How to Get Rid of Candida Infections (with Pictures)

How to Get Rid of Candida Infections (with Pictures)
How to Get Rid of Candida Infections (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Thrush is a form of mycosis caused by fungi of the genus Candida. It mostly affects the mouth, causing white plaques in the mouth, gums and tongue. Painful lesions and red sores can develop under the creamy whitish plaques. Candida can attack other areas of the body, causing vaginal candidiasis in women and diaper rash in infants. Thrush affects everyone, but it is very common among infants, the elderly, and those with vulnerable or weak immune systems.


Part 1 of 4: Try Home Remedies for Thrush

Get Rid of Thrush Step 6
Get Rid of Thrush Step 6

Step 1. Try the so-called "oil pulling", ie rinsing with oil

This practice is based on the as yet unproven theory that oil can literally push toxins out of the body. Although the results have never been conclusive, many people use it to fight candida and get momentary relief. Here's how to do it. The process is very simple.

  • First, brush your teeth. If you can, rinse on an empty stomach.
  • Take a tablespoon of oil and swirl it in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. Make sure it makes contact with every part of your mouth, including under the tongue, on the gums and on the roof of the mouth.
  • After 5-10 minutes, spit it out and rinse your mouth with salt water.
  • You can do this treatment twice a day for 5 days. Try doing this the first time when you wake up and again before going to bed.
  • Use coconut oil for best results, although olive oil is fine as well. Coconut oil is said to be particularly effective against fungal infections.
Get Rid of Thrush Step 7
Get Rid of Thrush Step 7

Step 2. Try the thymus

Although scientific evidence is lacking, this plant is believed to help fight thrush. In Europe, thyme is used to treat diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract, but also against thrush. Try sprinkling a small amount on every dish you eat! You could also make a thyme-based mother tincture.

Get Rid of Thrush Step 8
Get Rid of Thrush Step 8

Step 3. Rinse with apple cider vinegar

Take some apple cider vinegar, dilute it with about half a part of distilled water and rinse for a few minutes.

  • Alternatively, you can mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 250ml of water and drink the solution before each meal. It is thought to be capable of destroying the yeast overgrowth in the intestinal tract on which the development of oral candidiasis sometimes depends.
  • Some people cannot swallow vinegar due to the strong flavor. Also, when you start treatment, you may experience gurgling in your stomach, so avoid using it just before a meeting or in situations where you may feel embarrassed.
Get Rid of Thrush Step 9
Get Rid of Thrush Step 9

Step 4. Try eating more garlic

Garlic, rich in numerous sulfur compounds such as allicin, alliin, allinase and S-allicysteine, is believed to help fight various types of mycosis, including thrush. Fresh is more effective than pills, so find a way to increase your consumption.

For best results, try eating 4 or 5 crushed wedges a day. If you're worried about your breath, opt for garlic tea and drink 3 or 4 cups a day

Get Rid of Thrush Step 10
Get Rid of Thrush Step 10

Step 5. Use tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal (and antibacterial) properties. It's a home remedy that's good for everything from acne to athlete's foot, but it's also used for thrush. Dilute a drop or two in a tablespoon of distilled water, dip a cotton swab and tap the lesions inside your mouth. Then rinse with salt water.

Part 2 of 4: Preventing Thrush

Get Rid of Thrush Step 14
Get Rid of Thrush Step 14

Step 1. Take precautions to avoid recurrence

Once the infection is cleared, do everything you can to prevent it from recurring. In other words, you should:

  • Brush your teeth 2 or 3 times a day;
  • Change your toothbrush often, especially during infection
  • Floss once a day.
Get Rid of Thrush Step 15
Get Rid of Thrush Step 15

Step 2. Avoid using mouthwash, sprays, or breath mints

These products tend to alter the normal bacterial balance of the mouth. Remember that the body contains a large amount of "good" microorganisms that serve to counteract the action of "bad" ones. By destroying the good, you could pave the way for the bad ones, which would take over.

Instead, use a saline solution to rinse your mouth. Prepare it by mixing half a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water

Get Rid of Thrush Step 16
Get Rid of Thrush Step 16

Step 3. Go to the dentist at least twice a year

It is important to have a dental visit at least a couple of times a year, or more often if you wear dentures, have diabetes or have a weak immune system. The dentist is able to identify a possible onset of thrush before the patient, treating it more quickly.

Get Rid of Thrush Step 17
Get Rid of Thrush Step 17

Step 4. Lower your sugar and carbohydrate consumption

Sugar is the nourishment of candida. To stop their growth, you should reduce your intake of starchy foods, including beer, bread, fizzy drinks, alcohol, flours and wine because feeding the fungus can prolong the fungal infection.

Get Rid of Thrush Step 18
Get Rid of Thrush Step 18

Step 5. Stop smoking

Smokers are more likely to develop thrush than non-smokers. So if you smoke, do what you can to quit. Ask your doctor about medications and other nicotine cessation treatments.

Part 3 of 4: Using Official Medicine Approved Thrush Treatments

Get Rid of Thrush Step 1
Get Rid of Thrush Step 1

Step 1. See your dentist or your doctor

If you think you have thrush, you should see your dentist or doctor to get a diagnosis. If you detect oral candidiasis, you will begin treatment immediately. Healthy adults and children are much easier to heal than other people.

Get Rid of Thrush Step 2
Get Rid of Thrush Step 2

Step 2. Start treating yourself as soon as possible

Generally, therapy against thrush in patients who are in good health begins with the intake of lactobacillus acidophilus in capsules. Your doctor may also suggest that you eat unsweetened plain yogurt.

Lactobacillus acidophilus and plain yogurt do not destroy fungi, but they reduce infection and help restore the balance of bacterial flora. They are both probiotics

Get Rid of Thrush Step 3
Get Rid of Thrush Step 3

Step 3. Rinse your mouth with a warm salt water solution

Salt water temporarily creates an inhospitable environment for the fungus responsible for thrush.

Add half a tablespoon of salt to 240ml of hot water. Mix well before proceeding

Get Rid of Thrush Step 4
Get Rid of Thrush Step 4

Step 4. Take antifungal medication

Your doctor may prescribe an antifungal medication if symptoms persist or if you have a weak immune system.

  • Typically, the duration of the intake ranges from 10 to 14 days. You can buy this drug in the form of pills, lozenges and syrup.
  • Take it following the instructions and for the duration of the therapy.
  • Antibiotics also contribute to the development of candidiasis, especially in women and patients already suffering from this infection. In these cases, the doctor might prescribe an antifungal along with antibiotic therapy.
Get Rid of Thrush Step 5
Get Rid of Thrush Step 5

Step 5. Take amphotericin B if other medications do not work or are no longer effective

Candida often becomes resistant to antifungal drugs, especially in people with HIV or diseases that weaken the immune system. See your doctor if no treatment seems to solve the problem.

Part 4 of 4: Eliminate Vaginal Candidiasis

Get Rid of Thrush Step 11
Get Rid of Thrush Step 11

Step 1. Wait for your period

Vaginal candidiasis is a real fungal infection. Even if you can't determine the time between menstruation and the next, keep in mind that the cycle changes the pH of the vagina, making it less hospitable to candida.

Get Rid of Thrush Step 12
Get Rid of Thrush Step 12

Step 2. Use the tampon strategy

Put something on the tampon, but not during your period. Here are some tips on substances to use against vaginal candidiasis:

  • Dip the swab in unsweetened yogurt. Then insert it immediately before it expands. This remedy is especially effective in case of vaginal discharge.
  • Dip the swab in tea tree oil. Then insert it immediately before it expands. This remedy is also effective in case of vaginal discharge.

Step 3. Avoid condoms, spermicides and lubricants

In fact, if you suffer from vaginal candidiasis, in addition to avoiding the use of these products, you should refrain from sexual intercourse. Candidiasis can be passed from one partner to another during sexual activity, creating a vicious cycle and prolonging the infection.


  • If you have candida and are breastfeeding, you must take care of yourself and your child too so as not to continue to get infected.
  • If you are sexually active and have candida, it is important that you and your partner get treated. Otherwise, you could continually pass the infection on to yourself.
  • Rinse teats, pacifiers, bottles, teething toys, and detachable parts of the breast pump in an equal parts water and white vinegar solution. Allow all of these items to air dry to prevent fungus growth.
  • Wash bras and nursing pads with hot water and bleach.


  • Never share your toothbrush with anyone.
  • Do not take antifungal medications without periodically having blood tests to check liver function. Some antifungal medicines can cause liver damage, especially after prolonged use or if you have liver disease.
