How to Treat the Snap Finger: 8 Steps

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How to Treat the Snap Finger: 8 Steps
How to Treat the Snap Finger: 8 Steps

The movement of the fingers is controlled by the tendons to which they are attached. Each tendon passes through a small "lining" before connecting to the muscles of the forearm. If the tendon becomes inflamed, a lump can form that makes it difficult to pass through the lining, causing pain when the finger flexes. This condition is referred to as "trigger finger" and is characterized by one or more fingers that lock in pain when bent, making movement difficult and uncomfortable. Here are some ways to treat this condition.]


Method 1 of 2: Using a Splint

Treat a Trigger Finger Step 1
Treat a Trigger Finger Step 1

Step 1. Place the affected finger in an aluminum finger splint

They are made of rigid aluminum suitable for keeping the finger still during recovery. Place the splint on the bottom of your finger with the foam against your skin. It should conform to the shape of the finger.

Aluminum finger splints (or similar) can be purchased in drugstores and health care and are inexpensive

Treat a Trigger Finger Step 2
Treat a Trigger Finger Step 2

Step 2. Curve the aluminum so your finger will be slightly bent

Press gently creating a curve that fits your finger. If it's too painful or difficult, use your other hand to help you.

When the splint has taken shape, secure it on your finger with the attached metal plasters or hooks. If there are none, use a medical plaster

Treat a Trigger Finger Step 3
Treat a Trigger Finger Step 3

Step 3. Keep it for two weeks

The lump should begin to deflate with no movement. Over time there will also be a reduction in pain and inflammation and you will resume moving your finger smoothly.

You can always remove the splint to wash yourself. However, when you do, try not to bend your finger or do something that could aggravate your condition

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Step 4. Protect your finger

With rest, most snap toes heal on their own. It takes patience and care to make sure your finger is not disturbed during this time. Avoid strenuous physical activities that require the use of both hands, especially sports such as basketball, football, and baseball in which you have to grab moving objects. If possible, avoid using your finger to lift heavy objects or support your own weight.

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Step 5. Remove the splint and test your finger movements

After a few weeks, take your finger off the splint and try flexing it. You should be able to move it with less difficulty and pain. If the condition has improved but you are still in pain, wear the splint for a while or go to a doctor for other options. If your condition does not seem to have improved or, on the contrary, worsened, you must "absolutely" go to the doctor.

Method 2 of 2: Treat the Snap Finger with Medicines

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Step 1. With over-the-counter products

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are usually sold without a prescription. They include pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, which not only help soothe pain but also reduce inflammation and swelling. In case of inflammation, they are perfect as a first defense, they will quickly relieve pain and reduce symptoms.

Remember that anti-inflammatories are calming, however, so they won't help if the condition is severe. It is not recommended to increase the dosage, which could lead to liver and kidney problems. If your trigger finger doesn't improve, don't rely on medication for a permanent cure

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Step 2. Cortisone injections

Cortisone is a natural hormone released by the body, which belongs to the class of molecules known as steroids (note: these are not the same steroids used illegally in sports). Cortisone has very powerful anti-inflammatory properties, suitable for using trigger finger and other conditions. Talk to your doctor to get them if the pain doesn't go away and your finger doesn't improve using over-the-counter medications.

  • Cortisone is prescribed in the form of injections but not in the directly affected area, in this case the tendon sheath. It is done in the doctor's office in minutes, but you may need to return for a second injection if the first one has given you only partial relief.
  • Finally, injections are not effective for those suffering from certain medical conditions (such as diabetes for example).
Treat a Trigger Finger Step 4
Treat a Trigger Finger Step 4

Step 3. Consider surgery if your condition is severe

If your trigger finger doesn't improve after any kind of treatment, surgery may be needed. The surgical procedure that treats the finger is related to cutting the tendon sheath. When it heals, the sheath will be more elastic and able to better deal with the lump on the tendon.

  • This type of surgery is done on an outpatient basis, meaning you don't have to spend the night in the hospital.
  • Local anesthesia is usually used. Your hand will be asleep and you will feel no pain while remaining awake.
