How to Create and Follow a Roadmap

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How to Create and Follow a Roadmap
How to Create and Follow a Roadmap

If, like most people, you struggle to organize your days in the best possible way and stick to the pre-established schedule, read on and learn how to create and respect a schedule effectively!


Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 1
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 1

Step 1. Make a list of all the things you absolutely need to get done by evening

Include school, work, etc. They will be the things you have to do at a certain time each day, without being able to change or postpone the exact moment. Ideally, this first list should be relatively short.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 2
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 2

Step 2. Similar to the first point, create a second list of things you need to do

In this case, include activities such as exercise, study, housework, taking care of your personal hygiene, and so on. These are things that you have to do, but which for convenience you can include in the program of the day with some flexibility.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 3
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 3

Step 3. Finally, list all those things that you would like to do, but which you usually consider as activities to be done in your free time

For example, include reading, socializing time, watching TV, playing video games, etc.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 4
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 4

Step 4. Complete your work by detailing your daily activities

For example, if you wrote "6:00 PM - Review", change it to "6:00 PM - Science Chapter 7 Review, Memorization Worksheet Creation + Vocabulary Review".

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 5
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 5

Step 5. Now that you've listed each of your daily activities, arrange their order in the way that is most convenient for you

Of course, proceed by adding all the points listed in the first list, then move on to the second and last, but not least, to the third.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 6
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 6

Step 6. When you are satisfied with the order reached, go into detail and assign a time to each activity listed

Being able to dedicate 1 or 2 hours to the activities of points 2 and 3 would be ideal, but base your choices on what you think is best for you.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 7
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 7

Step 7. Purchase an agenda

Once you have mentally scheduled your activities, you will know which type of agenda is best suited to your needs. Don't worry too much about its appearance and focus primarily on the effectiveness of the content. In the worst case scenario, you can completely cover the cover with a DIY work. Analyze different structures aware that not all agendas are the same. There are different agendas for different uses, so do your research.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 8
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 8

Step 8. Be realistic

Now that you've established your daily schedule, comes the hardest part, being able to stick to it. You can't expect to be able to do a hundred tasks in 24 hours. When the number of activities exceeds the amount of time available, you have two options: create 2 different daily schedules to alternate during the week (for example, Monday - Schedule 1, Tuesday - Schedule 2, Wednesday - Schedule 1 and so on, or give the right priority and / or compromise based on your personal daily routine. Only you can decide which is the best solution for you. Remember that your goal is to be able to stick to your agenda, so make use of one or more both options described and make sure you have enough time (not too much) to complete each of the activities listed.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 9
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 9

Step 9. Motivate yourself

First of all, be aware of why you want to stick to your schedule and keep that in mind. Also be aware of the consequences of your failure, as well as the rewards for success. Among the positive aspects of keeping an agenda we can certainly include: being better organized, less stressed, more responsible and having more control over one's life. Sticking to your schedule will help you be more successful in business, at work, at school, and in everyday life.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 10
Make a Schedule and Stick to It Step 10

Step 10. Don't give up

Sometimes we all miss a step, so don't worry if you don't get there right away. Identify where you made a mistake and experiment with a new strategy. It may take months to be able to feel satisfied with your schedule, and to be able to stick to it. It is undoubtedly a kind of experience that you will continue to learn in day after day, and that you will eventually feel satisfied and proud of.
