be lying about their exciting life, and even if they don't, they may just be inflating a simple situation, or that, or they're dull.
  • Keep your private life private. Nobody needs to know what you are working on, your personal details or your home address. Never post embarrassing pictures of yourself, by now it should be clear to every Facebook user that this is ridiculous. Use discretion to be cool.
  • Delete embarrassing application messages from your mini-feed. (just click the "X" beside the window if you think it is embarrassing, and click "hide").
  • Addiction to Facebook is a disorder that leads to compulsively using Facebook in search of updates at all hours. If you think you can't live without Facebook for fifteen minutes, then seek help with your compulsive behavior.
