4 Ways to Save with Coupons

4 Ways to Save with Coupons
4 Ways to Save with Coupons

Table of contents:


We all dream of buying what we like and, at the same time, saving money. This article will teach you how to use the coupons and offers that are around, inspired by the "extreme couponers"!


Method 1 of 4: The Coupon Search


Step 1. Look closely at the advertisements in the magazines and newspapers you read, especially the local ones

However, only buy the products and services that really interest you, otherwise the game won't be worth the candle.

When shopping, always take flyers: in addition to offers, they can have coupons at the bottom of the page

Step 2. Sign up for newsletters of your favorite businesses or websites that deal with free coupons such as:

(such as https://www.coupongratuiti.com or Scontisuper.it) send many offers by e-mail. Also request the loyalty card at the stores you like best, so you will be the first to know about the discounts and the availability of coupons.

Step 3. Look for the official Facebook pages of the products and services you love and “like” them

Also do a search on Twitter and don't forget to visit the websites of the various companies as well.

Step 4. Look between the shelves:

you may find coupons right next to your favorite products.

QR Code
QR Code

Step 5. Search for QR codes

Scan them with your smart phone: they could lead you to an online coupon to use at checkout. This type of code looks like this:

  • Buy an app that can read QR codes, like the QR Reader for iPhone and the QR Droid for Android.
  • Point the code with your camera and press the key on your mobile to activate coupon scanning (or the web page on your phone may open). Apps have several instructions: don't ignore them.

Step 6. Organize a coupon exchange with your friends so everyone gets the offers they want

Method 2 of 4: Coupons Delivered to the Cashier, Buying Groups and Sources of Advice


Step 1. Do not throw away the coupons that are given to you at the checkout at the end of a transaction but keep an eye on the date:

they are valid for a few days and expire fairly soon.

Step 2. Make the most of these coupons

For example, if you get one for one euro for three fruit juice packs, try this trick:

  • Go back to the store and buy the juice, showing the coupon at the cashier. With a bit of luck, they'll give you another one.
  • Repeat this for as long as you can.

Step 3. Go shopping at different branches of your favorite store

For example, if you know your local supermarket has four stores near your home, shop at each of them. Use coupons to stock up on the products on offer, but remember that not all stores print the same coupons. Take a little exploration to find out.

Step 4. Save the coupons to use them when you make more expensive purchases but be careful because, in general, they are not cumulative as in America

Step 5. Register on buying group sites like Groupon, where you can get discounts on various types of products and services

By receiving the newsletter every day, you will have the opportunity to buy what you want. However, buy only what you really need, or you won't save anything even if you think you do.

Step 6. Follow these web pages:

  • https://pazziperlaspesa.wordpress.com/
  • https://blog.mollichina.com/category/risparmio/

Step 7. See the program on Real Time “Everyone crazy for shopping”, which will allow you to get to know the world of “extreme couponing”

In the United States it is a real social phenomenon, but, in fact, there are many differences with the Italian sector of large-scale distribution.

Step 8. Share your knowledge by sharing your experiences on a forum:

the other consumers will soon be reciprocating.

Method 3 of 4: Do you have the Coupons? Use them

Vitamin Shoppe 50% discount
Vitamin Shoppe 50% discount

Step 1. Buy the right products at the right time

Step 2. Organize your coupons

Here are some methods:

  • Store them in perforated plastic bags, to be placed in a ring container. Each envelope will contain coupons, broken down by product, by store, or by any other method that seems consistent to you.
  • Use an accordion binder organized alphabetically. Empty each pocket once a week and put the upcoming coupons in front of everyone else, so you don't forget to use them.
  • If you do not have time to cut out the coupons, divide them according to the logic you prefer and keep them in a folder, to be kept near a pair of scissors: when you need them, you will cut out the page.

Step 3. Write or print a list of your coupons

Do this once a week in Excel.

  • When you're out and about, put the relevant coupons in an envelope to keep in your purse
  • Uncheck used coupons from the list and, once at home, delete them from the Excel spreadsheet.

Step 4. Read the terms and conditions carefully to know the quantities that can be purchased during a promotion

  • Avoid buying stocks of perishable products, such as dairy products.
  • When you don't know what to cook, use the items you have in stock to avoid calling the take away or running to the supermarket and buying things you don't need.

Step 5. Order out of stock items if the store allows you to order out of stock items

Step 6. Shop in the quiet hours to avoid the impatient crowds and use discounts wisely

Furthermore, it is not easy for cashiers to manage numerous coupons: this slows down transactions and creates confusion. Minimize the conflict.

Step 7. Don't go to the supermarket with your kids:

they might distract you as you choose products or talk to the cashier.

Step 8. Be open to brand variety and try new ones:

you may get a nice surprise.

Step 9. Learn about the shop policy and bring a copy in your bag:

cashiers sometimes don't know the rules and don't want to waste time with coupons.

  • It's much easier for them to say "we don't accept this," so be prepared to answer clearly.
  • The policy can be found on the internet, or ask the store manager.

Step 10. Stick to the "coupon bon ton":

  • Be considerate of the cashier and the people behind you.
  • Do not photocopy the coupons.
  • Don't overdo the supplies - only get the supplies you need. You don't want to be that kind of person with under-the-bed toothpaste packs!
  • Don't commit fraud. Avoid using coupons for items other than those printed on the card and do not alter or counterfeit them.

Method 4 of 4: The Secrets of the Experts

Step 1. Know the prices of the various shops:

some swell them for no reason.

Step 2. Plan your menus around offers and your coupon inventory

It might seem limiting at first, but you will soon learn to enjoy the challenge of low cost living.

Step 3. Buy at stores that offer fuel discounts

Step 4. Buy on liquidations

For example, buy winter coats in spring and swimwear in fall.

Step 5. Take advantage of credit card discounts, but use them wisely

You may also get benefits for certain restaurants, plane tickets, and hotel stays.

Step 6. Replace branded items with generic ones:

often we only pay for the brand, not for the actual quality.

Step 7. Give some stash to charity if you can't use everything

Step 8. Have realistic expectations

Typically, it takes about three months before you start saving significantly.


  • Read the experiences of other couponers to find out what works and what should be avoided.
  • Pay attention as they check the cashier - some stores offer a small compensation if they ask you to pay the wrong price. Point out the mistake to the cashier to take advantage.
