How to Play the E Major Chord on the Guitar

How to Play the E Major Chord on the Guitar
How to Play the E Major Chord on the Guitar

Table of contents:


E major is a very useful guitar chord to know and one of the easiest to learn. It is an open chord played on the first two frets of the guitar. "Open" means that one or more strings are left free. With E major and some other background in your background, you will be able to play many of the old classical guitar melodies.


Play an E Major Chord on a Guitar Step 1
Play an E Major Chord on a Guitar Step 1

Step 1. First you need to know the strings

There are six of them. They are numbered from bottom to top, and the thinnest string as the first string. Each string has a corresponding letter or note. Look down. The corresponding letters can be remembered thanks to this short saying, often taught by American guitar teachers. "Eddie Ate Dynamite Good Bye Eddie."

  • Rope 1 - E (Eddie) - E high

    133 947 1B1
    133 947 1B1
  • Rope 2 - B (bye) - Yes

    133 947 1B2
    133 947 1B2
  • String 3 - G (good) - Sol

    133 947 1B3
    133 947 1B3
  • String 4 - D (dynamite) - D

    133 947 1B4
    133 947 1B4
  • String 5 - A (ate) - A
    133 947 1B5
    133 947 1B5
  • String 6 - E (Eddie) - Low E

    133 947 1B6
    133 947 1B6
Play an E Major Chord on a Guitar Step 2
Play an E Major Chord on a Guitar Step 2

Step 2. Place your index finger on the third string on the first fret
