3 ways to get back together with your ex

3 ways to get back together with your ex
3 ways to get back together with your ex

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Relationships often end in a whirlwind of doubts and accusations. It is possible that you have uttered inappropriate words, even if without bad intentions, and that your girlfriend has replied in the same way. Now, that you have had some time to reflect on what you have lost, you want it back. Here's how you need to do it.


Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Get your life in order

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 1
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 1

Step 1. Get back on track

You have been in a relationship for some time and your girlfriend probably just broke it up. It is certainly a sad and lonely moment, but it is crucial right now to focus on those aspects of your person that you can change before attempting to conquer it again.

  • Girls always want to see improvements. It is likely that your girlfriend complained about something you did wrong while you were together. It is also likely that you yourself are aware of something that you can change in yourself, for the simple fact of being able to be a better person. Well, the time has come to act. Reduce the time you spend playing video games if that's what she wants, or change your clothes when you know you're going to be with her. If you are able to be a better person when you are apart, you will be able to come back to her with "proof" that you are a new guy.
  • Recover your emotional balance. You won't be able to get your ex girlfriend back if you can't first regain your composure and control your emotions. Women don't like men who appear needy, clingy, or desperate, so it's imperative to get your life back in order before pulling yourself back into it. Like it or not, showing her that you can go through life alone will draw her back to you. This happens because women like self-sufficient and independent men. So get out of the house, hit the gym or the movies with friends, or embark on new adventures. If you're having a good time, she'll want to be there with you.
  • Buy some new clothes as new times are coming. Even if it is an almost imperceptible change for you, it will be very clear to her: this new outward appearance will signal a deeper inner change to her. Buy yourself that shirt you've always wanted to keep or that new pair of jeans. Appearing decisive is fundamental in physical attraction and she will certainly notice the positive change.
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 2
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 2

Step 2. Adopt the right attitude

Bringing your ex-girlfriend back to you begins with adopting a behavior appropriate to the occasion. Most girls want to see in front of them a mature, independent, confident and willing to have fun guy. We know it's hard work, but you can always take baby steps if you feel overwhelmed by the situation.

  • Stop being jealous. Being jealous will do no good. Jealousy is associated with fear and anxiety, two characteristics that are totally unwanted by the partner. Subconsciously, you are telling her that you want to control her. Nobody likes to feel controlled. Therefore, if you succeed, learn to fight your jealousy and try to be harmless because this way you will get more results.
  • Act with absolute normality. Even if your legs are shaking, do not let them notice. If you appear depressed, dejected, or sulky, it is very likely that he does not want to go back with you. Laugh, show that you are doing what you can to make things work out for you. In the meantime, you may also realize that you have become a happier person. If you are feeling depressed, surround yourself with friends and family. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, waiting for her to come back to you.
  • Develop your sense of humor. Girls admit that they seek a good sense of humor and a carefree attitude in boys. These two characteristics are undoubtedly a source of attraction as they communicate to people that you are youthful and non-aggressive. So, learn a few jokes (perhaps by doing practice tests with your friends) and eliminate the ones that don't work. Learn to tease yourself a little, albeit in an elegant and never commiserating way. And please be funny, especially when you are with her. Tease her lovingly or play some original pranks on your friend. You will immediately notice the difference in her.

Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Prepare the scenario

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 3
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 3

Step 1. Leave her alone

Even if briefly, give it time to think about your relationship. If it was a beautiful love story, she will think of all the good things you have done for her and will notice your absence.

  • Avoid communication. Don't talk to her for a couple of weeks, or even a month. It is hard and it will hurt, but surely she will suffer more. This will help calm your nerves in case they were too hot when you broke up.
  • You have to give her space for three reasons: 1) People simply need space; if you can't let her express herself, this is probably something you can work on to show her that you have changed. 2) You will give her the opportunity to notice that you are worth it; let's not say she doesn't think so, but she probably isn't entirely convinced. 3) You will show her that you are able to be alone. Remember that the "rebellious" side of a man who doesn't need anyone and is comfortable with himself attracts women.
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 4
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 4

Step 2. Start talking to another girl without doing anything other than starting a friendship

You will show your ex that there are other women who you may like and who may feel attracted to you.

  • Do not mix the cards on the table trying to conquer another girl. What you need to do is go out, talk, have fun but without ulterior motives. If you try to get together with another girl, the chances of getting back with your ex will certainly decrease drastically.
  • Date a group of girls, thus showing your ex that other girls like to be around you too. Especially if they are intelligent girls, with class and admired by everyone, it will be more likely that your ex will regain interest in you without even realizing it.
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 5
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 5

Step 3. Bring out the alpha macho in you

The macho alpha, in nature, is the male with authority and the right to choose the females to mate with.

Most girls are attracted to the alpha macho for natural causes that have very deep anthropological roots: it is the male who is better able than others to provide food, protection and strong children. Even if your ex is not per se a person normally attracted to an alpha macho, some subtle changes in your physical appearance may have an effect: swell your pecs, make an effort to increase your biceps and leg muscles in order to project a strong aspect

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Play Your Cards

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 6
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 6

Step 1. Apologize

Whether it was her or you who ended the relationship doesn't matter, asking for forgiveness is always a good gesture. Show that you can overcome your pride and that you care about her by telling her you were wrong. If you do this correctly, apologizing will always give great results.

  • Send her some flowers. Girls, for some reason still unknown, love flowers. Even if they die after a meager week or you think they are just to accumulate dust, chances are your ex loves them too because they smell good or they are beautiful, but mostly because she can show friends that there is someone who makes her feel special.. That person must be you.
  • Send her a letter. Letters take time to express your feelings, which is why girls like them. Start by saying things like, “I know this letter will probably never fix what's broken between us. But I want you to know that I love you, and I will always love you. This has never changed. What has changed is that I realized how stupid I was to let you go."
  • Tell him in person. Make a time to meet in a public place or where you know she will feel comfortable. When you find the right moment, tell her, “I know I made mistakes in our relationship and I am responsible for them. I shouldn't have done to you… (whatever you did to her) and now I feel bad. But the biggest mistake I made was losing you. I don't expect anything from you, I just needed you to know."
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 7
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 7

Step 2. First of all, recover friendship

It is likely that trust in your relationship has broken down, so it is time to recover it little by little. It is very important that you show your ex that she can trust you again and that you deserve another opportunity.

  • Show her generosity without expecting anything in return. For example, if she studies late for an exam, reach her with her favorite tea or coffee and tell her with certainty that the exam will be a success. If any of her friends or friends run into a little accident, stop and offer your help (it will soon come to her ears). If she mentions that she wants to see a certain movie, give her two tickets to go see it with a friend of hers and stay on the sidelines. Your time will come soon.
  • Go out with her for coffee or tea. Talk to her about things they like or both enjoy. Remember to act confidently, be fun and cheerful so that she realizes how you have changed.
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 8
Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Step 8

Step 3. Confess to her that your feelings for her are still strong

After asking for forgiveness and recovering the friendship, you can finally confess to her that you want to get back together with her. Look for a romantic place and the right time to do it. It won't hurt if you are at your peak.

  • Be honest and reasonable about your feelings. Don't blame her for things she may have said or done wrong. Focus on yourself. Admit that you have often thought into the reasons why things went wrong and point out that you have changed. Show her that you have become more patient, condescending, and that you are able to control and correct your flaws. Prove all this by avoiding, for example, pointing out the mistakes and defects of others.
  • You could say things like: "After we broke up, I noticed that I was looking for love in the wrong places and I realized that you were giving me exactly what I needed; it's a real shame that I realized it late."
  • Or you can say, "You won't like it, but almost everything I do now I do for you. You have made me a better person. I am aware of what it means to love someone only since I have known you. my life with you, but this time in a better way because I can't deny that I'm still in love with you. I would lie to myself and the whole world if I didn't."
  • Make sure you have resolved the problems that led to the breakup of the relationship. Remember why it happened so that you learn from your own mistakes. Prepare a strategy and talk to her about it. It is useless to get back together if you make the same mistakes again. If you weren't attentive enough to her feelings, now that you talk openly to her make sure you are receptive. If you didn't get along with his friends, make an effort. If you have come up with an attack plan to fight anything that could go wrong, you will impress her favorably.
