If you are a Harry Potter fan, you probably love to surround yourself with objects inspired by his books and films. In some cases, however, such souvenirs can pile up and become an expensive hobby. Fortunately, there are many easy ways to create Harry Potter-style items yourself, often without any financial outlay.
Method 1 of 3: Create Your Own Wizard Items

Step 1. Make a magic wand out of Chinese wands
Harry had to travel to Diagon Alley to find his wand, but you can make one at home. For this project, you'll need 37.5cm long bamboo cooking rods, brown acrylic paint, a brush, a hot glue gun, and some glossy spray lacquer.
- Use the hot glue gun carefully to pour drops on the bottom of the wand to create the handle. Use about 1-2 strands of glue if you want to make the handle particularly thick.
- The handle should feel thicker than the rest of the wand, but you are free to decorate it however you like.
- When the glue has dried, paint the wand.
- When the paint has also dried, apply a coat of lacquer to all sides of the wand.

Step 2. Make a Golden Snitch out of a ping-pong ball
To have a Golden Snitch at home, you don't need to catch one on the quidditch pitch. For this project, you'll need a ping-pong ball, a thin piece of construction paper, a marker, a hot glue gun, scissors, and some gold spray paint.
- Use the marker to draw two wings on the cardboard. The latter must be of such size that they can be glued to the ping-pong ball.
- Use the scissors to cut out the wings.
- Carefully pour the hot glue onto the ping-pong ball, drawing the decoration of your choice.
- While the glue is still hot, attach the wings to both sides of the ball.
- Apply two coats of spray paint to the wings and ball.
- Glue a string over the Snitch and hang it on your Christmas tree.

Step 3. Create your Time Turner
Hermione used her Time Turner to take multiple lessons, and today you too can make your own version of it at home. For this project, you'll need some gold spray paint, some thread, 3 different sized key rings, a hot glue gun and some small beads.
- Take two small beads and thread them through the thread. Use the glue gun to fix them in the center of the thread.
- Pull the thread through the smaller ring so that the beads are in the center of the ring.
- Pull the thread through the medium ring so that the beads and the smaller ring are in the center of the medium ring.
- Wrap excess thread around the medium-sized ring to hold it in place.
- Thread the thread through the larger loop so that the smaller loop and the beads are in the center.
- Wrap the remaining thread around the larger ring to hold it in place.
- Spray the gold paint on the Time Turner.
- Let the Giratempo air dry for 25 minutes, before wiping off the excess thread.

Step 4. Create the textbooks that Harry Potter used
Harry had to go out and buy new textbooks for his courses every year, but you can easily make them yourself. For this project, you'll need old books (preferably old school texts), card stock, a printer, glue, and an image editing program, such as Photoshop.
- Measure the cover, back and spine of the book. Photoshop a slipcover for your book that is that size.
- If you are not a Photoshop expert, you can find templates for Harry Potter books on the internet. Make sure you change its size to match the size of the book you have chosen.
- Cut the cardstock into a 21.5x28cm rectangle and print your designs onto the paper.
- With glue or tape, secure the designs you printed on your book. Remove any excess paper and display the book on a shelf or above the fireplace.
Method 2 of 3: Prepare Delicious Harry Potter Style Dishes

Step 1. Make your own butterbeer at home
Butterbeer is one of the most popular drinks among wizards and thanks to this guide you can drink it whenever you want. For this recipe you will need 6 x 350ml bottles of cream soda, 4.5 teaspoons of butter flavoring, 2 cups of cream, 6 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract.
- Prepare six 500ml glasses. Pour half a teaspoon of butter flavoring into each glass, then add a bottle of soda.
- Whip the cream in a large bowl for 3 minutes, or until it begins to thicken.
- Add the sugar and continue whipping it until stiff.
- Add the vanilla and the rest of the butter flavoring, then whisk for another 30 seconds.
- Divide the cream between the 6 glasses before serving.

Step 2. Make some polyjuice potion to serve at your next party
In the wizarding world, the polyjuice potion turns the drinker into another person, but in the real world it just tastes great. To make this recipe, you'll need two boxes of lemon or lime fruit juice, 1 can of frozen lemonade concentrate, 2 cans of frozen lime juice concentrate, 3 two-liter bottles of ginger ale and 4-5 cups of sorbet. with lime.
- Mix the juice and concentrates together. Add the ginger ale and slowly pour the sorbet into the liquid.
- Serve the drink in a large punch bowl or large cauldron.

Step 3. Make some sugar eagle feathers out of cardboard
In the world of Harry Potter, sugar feathers are sweets that help students waste time in class, but they are also a delicious dessert. To make a pen, you'll need a large feather, orange construction paper, scissors, ribbon, a hot glue gun, a marker, and a candy cane.
- Cut the cardboard to be 2.5cm wide and as long as the candy cane.
- Cut the tip of the card into a triangle.
- Fold the card in half from the longer side and glue the two sides together with tape.
- Use scissors to cut a hole in the cardstock 2.5cm from the tip.
- Pour a drop of hot glue into the hole, then slide the feather into it.
- Line the back of the feather with glue, then attach it to the folded piece of construction paper.
- Now, the feather should be glued to the front of the card, covering it entirely except the tip.
- Use the marker to draw a black line in the center of the tip of the feather to simulate the ink.
- Slide the candy cane into the cardboard pocket. The sugar should come out of the pen as you pretend to write.
- When the candy cane is done, replace it with a new one.

Step 4. Make licorice wands to give at parties
These are popular desserts in the wizarding world that you can easily make at home as well. For this project, you'll need a packet of sweet cords (like American Twizzlers), some chocolate and some coarse-grained golden sugar.
- Leave the cords in the air overnight to allow them to harden.
- Break the chocolate into pieces and place it in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave the chocolate in one minute intervals until it melts.
- Dip a third of each string in the melted chocolate, then coat the chocolate with coarse sugar.
- Place the cords on a cookie sheet and let them cool in the fridge.
Method 3 of 3: Harry Potter Style DIY Projects

Step 1. Personalize your Harry Potter mug
If there is a quote from the books that you particularly like, you can use it to make a mug. For this project, you will need a white cup and some different colored markers.
- Using a marker, write your favorite quote on the mug. Let it dry overnight before baking it in the oven at 175 ° C for 30 minutes.
- Place the cup in the oven while it is still cold and let it cool inside. If you skip this step, cracks may form in the ceramic.
- Some of the best quotes for a cup are: "I solemnly swear I have no good intentions", "Always" and "Felix Felicis".

Step 2. Make ampoules for your potions
Each year, Harry travels to Diagon Alley to stock up on his potions, but you can create ampoules in just a few simple steps. For this project, you'll need mini-bottles, cardstock, decoupage glue, a magic marker and a rubber band.
- Cut the cardstock into small pieces. On each of them, write an ingredient for a potion with a magic marker (e.g. frogs, dragon's blood, tears, etc.).
- Pour a small amount of decoupage glue on the back of each cardboard label, then stick it on the bottles. Wrap a rubber band around the bottles to help the glue dry.
- Let the bottles dry, then play with them or display them as you wish.

Step 3. Create a Deathly Hallows-themed Harry Potter T-Shirt
If you have a white T-shirt, black paint and a brush on hand, you can easily complete this project.
- Put a piece of cardboard between the layers of the shirt. This will prevent the paint from staining the back.
- Trace the perimeter of a triangle on the shirt. It should take up almost all of the fabric. If the triangle isn't dark enough, apply a second coat of paint.
- Draw a line from the base of the triangle to the top vertex. If necessary, make the line more visible.
- Draw a circle inside the triangle to complete the Deathly Hallows image. Make the circle darker if necessary. Let the shirt dry before putting it on.
- If you'd rather not draw the image by hand, you can search for a pattern on the internet and use that to create the figure.

Step 4. Build an owl out of paper plates
Harry Potter's owl, Hedwig, was one of his most faithful friends and, thanks to these steps, you too can have your own owl. For this project, you'll need a small paper plate, two larger paper plates, orange paper, two different shades of brown paint, googly eyes, glue, and a brown felt-tipped pen.
- Paint the small plate and one of the large plates dark brown. Paint the other large plate light brown. Let the dishes dry.
- When the plates are dry, draw a series of wavy lines on the light brown plate. It will be the owl's feathers.
- Cut the large dark brown plate in half. Glue the two halves of the plate diagonally over the light brown plate.
- The dark brown halves represent the owl's wings and should leave an opening where the light brown plate and feathers of the faux animal can be seen.
- Glue the small plate over the wings, to represent the owl's head.
- Use the orange paper to make the owl's legs and beak. Glue the paws to the bottom of the animal and the beak to its snout.
- Glue the googly eyes to the owl's face and display your artwork.