Since you are reading this article, you are either trying to lead a life entirely dedicated to prayer and being spiritual, or you are tired of looking at photos of dishes on Facebook and news on governments that self-destruct. In both cases, the more subtle aspects of being a hermit are the same. Are you ready for a life of almost solitude, sustainable, and full of resourcefulness? Do you want to discover it?
Method 1 of 3: Finding What's Right for You

Step 1. Analyze why you want to become a hermit
What are you trying to avoid or achieve? If you are not clear about your goal, becoming a hermit will simply be a passing phase. Is this a temporary way to rebel? Is it to avoid a certain person or people in general? Is this some kind of prolonged "pause"? Do you feel a spiritual call to a hermit's life? What are your personal reasons?
Is it the desire to stay away from people or is it the simplicity of the lifestyle that appeals to you? Does it seem like it may be a passing phase or is it something you've been mulling over for years? Is this the symptom of a bigger problem? Or is it the only possible solution?

Step 2. Assess what kind of hermit you want to be
Being a hermit doesn't mean staying indoors. You can maintain full communication with the outside world or even live with another person. Over half of the hermits live in urban areas. Know that there is a wide range of hermits: which type do you want to fall into?
In today's world, it is difficult to be completely self-sufficient. Do you want to build your home, grow your own food, and manage your life on your own? Or would you rather stay in your apartment and order Chinese take-away? Both can be hermit lifestyles

Step 3. Choose your home
In the hermit spirit, it is probably best to choose a hidden, small and modest place, even better if it is environmentally friendly. If it is more rural and less prominent, even better. But if you happen to have a home in the heart of Manhattan, that's just as good (just have soundproof windows).
As for the interiors, hermits generally want a simple life. Some are wired, have computers, and are networked, while others spend hours in prayer, gardening, and are completely foreign to the outside world. If you are going to become a hermit to get rid of the evils and misfortunes of society, you should eliminate your possessions and remove the clutter of the world around you

Step 4. Think about how you can get out of worldly life
Do you want to change suddenly? Will you one day get up and realize that you will never cross your Berber carpet at the entrance again? Or will you impose ever greater limits on yourself every day, dedicating more and more time to yourself? Better yet… how are you going to warn the rest of the people?
How can you become a hermit without upsetting your family? Well, basically, you don't. They don't make a fuss of it if you refuse to live like "normal" people do. If they are worried, first explain your situation and logic to them, hoping they understand. And, if you want, tell them that you will keep in touch. Just because you're a hermit doesn't mean they won't have to see you again

Step 5. Assess your mental health
If you never want to see humans again (which is what most hermits do), you may have avoidant personality disorder (APD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or another non-mental illness. diagnosed. These two ailments, for example, can make you feel a strong desire to avoid people (as can social anxiety disorder [DAS] albeit to a lesser extent). Is all this possible?
See a therapist if you're thinking of cutting off communication altogether. It will make friends and family feel happier, and you should do it for yourself to make sure you are not self-healing from a mental illness
Method 2 of 3: Prepare yourself

Step 1. Get your savings back ASAP
Unless you work from home and somehow manage to get a job that allows you not to stray too far from the hermit lifestyle, you probably won't have a significant steady stream of money. And most likely you will still need money to survive! You will need much less, but you will still need it. Where will you find them?
You still exist. You may have to pay the taxes and debts incurred up to now, they have not disappeared. Plus you need food, electricity (maybe?), Water (definitely), and whatever minimal essentials you need. You could try growing a vegetable garden with your bare hands and with the blessing from the rain, but that would be tough

Step 2. Stock up on necessary products
Since you don't plan on moving around much, stock up on whatever is necessary. Then, broadly speaking, you could go on a trip once a month to get eggs and bread, or make your annual trip to the supermarket to pick up powdered milk, spices, etc. Supermarkets can now offer home delivery service, but perhaps this is something you want to avoid.
Think about what you would take with you if you were to travel a month to a third world country. Razors? Shampoo? Deodorant? Toothpaste? Books? Batteries? Cereal bars? The idea is to supply yourself extensively in order to satisfy all your needs within your humble abode

Step 3. Log out
Well, the moment you have been waiting for has come. Deactivate your Facebook account, send the last greeting on Twitter (with 140 characters!), Spend the last 5 seconds chatting, return your mobile phone, swap your laptop for a lawn mower, and enjoy it. Done! Now you are just a memory in the internet world. Well done.
Okay, you can keep a cell phone. You will still need to order a pizza. And you can stay connected to the internet if you want, but you won't really be able to reap the spiritual fruits of being a hermit if you stay connected. So, no, the hermit community won't avoid you for it (although it may think about it), but you won't be living your potential loneliness to the full

Step 4. Make your environment sustainable
Since you are completely dependent on yourself and you alone, make sure you have everything you need close at hand. Grow a vegetable garden! Build a stable! Invest in a bicycle! Get a stock of oil lamps! If that's enough, that's okay.
Again, it all depends on you. The more you make your environment sustainable, the more you can enjoy your hermitage. Years will pass and you will not even notice it. What do you need to create the life you want to live?

Step 5. Develop skills
What will you do for all that time you have while contemplating life and your existence? You'll need to get it through! So now grab a brush (which you built from a twig and your own hair) and start painting. Learn the conversation basics of a foreign language. Write a diary. Study the plants in your garden. Learn how to grow a garden. Sew. The list is practically endless.
If nothing else, learning new things will make your life as a hermit easier. This means sewing, cooking, gardening, killing spiders, doing all the housework, etc. Being a hermit is much easier when you are independent. You can do the laundry, right?

Step 6. Love yourself
And do you know why? Because you're literally the only one you'll be with seven days a week, 24 hours a day (maybe 23 hours and 59 minutes). If you don't like yourself, it can be pretty complicated. A horrendous company that never goes away. You could go crazy for it, and that would be an unpleasant conclusion. If you don't like yourself, though, it could happen.
Being a hermit, for the most part, isn't a three-month trial. It is a life choice that offers a lot of happiness. It is usually a choice made in the second half of life, but it can be made by anyone at any time. So, before you isolate yourself from everyone, make sure you have "yourself" by your side

Step 7. Find a helper
It's like a personal assistant, but more hands on. Sometimes you may need someone to deliver your groceries, to help you with a clogged toilet, to bring you a rodent spray, or to help you if you fall and break your leg. It's just a matter of common sense. Make sure you have a connection to the outside world, you may be in dire need of it.
You don't have to see others if you don't want to, but you have to be able to contact them. Usually the phone is the easiest way. If this goes against your principles it is understandable; however, having a cell phone is not the same as using it. Keep one in case of an emergency. And, yes, it can be a landline phone. It still exists
Method 3 of 3: Reaping the Benefits and Making Sacrifices

Step 1. Make good use of your time
Now that you're not working, you don't have to meet other people's obligations and you don't have to worry about how your hair is, what are you going to do with your time ?! If you are like most hermits, you will spend a lot of time meditating, praying, and enjoying the simple things in life.
- You will probably have more time than you know. You wake up when you want, sleep when you want, and follow the natural cycle of things. Find the best time for you to sleep, eat, and exercise. Now that the program is all yours, you have no reason to maximize your productivity.
- Use this time to develop all the skills you wanted but didn't have time for in your standardized past of modern life. Juggle!, Grow roses, make bread! How many wikiHow articles can you put into practice!

Step 2. Simply dress
It's a rather sad thing to be a hermit always walking around the house with a couple of Manolo Blahniks every day. Technically you are a hermit, but the concept of the hermit's lifestyle is to live in a minimalist way, avoiding extraneous desires and luxuries. You don't have to make your own clothes if you don't want to, but limit the closet to basic clothing.
If rapper Ke $ ha can do garbage-chic rock, you too can be a rock-chic hermit. Again with the suitcase metaphor: choose one or two pieces for every possible situation you might find yourself in. This is all it takes! When they wear out, well, you'll have learned to sew by then. Hey, what a nice change

Step 3. Beware of loneliness
How many days have gone by without even seeing another human being? Yes, the world is ugly, people are terrible, and the human race has gone beyond the limits, but that doesn't mean that loneliness can't get heavy. When will this happen, how will you handle it?
- A lot of hermits have a small circle of people they feel comfortable with and maintain contact with. You could keep in touch with one or two people who can help you when you feel a little down! The important thing is that you have a couple of friends before becoming a hermit as it is more difficult to make friends once you have set up this lifestyle.
- Here is another problem: abstinence. Sooner or later you will want it, as always. Can you handle it?

Step 4. Get in touch with other hermits
Crazy, huh? But it is so. They also have a full newsletter. Everyone needs someone who understands their hardships and tribulations. It's not something you need to do in person or regularly, but reading a brochure is certainly a ray of sunshine for an otherwise bleak social life.
Having a couple of people on your side doesn't take away your hermit spirit. If the writer J. D. Salinger had to cross the bridge into town to retrieve the mail, you have to do it too. People are a necessity of life. I'm like a diet, if you try it all at once, you can't. Give yourself a taste (not in the sense of becoming a cannibal)

Step 5. Know that you will get a reputation
When the children of the area start snooping around your house, leaving gifts in the empty knots of the trees, rest assured that the neighbors have started talking. The news is circulating that there is a hermit who lives in your building and, look a bit, it's you. This doesn't have to interest you if you don't want to, but if you ever want to revisit the world, it will be a challenge. Are you ready?
If you want to do a job or even make new friends, there may be a lot of legitimate rejections waiting for you. Hermits are not "part" of the world today. Why would anyone want to abandon the comforts of modern life ?! "Once you leave the house, there is no turning back" is a phrase to keep in mind in this case. Is it worth it? Perhaps
- There is no need to never go out. You are trying to be a hermit, not a dead and buried corpse! True hermits of ancient times spent a lot of time outdoors and had occasional visitors. It's nice to see the sun from time to time, and maybe some people too.
- Be prepared to tell people exactly why you became a hermit. The calmer and more reasonable you are in explaining, the more people will learn to leave you alone.
- People will probably be a little worried. Be determined, but reassure her.
- Above all, don't flaunt your hermit.