For most people, sleeping outside the home is an abnormal experience, which creates a slight discomfort. Being able to fall asleep in a bed other than your own may take longer than normal. For some, in particular, sleeping away from home can cause significant anxiety and intense stress. The solution is to enter a calmer, more relaxed state of mind to ease the situation.
Method 1 of 3: Feel Like Home Elsewhere

Step 1. Bring some items from your bedroom with you
You can use your favorite pillow, a stuffed toy or a photo of your family: the important thing is that they help you recreate the atmosphere of home even in the new place where you need to sleep. Familiar objects trigger a sense of tranquility and have a calming power over the mind.

Step 2. Follow the same routine
If you have a habit of showering before bed, do the same away from home. Bring the book you read every night before you turn off the bedside light. Every familiar gesture will give you a reassuring sensation and your body will know that the time to sleep is approaching.

Step 3. Bring ear plugs and an eye mask
You can't know if your new room will be noisy or too bright, so bring everything you need to be ready for any eventuality. A sleep mask, among other benefits, will allow you to imagine that you are in your home, preventing you from seeing what is really around you.
Method 2 of 3: Relax the Mind the Natural Way

Step 1. Try using lavender
It is scientifically proven that its scent has a calming effect on the body, for this reason you can find lavender sprays that promote sleep in herbal medicine. Sprinkle a small amount on the pillow, in a short time you will feel pleasantly sleepy.

Step 2. Drink chamomile tea
Chamomile also has excellent sedative properties and that is why it is frequently used to induce sleep in a natural way. If possible, buy whole chamomile flowers which have a more powerful effect, preferably from organic farming, but alternatively common sachets will also do well.

Step 3. Buy a melatonin supplement
It is the hormone that naturally regulates sleep, so it is a safe and very effective product. Take it in small doses, roughly 0.3-0.5 mg, before bedtime, so try to relax.

Step 4. Use Valerian Root
Valerian also has a relaxing effect on the body and promotes sleep. Studies have shown that in addition to making you sleep well, it can help you fall asleep more easily. 200-800 mg of valerian root taken before bed will be enough to have a quiet night.
On a small percentage of people - about 10% - valerian has the opposite effect: it makes them more energetic. Try it out in advance, when you are at home, to make sure you get the desired result
Method 3 of 3: Calming the Mind

Step 1. Try practicing the Guided View
It is a form of meditation that uses images to relax the mind. Mentally visualize a calm and uninhabited place, such as a deserted beach or a mountain top. Recreate as many details as possible, including sounds, smells, sensations, and visuals. Soon this image will replace that of the world around you, accompanied by a pleasant sense of relaxation and well-being that will help you fall asleep.

Step 2. Hide the clock
Constantly asking yourself what time it is can make you feel even more uncomfortable trying to fall asleep in a bed that's not yours. Worrying only adds further anxiety to an already stressful situation in itself, so the sooner you forget about the clock, the better. Once hidden from view, it will be one less thing reminding you that you are still awake and away from home.

Step 3. Do yoga
There are numerous postures that can help you relax your mind and body for sleep, some of which can also be done while in bed. Yoga helps you achieve the peace of mind you need to be able to fall asleep even when you are away from home. Choose asanas that suit your level of flexibility; as your heart rate and breathing become slower and more relaxed, you will feel the stress and anxiety recede.

Step 4. Do not use any electronic devices
Not only would you risk staying awake longer than it should, but your brain would need at least an hour to calm down after being exposed to such a number of lights and information. The best thing you can do when you need to sleep away from home is to avoid using electronic devices in the last hours of the day.
- Even if you have not been able to sleep much, rejoice that you have faced this difficulty without being disheartened.
- Making up some funny things to do or say could help you overcome the uncomfortable feeling.
- Avoid consuming too much sugar or caffeine after 3pm, or you'll end up staying up late.
- Try not to think about your home.
- Call your family before bed.
- If you are in the habit of reading ebooks on a tablet, dim the lighting as much as possible or download an app to reduce blue light.
- If possible, do not force yourself to sleep away from home, which can cause you to become unnerved.
- If you can't go home but don't feel safe where you are, try your best to go elsewhere.