Who doesn't like listening to Christmas songs played on the piano during the holidays? Even if you're not a pianist, you can always entertain friends and family with an easy song, like Jingle Bells. Once you've learned all the steps, memorize it and play it as soon as you find a piano or keyboard!

Step 1. Put your right hand in front of you
For Jingle Bells, you will only use the right hand. If you are a complete beginner, then you will first need to know the "fingering" numbers.
The thumb is the number finger
Step 1
'Play "Jingle Bells" on the Piano Step 1Bullet1 -
The index is the number finger
Step 2
'Play "Jingle Bells" on the Piano Step 1Bullet2 -
The middle finger is the number finger
Step 3
'Play "Jingle Bells" on the Piano Step 1Bullet3 -
The ring finger is the number finger
Step 4
'Play "Jingle Bells" on the Piano Step 1Bullet4 -
The little finger is the number finger
Step 5
'Play "Jingle Bells" on the Piano Step 1Bullet5 - You can write the numbers on your hand if you can't remember them, but you will see that it will be quite easy. If you already know the note names, you won't need the fingering numbers.

Step 2. Identify where you need to put your hands on the piano
For Jingle Bells, the hand will only be in the middle C position (remember, you only need the right hand). To find middle C, look at the piano or keyboard (or a figure if you have neither) and you will notice that the black keys are in groups of twos and threes.

Step 3. Find the group of two black keys that is closest to the middle of the keyboard

Step 4. Place the thumb of your right hand on the first white key to the left of the group of two black keys
That key is called middle C.

Step 5. Put the rest of your fingers on the white keys to the right of Middle C
You should touch 5 keys, one on each finger, from middle C to the next 4 on the right. This is called "middle Do position".
Step 6. Start playing
Here's how to play Jingle Bells with fingering: 3 3 - 3 3 3 - 3 5 1 2 3 - - - 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 - 5 - 3 3 3 -3 3 3 - 3 5 1 2 3 - - - 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 5 4 2 1 - - -. After positioning your hand well, you just have to play with the finger corresponding to the number indicated by the fingering. When you find the dash (-) hold the note longer. Each dash is one more measure. For example, if you have "3 3 3 -" on the third 3 you have to hold the note for another beat.
'Play "Jingle Bells" on the Piano Step 6Bullet1 -
If you know the names of the notes from middle C onwards (C, re, mi, fa, sol), here's how to play Jingle Bells with the notes: Mi Mi Mi - Mi Mi Mi - Mi Sol Do Re Mi - - - Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Mi Mi Mi Re Mi Re - Sol - Mi Mi Mi - Mi Mi Mi - Mi Sol Do Re Mi - - - Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Mi Mi Mi Sol Fa Re Do - - -.
'Play "Jingle Bells" on the Piano Step 6Bullet2

Step 7. Make everyone have fun at Christmas
- Practice often! It takes some time to perform the song perfectly.
- If it seems to you that playing only with the right hand is too easy, you can add the left hand frets. It will get even better! Put your left hand in the same position as your right, but place it on the C scale one octave lower than the middle one. You are in the correct position if between the two thumbs there are 3 free keys to divide the hands. To play, press fingers 1, 3 and 5 (C, E and G) at the same time. Hold the sound for 4 movements and then repeat it. Continue to play this chord with your left while with your right you play the pattern that we have indicated in the passages of the guide.
- If you find the left hand chord too difficult to play, you can only use it with fingers number 1 and 5 (C and G).
- If you have trouble finding the correct position, look at the pictures in the article or a video on the topic.
- If you don't succeed the first time, keep trying. Sooner or later you will make it!