Have you ever wanted to make a Harry Potter scarf? There are several ways to do this, from knitting to sewing; you can choose the one that interests you most.
Note: With the knitting method you will get a Prisoner of Azkaban style scarf, while sewing it will result in a Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets style scarf.
Method 1 of 3: Knitting

Step 1. Choose a home
At Hogwarts, every house has its own color and its own scarf. The colors of the Gryffindor are red and gold, or yellow, for Ravenclaw they are blue and tan in the books, while in the movies blue and silver, or gray. The colors of Hufflepuff are yellow and black while for Slytherin green and silver, or gray. You will need thread of both colors of the house you have chosen. If you want to buy them, metallic threads are available in silver and gold colors. Make sure the two strands are approximately the same thickness (combed or similar) and ideally also the same brand and material.

Step 2. Fit 20-25 stitches with the first color you chose

Step 3. Work 20 rows

Step 4. Change color and knit two lines
Switch back to the first color and make two more lines. Pick up the second color and knit two rows before moving on to the first color to make another 20 rows. This way you will get the distinctive double stripe that, in the Harry Potter saga films, you find in most Hogwarts scarves.

Step 5. Continue in this way until you have the desired length

Step 6. Weave the threads or, if you prefer, you can add tassels or fringes and twist the ends
Now you can both show off the colors of your home and avoid getting cold!
Method 2 of 3: Sew

Step 1. Choose your home (see above for colors)

Step 2. Take a large piece of fabric for each color and cut squares of the same size for each color
You can choose the size you like, but make sure the squares are all the same.

Step 3. Place two pieces of different colored fabric (such as gold and red) side by side and sew them together

Step 4. Continue like this for all pieces of fabric
Method 3 of 3: Stuff

Step 1. Choose the appropriate colors
For more information read above.

Step 2. Cut the fabric into rectangles
They must all be the same size. Cut them according to the length of the scarf.

Step 3. Sew the scarf pieces together, like making a tube
Leave one end open to insert the padding.

Step 4. Slip the batting into the scarf
Fill the entire tube well.

Step 5. Sew the open end as well
Add some tassels with thread.
- Knitting is recommended to get a more precise scarf.
- To get a beautiful scarf, the pieces sewn together must be the same size.
- With the leftover yarn you can create matching gloves or hats to match the house.
- Crochet work is a great substitute.